All You Need to Know About COVID-19 or Coronavirus
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All You Need to Know About COVID-19 or Coronavirus
Published on: 30th Mar,2020
Last Updated on: 11th Mar,2022

Coronavirus has spread at an unprecedented, alarming rate. From its origins in Wuhan, China in December 2019, it has spread to almost 200 countries and territories. Hundreds of thousands of people have been affected and thousands have died the world over.

In this post, we discuss all about Coronavirus. Read on to find ways to prevent coronavirus. Try FITCOACH – AI-enabled fitness coach for dynamic workout recommendations. Checkout FITFEAST for daily diet suggestions from expert nutritionists on chat or call. Exercising and eating healthy help in keeping your immunity up and make you less vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Symptoms of Coronavirus

The coronavirus is nothing like the doctors and scientists have witnessed before and they are getting new information every day. Coronavirus symptoms do not manifest themselves right away – you might have the coronavirus disease for 2 to 14 days before the symptoms manifest themselves.

Common Coronavirus Symptoms

  • Cough that gets worse over time
  • Low fever that increases over time
  • Shortness of breath

The coronavirus symptoms vary from person to person – some might experience severe symptoms while others might only have the mildest of symptoms. You should call on the emergency number if you witness any of the following coronavirus symptoms:

  • Blue face or lips
  • Breathing problems
  • Pressure or pain in the chest
  • Excessive drowsiness
  • Confusion

The Difference between Coronavirus & the Common Flu

The Difference between Coronavirus & the Common Flu

Common knowledge dictates that the effects of coronavirus are more harmful than those of the seasonal flu even though they are similar. It is hard to distinguish between the two because some people have mild symptoms and do not need to seek medical help. However, the number of deaths due to coronavirus makes it more harmful than the flu.

Common Flu Symptoms

  • Cough
  • Runny/stuffy nose
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Body aches and fatigue

Coronavirus Causes

Coronavirus Causes

Although the origins of the coronavirus are still being debated, it is believed that it is a zoonotic, which means that it developed initially in animals before transmitting to humans. A human must have come into close contact with an infected animal to catch coronavirus.

Once it developed in humans, other humans can get infected through respiratory droplets of the infected person. These droplets can come in contact with healthy people if the person with coronavirus disease coughs or sneezes. The virus in the droplets can be breathed into the windpipe and lungs and cause an infection.

Researchers believe that the virus may have originated in bats, snakes or pangolins before transmitting to humans. The likeliest possibility of COVID-19 being transmitted into humans is being considered in the open food market in Wuhan, China.

The People at Risk to the Effects of Corona

The People at  Risk to the Effects of Corona

In case you, or anyone else for that matter, have come into contact with someone carrying the coronavirus in India or abroad, you can get it. Exposure to an infected person’s saliva when they coughed or sneezed is a definite way to contract coronavirus disease. You are a high risk of getting it if:

  • You share house /home with an infected person
  • You’re meeting or helping an infected person
  • Your husband or wife has contracted it

The effects of coronavirus are more severe on older people with the following health conditions:

  • Heart problems
  • Asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Immune system problems like HIV
  • Obesity
  • Cancer that requires treatment at the earliest
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease

The risk of complications in people with these health problems is high if they contract coronavirus. Pregnant women have a very high risk of complications, which is why they, along with old and unwell people, should be the first to be isolated.

Coronavirus Diagnosis

Coronavirus Diagnosis

Like other viral infections, COVID-19 can be tested using a tissue sample, saliva or blood. Certain tests use a sample from the inside of the nostril with a cotton swab. A majority of government-run pathology labs along with a number of private diagnostic labs are conducting the coronavirus test in India. The best way to get tested is to call on the central helpline number for coronavirus – 011-23978046.

If you witness any symptoms of coronavirus, talk to a doctor immediately to find out whether you should stay at home to watch your symptoms or go to the hospital for treatment.

Coronavirus Treatment

As of now, there is no specific treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. Currently, there isn’t a cure for the infection either but work is ongoing. The current treatment for coronavirus includes managing the symptoms. Experimental treatments such as the following are being used to see if they can be used in the long term:

  • Blood plasma transfusion
  • Antiviral or retroviral medication
  • Lung swelling reducing steroids
  • Mechanical ventilation

How Coronavirus Affects the Body | Complications

Pneumonia is the most serious complication of a type of coronavirus known as 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). Around 1/5th of the people admitted to hospitals in Wuhan, China had NCIP. Most of the people who died due to this disease were older on average with underlying health conditions. Apart from NCIP, patients might experience the following complications:

  • Arrhythmia – irregular heart rate
  • Cardiovascular shock
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Heart damage/attack
  • Fatigue
  • Myalgia – severe muscle pain

How to Prevent COVID-19

Limit or avoid contact with people showing coronavirus symptoms or other respiratory infections. If that isn’t possible, practice social distancing and good hygiene to prevent the spread of viruses.

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and wash them frequently
  • Wash your hands before touching your face, especially eyes, nose or mouth
  • Stay home if you have flu or cold symptoms
  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet, especially from people who are coughing or sneezing
  • Use a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Dispose of the tissues immediately. Do it on the inside of your elbow if you do not have access to tissues 
  • Use disinfectants to clean objects you touch a lot – phones, computers, door handles, etc.
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