Home Workout Tips to Prevent COVID-19
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Home Workout Tips to Prevent COVID-19
Published on: 29th May,2021
Last Updated on: 11th Mar,2022

Recurrent outbreaks of Coronavirus pandemic and frequent lockdowns that never seem to end have severely affected daily workout routines in gyms and fitness centers. One should adopt innovative ways of being active despite staying indoors to prevent Covid-19 infection.

There seems to be no end to the stringent restrictions of mask usage, social distancing, and repeated lockdowns. These regulations are necessary to prevent Covid-19, which is just refusing to go away. However, these rules have compromised our daily workout routines, long walks, and visits to the neighborhood jogging parks, among others.

However, this need not affect one’s pursuit of good health because a sound physique is also essential to maintain sound immunity. There are many exciting and practical options to maintain our health, to adopt an active lifestyle and exercise routine at home. If you are feeling isolated, then get a FITPASS-TV subscription to join the activities by participating in live fitness sessions. Read ahead for some of the useful tips to maintain your health and boost immunity during these trying times.

  1. Be physically active

Be physically active

This is the least you can do to derive at least some benefits to better health and improved blood circulation. Global health organizations suggest that people under home isolation or lockdown should adopt an active lifestyle. You need to do a moderate-intensity workout or any other physical activity of 150 minutes and 75 minutes of an intense exercise routine at home a minimum of two days a week. Since work-from-home is about to become a new normal even after the pandemic is over, one should cultivate a habit of taking frequent breaks to walk around the house. This will also reduce strain on the eyes. The breaks should be every half an hour. Design a standing desk for a more active style of working.

  1. Stair climbing

Stair Climbing

Climbing stairs is a simple and highly rewarding exercise. You can do this exercise without leaving your home. Start climbing stairs up and down for at least fifteen minutes a day and you will give a pat on your back after a month. The seemingly straightforward home workout not only improves your stamina but also strengthens your calf muscles and reduces your waist size. While climbing stairs, you are moving upwards and this helps your body work against gravity. The exercise of climbing stairs is much better than running because it is much more demanding. Stairs climbing is an aerobic exercise for burning fats faster than usual exercises of walking and running. You will reduce your cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation with regular stairs climbing. 

  1. Online fitness solutions

Online fitness solutions

It would be prudent to join a reputed online fitness class during the extended periods of hibernation aka lockdown restrictions. Online fitness channels such as FITPASS-TV allow members to join the fitness activities for a full-body workout at home, dance classes, and many more. You can also avail of attractive FITPASS plans that enable you to save a whopping 70 percent on memberships. Online training plans are customized to help you achieve your diet and fitness objectives. Some of the advanced fitness portals are leveraging Artificial Intelligence to design personalized training and home workout routines. The schedules are also flexible to help you enjoy your daily workout routines according to your convenience.

  1. Home workout with no equipment

Home workout with no equipment

Workout need not be an intense activity with help of gym equipment. You can meet your fitness goals by following simple yet the best at-home workout exercises using no equipment. These exercises make use of body weight to lose weight and enhance blood circulation for stronger immunity. There are a plethora of home gym workout options ranging from light and low-intensity to advanced training that involves strenuous exercises such as HIIT exercises. Ideally, one should begin by targeting large muscles for better core strength and stability. Pushups, lunges, squats, and planks are some of the easy yet useful home workout options to boost immunity and prevent Covid-19. Surya namaskar or the Sun Salutation is the most comprehensive full-body workout at home with no equipment.

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