A List of The Best Exercises For A Slim Waist and A Flat Tummy
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A List of The Best Exercises For A Slim Waist and A Flat Tummy
Published on: 22th Apr,2022
Last Updated on: 03th Jun,2022

Most women tend to put on weight around their waistline and pelvic area and there is no logical explanation for the same. It just is, so it is very important to make sure that you work your core muscles (which frame your waist) and to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep a check on whether the waistline is going beyond a desirable limit. It’s no secret that it’s only workout and some specific waist exercises for women that  will help you get a slim waist and stay in shape. So, we decided to curate a list of exercises that will help you reduce your waist size and fat quickly. Take a look!

Best Workout For Slim Waist And Flat Tummy

There is no one exercise that will magically reduce all your waistline fat and help you get a slimmer waist. There is a bunch of exercises for a smaller waist that will help you get that strong core and a slim waist.

Bicycle Crunch

An easy exercise for waist reduction, bicycle crunches give you a cardio hit as well as an ab burn and is one of a kind. 

How to do:

  • For this exercise lie down and raise your head and  shoulders, and place your hands behind your head and your legs in tabletop position.
  • Now bring your left elbow towards your right knee while keeping your left leg at a 45 degree angle.

Side Plank

When talking about the best workout for slim waist and flat tummy then we can’t miss side planks. An exercise that engages the lateral muscles of your core, and strengthens your obliques, side planks is something you should never skip.

How to do:

  • For a side plank lean on the left side of your body keeping a straight line from head to toe and bend your arm and elbow keeping it directly under your shoulder.
  • Hold it for 30-45 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Burpees are another exercise that will help you immensely if you want to have a smaller waist. A full body conditioning exercise, burpees work every muscle group in the body and if you do it along with a push up then this exercise will be even more exhausting.

How to do:

  • For burpees start by spreading your feet, shoulder width apart, keeping your head up and back straight. Then squat and place your hands on the floor.
  • Now place all your weight on your hands as you put your feet in plank position.

Russian Twists

Another exercise that you can include in your slim waist workout is Russian Twists. This exercise helps in improving your body muscles and alongwith toning your waist will also work core and shoulders.

How to do:

  • For Russian Twists, lie down on your back and raise your knees and bend them at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your feet are just hovering off the floor and hold the weight right above your chest. Don’t use your legs but your abs to raise your torso and keep it at a 45 degree angle with the floor.
  • Now twist your torso towards your left and raise your arms but keep your arms straight. Repeat on the other side.


Squats target your hamstrings and glutes and are popularly known as an exercise that works the thighs and the butt. However, this exercise also affects the waist. This exercise burns calories and helps in reducing your waist size.

How to do:

  • Stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Now keeping your back erect, bend on your knees and bring your arms at the front, take a deep breath.
  • Go as low as you can and then stand back up. And use your arms for balance and breathe out.

Now that you know about waist exercises for women we hope you would consider indulging in some of these. If you want to now workout at home then do it with FITCOACH- an AI-enabled fitness coach that learns all about your fitness needs and goals and recommends workouts accordingly. As you go ahead and follow workouts recommended by FITCOACH, it monitors your habits and what you do and how you do it to improve the recommendations every time. The more you workout, the more exercise it recommends, the more it learns about your body and fitness preferences and helps you achieve your goals faster and in a more organized fashion. With FITCOACH you can work out anywhere be it your home or any other personal space. It even lets you create your own workout to work on different parts of the body.

If you want to join a gym and be more consistent and want a more enthusiastic environment to workout or want to join some sports classes then do it with FITPASS- India's largest network of gyms and fitness studios that offers you the freedom to workout wherever and whenever you want. You can choose from 1,50,000+ workout sessions and 5,500+ gyms and fitness studios across the country.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How to get a slim waist?

To achieve a slim waist, combine cardio exercises, strength training, and a healthy diet low in processed foods and sugars. Focus on exercises like planks and side bends, and maintain consistent physical activity and balanced nutrition.

How to get a smaller waist?

Combine cardio, strength training, and core exercises to achieve a smaller waist. Focus on a balanced diet rich in whole foods, avoid processed sugars, and stay hydrated. Consistency in exercise and healthy eating is key to seeing results.

How to get a thin waist?

Exercise regular cardio and strength training to get a thin waist, especially targeting the core. Maintain a healthy diet that is low in sugars and refined carbs. Consistency in your fitness routine and proper nutrition will help reduce waist size.

How to get slim waist?

Achieve a slim waist by incorporating cardio, strength training, and core exercises into your routine. Eat a balanced diet rich in whole foods, avoid sugary snacks, and stay hydrated. Consistent exercise and healthy eating are essential.

How to get small waist?

To reduce your waist, focus on cardio, strength training, and core exercises. Maintain a balanced diet with whole foods and avoid processed foods and sugars. Consistency in exercise and nutrition is crucial for achieving the desired results.

How to get smaller waist?

Achieve a smaller waist through regular cardio, strength training, and core exercises. Follow a balanced diet rich in whole foods, avoiding processed sugars and refined carbs. Consistency and dedication to your routine are crucial to success.

How to lose side waist fat?

Lose side waist fat with cardio exercises, strength training, and a healthy diet. Focus on exercises that target obliques, such as side planks and Russian twists. Maintain a calorie deficit to promote fat loss.

How to slim your waist?

Slim your waist by incorporating cardio, strength training, and core exercises into your fitness routine. Follow a balanced diet rich in whole foods and low in processed sugars. Consistent exercise and healthy eating are essential for results.

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