Raghav Kundra
3rd Jan, 2025
Kickstart Your New Year: FITPASS Launches FITPASS 360 & FITPASS 180 Plans!
Kickstart your New Year with FITPASS 360 & FITPASS 180 plans. Access 8,100+ gyms, classes, and wellness services to achieve your fitness goals in 2025!

Raghav Kundra
31st Dec, 2024
Why FITPASS Subscription Plans Are the Perfect Start to Your Fitness

Raghav Kundra
13th Dec, 2024
Dealing with Burnout? Here's What You Can Do

Raghav Kundra
9th Dec, 2024
What is Gluten and why is Maida Bad for Your Health?

Raghav Kundra
6th Dec, 2024
15 Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds

FITPASS Editorial Team
22nd Apr, 2022
A List of The Best Exercises For A Slim Waist and A Flat Tummy
One of the areas most people, especially women want to lose weight around is the tummy. If you are looking for the best workout for slim waist and flat tummy then we have answers.

FITPASS Editorial Team
4th Jul, 2019
12 Top Exercises To Reduce Your Beer Belly
If you are more into a beer belly then these 12 best exercises are for you to reduce your beer belly. You will see a noticeable effect on your waistline by cutting down your beer belly. Let’s dig deep into these exercise and burn the beer belly fast !

FITPASS Editorial Team
10th Jun, 2019
Gluten Free Diet: Foods To Avoid And Eat For Weight Loss
A Gluten free diet strictly excludes the gluten from your diet plan. Know the importance of gluten free diet , how to lose weight with tips and side effects of gluten free diet . Here, learn how a gluten-free diet can help you to improve your long-term health.

FITPASS Editorial Team
16th May, 2019
Top Benefits Of Plank Exercise And Correct Postures For Weight Loss
Power up your midsection with the calorie-blasting Plank workouts. Including Plank workouts will add explosiveness . Let's check all about Plank workouts!

FITPASS Editorial Team
2nd May, 2019
13 Simplest Exercises To Lose Belly Fat - Try Now!
Belly Fat Exercises to successfully flatten your stomach and building a six-pack have been revealed to you now. Drop love handles easily and gift your body a beautiful shape with these Killer Belly Fat Exercises.

FITPASS Editorial Team
25th Mar, 2019
10 Easiest Natural Ways To Lose Belly Fat Quickly
Discover the 10 easiest natural ways to lose belly fat quickly! Unlock practical tips for a healthier, slimmer you. Start your journey to a fitter lifestyle now.

FITPASS Editorial Team
15th Feb, 2019
9 HIIT Cardio Workouts To Burn Fat From Hips, Thighs & Belly
High-Intensity Interval Training and HIIT cardio workouts both are incredible while expending more fat. Just get up and keep your pulse up and expend increasingly fat in less time. They make an oxygen inadequacy in the body in this manner growing the body's prerequisite for oxygen in the midst of the effort.

FITPASS Editorial Team
22nd Jan, 2018
5 Tips To Prevent Bloated Belly
In the midst of all hustle-bustle happening for the upcoming party/wedding, you notice your bloated belly. Stress level rises as for how the heck will you flaunt the designer lehenga or the crop top. Might as well have the perception that you have gained weight leading to taking up on fad diets and starvation, yet again resulting in irritability and mood swings hampering the party mode for you and everybody.

FITPASS Editorial Team
19th Jul, 2017
Tips To Reduce Belly Fat And Get A Healthy Body Post Delivery
Tips to reduce your belly fat and saggy abs. Every woman knows that belly fat and saggy abs are very much tough to deal with and are not impossible to reduce. Just follow your balanced diet and exercise regularly with dedication and find your way back to a normal healthy lifestyle.

FITPASS Editorial Team
21st Dec, 2015
How To Reduce Emerging Beer Belly
Beer Belly is one of the biggest problem 21st century people are facing. Here is a list of things which will help you in reducing your Beer Belly.
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