How to Stay Active during Quarantine | COVID-19 Prevention

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Social distancing is the hope around the globe that will possibly reduce COVID-19 cases. So far, we haven’t been able to contain it and the number of cases is increasing. Whole cities are on lockdown – employees are working from home and schools are shut as are other public places like gyms and fitness studios.
Social distancing is easy in theory but in practice, it takes a toll on the minds of us social animals. Staying physically active is a challenge when you’re at home for weeks on end. Reduced physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle affect your health and lifestyle. Moreover, staying at home for long periods might lead to increased stress and anxiety. This is where physical activity can help in remaining calm and taking all the necessary precautions during the coronavirus pandemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends getting 75 minutes of high-intensity or 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. You can workout at home with virtually no equipment and very little space. Get personalized fitness routines with an AI-enabled fitness coach – FITCOACH – for dynamic recommendations based on your needs and preferences to stay fit and healthy at home in the time of COVID-19.
Tips by WHO to stay active during a quarantine
Instead of taking out an hour or two (although it wouldn’t be too bad) to exercise, you can simply break it down into short bouts of physical activity. For example, take time to play with children. Clean your room and assemble your furniture or other things like you have wanted to for so long – this is the opportunity. Dance to your favorite tunes with or without your family members around. Indulge in gardening – install plants in your room or take care of the ones on your balcony.
What can we not do with technology? Not only do you know about the best gyms and studios in your area, but you can now also peruse professional content on your smartphone to workout. Get a membership or subscribe to one of the workout recommendation services like FITCOACH. Our videos in HD are curated with an emphasis on form and technique for the best results.
Walking around in your home or even on the spot is the difference between a sedentary lifestyle and being active. Get up and pace around whenever you’re on a call instead of just taking it on your seat. Walking outside is not advisable, so make the best of your balcony or terrace. If you do step out, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other people.
Make it a habit to get up after every half hour of desk time. Or set up a desk where you have to stand and work. You can sit and work too as long as you remember to stand every half hour. Whenever you’re sitting, don’t just be on your phone, tablet or laptop. Read, do puzzles or play games with your friends and family.
Coming across all the negative news and being shut up at home can be unnerving. Take deep breaths and meditate to relieve stress and anxiety and to remain calm. Get your 7-9 hours of sleep you might have missed out on for a long time. Use this time to rejuvenate yourself.
The WHO suggests eating healthy and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoiding sugar-sweetened beverages and limiting alcohol intake is essential, especially for pregnant women and young people. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, limit salt, sugar, and fat intake. Avoid refined foods and have whole grains instead. FITFEAST gets you in touch with certified nutritionists for daily diets and other nutrition related needs based on your preferences. Get personalized diet solutions on chat or call at your convenience to stay healthy when you're in isolation.
Exercises to do at Home during Quarantine
The following exercises are recommended by the WHO for you to stay healthy and fit at home:
The standing knee to elbow is a good exercise to start your workout. This functional exercise raises your heartbeat while also strengthening your core. Additionally, it also works the upper legs. The action of lifting your knees towards your body works the entire hip flexors.
Stand straight with your feet at hip-width and raise one knee and touch it with the opposite elbow. Alternate the sides and perform for up to 2 minutes. Do 3-5 sets with a break of up to 1 minute in between.
One of the best exercises out there, the plank benefits the core, improves metabolism, improves posture, reduces back pain, and boosts mood.
Lie stomach-down on a yoga mat and place your elbows directly under your shoulders. Let your lower body rest on your toes and keep your hips level with your head. Don’t let your buttocks extend up toward the ceiling or bend down toward the ground. Hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat 3-5 times with a rest period of up to 1 minute in between.
Often termed as the best bodyweight exercise, you should do squats at home when in quarantine or not. It is the perfect exercise for the lower body, especially your legs and glutes.
With your toes pointing slightly outward, place your feet at hip distance and bend your knees. Keep your heels on the ground and do not let your knees extend beyond your feet (when seen vertically). Bend only as far it is comfortable for you. Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions with a minute of rest in between. Don’t force yourself to do it if your knees hurt.
This exercise strengthens the butt muscles along with the back of the thigh known as the hamstring. The bridge exercise benefits the core by improving stability along with the lower back and hip muscles.
Lie face-up on a yoga mat and place your feet firmly on the ground. Make sure your knees are directly over your heels before you lift your hips slowly. Hold for at least 5 seconds before lowering your hips back down slowly. Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps with a rest period of up to 1 minute in between.
The back extension exercise increases the strength of your lower back and increases its endurance abilities. It enables you to perform movements that require your lower back. It is also known to prevent back injuries and improve overall back posture.
Lay on your stomach on a yoga mat and touch your ears with your fingertips with the elbows stretched out. Keep your legs on the ground and lift your upper body. Hold for 3-5 seconds and lower back down slowly. Do 3-5 sets of 10-15 reps with a rest period of up to 1 minute in between.
The child’s pose is one of the best exercises to relax and unwind several body parts. It stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles in addition to reducing stress and fatigue. Performing the child’s pose stretches the back torso muscles and relaxes the front body muscles. It is also good for soothing the brain and relieving stress. It helps with neck pain as well.
Place your knees on the ground and sit with your hips on your heels. Bend your upper body forward without lifting your hips and stretch your hand forward. Breathe normally as you hold this pose for 20-30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
Also known as Viparita Karani, legs up the wall is a yoga pose that relaxes the body and mind thereby restoring their normal functions. It is an easy pose with amazing health benefits. It increases blood circulation, soothes swollen/cramped feet, stretches the hamstrings and lower back, and relaxes the pelvic floor.
Place your mat next to a wall and bring your hips as close as 5-10 cm to the wall. Let your legs stretch upward and rest. Close your eyes and relax your body. Do deep breathing and concentrate on your breaths without letting any thoughts take hold of your senses. Hold the pose for up to 5 minutes to de-stress.
Apart from these, you should check out side knee lifts, superman, chair dips, chest opener, and meditating.