The 5 Healthy Sandwiches Your Tummy Will Thank You For!
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The 5 Healthy Sandwiches Your Tummy Will Thank You For!
Published on: 16th Apr,2019
Last Updated on: 09th Aug,2022

Young or old, all are fond of this dish. You can simply forget about the fork and all the cutlery items while gobbling up this delicious snack. Guess what? Sandwiches! Just throw two slices of bread with some filling and you’re good to go for picnic, office, or school.

You can consume them every day with no regrets. Quick and easy meal, it can be prepared in a number of variations. Whether you’re going to a bakery near you or to a fancy restaurant, Sandwich will follow every menu card. It can never go missing!

The best thing about Sandwiches? They can be eaten in many ways, giving your taste buds a different flavor each time. Amongst those countless number of styles of making sandwiches, we’ve grabbed for you some very popular Healthy Sandwiches with their benefit

For pacifying mid-day hunger or solving hassles of deciding what to have in lunch, fill your tummy with these fresh and toothsome Healthy Sandwiches that packs a lot of nutrition and happiness overloaded for your body. So, let’s dive right in?

1. Boiled Egg Sandwich

Boiled Egg Sandwich

Running late? No time to make breakfast? Why worry when you can prepare a delightful meal with just boiled eggs in a jiffy? Nothing can be as simple and fast as prepping a sandwich having all the goodness of eggs. 
This nutritious sandwich is made with multi-grain bread slices packed with 2 boiled and peeled eggs, finely chopped green pepper, mayonnaise, black pepper powder, finely chopped onion, a dash of red chilli sauce, butter, and fresh coriander leaves. 
Your mouth-watering sandwich is now ready to be devoured! If you’re a cheese lover, you can put on some cheese slices as well and enhance its taste more. 

Get a cue of the amount of nutrition you’ll get with Boiled Egg Sandwich

  • Serving size- 1 sandwich
  • Calories- 300
  • Carbs- 35g
  • Fat- 7g
  • Protein- 6g

2. Cucumber Cheese Sandwich

Cucumber cheese sandwich

Isn’t just a mere thought of cucumber brings a refreshing wave to your mind? Whether it’s a kid’s party or you’re packing something for your brunch, Cucumber and Cheese Sandwich will make a perfect choice. 
Grab a multi-grain bread slice, spread cream cheese, and place well the cool green cucumber slices. Cover the filling with another slice of bread on top. Put pepper and salt to add taste. Season with lemon juice and here’s ready your Healthy Sandwich of the day!

The nutrition you can grab from an easy-to-prepare Cucumber and Cheese Sandwich-

  • Serving Size- 2 Multi-grain Breads
  • Calories- 230
  • Carbs- 15g
  • Fat- 10g
  • Protein- 9g

3. Tofu, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich

Tofu, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich

It takes next to no time to prepare a dinner for you on those days when you’re rushing late from office. All you need to do is take 2 slices of multi-grain bread, spread butter on each side of both the slices. You can also replace butter with cheese. Place fresh lettuce and tofu over butter or cheese and embellish it with sliced tomato topping. 
Sprinkle some salt and pepper, grill until the bread turns golden brown and cheese melts. Feast on a heavenly meal and we bet you’ll fall in love with this simple yet zesty recipe!

Nutritional facts of Tofu, Lettuce, and Tomato Sandwich-

  • Serving Size- 1 sandwich
  • Calories- 320
  • Carbs- 24g
  • Fat- 16g
  • Protein- 17g

4. Chicken Salami Sandwich

Chicken Salami Sandwich

Are you a non-veg lover? Then, you’ll surely love this combination of a sandwich. Chicken Salami is one of the popular Healthy Sandwiches people love to relish at any time. Take 2 multi-grain bread slices with putting mayonnaise, chicken salami, gherkins chilli flakes, cabbage, and Italian seasoning in between. 
Heat a pan, toast the sandwich until it gets golden brown and this is where every non-vegetarian will get a boost of appetite in no time.

Know about the nutritional facts of a Chicken Salami Sandwich

  • Serving- 2 slices of multi-grain bread
  • Calories- 228
  • Carbs- 29g
  • Fat- 9g
  • Protein- 11g

5Beet Hummus Sandwich

Beet Hummus Sandwich

Even the simple things can turn wonderful at times, and so does the Beet Hummus that brings with it a strong punch of luscious flavors and a lot of protein. Beets give the sandwich a pretty pink shade while making it a Healthy Sandwich. 
With steam removed beet, drizzle some olive oil, lemon juice, pepper, tahini, lettuce, garlic cloves, chickpeas, salt, sprouts, and make a 2-sliced multi-grain bread sandwich that you’ve never tasted before!

Know the nutritional facts of a Beet Hummus Sandwich

  • Serving Size- 1 sandwich
  • Calories- 50.1
  • Carbs- 5g
  • Fat- 2.5g
  • Protein- 2g

Is there any excuse to not go healthy when such appetizing Healthy Sandwich Recipes are right here? So, the next time when you’re dealing with hunger pangs, but don’t wish to binge on junk food, count on a Healthy Sandwich of your choice of dressing and toppings. 
Include veggies, chicken, or green leaves and let your hunger come to rest with such easy Sandwich variations.
This summer, revive up yourself with all the fresh and green Healthy Sandwiches. Download FITPASS APP for more healthy diet information and getting in touch with ace nutritionists. 

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