9 Best Full Body Workout Routine At Home And Gym

9 Best Full Body Workout Routine At Home And Gym

FITPASS Editorial Team28 June, 2019Updated on : 16 Jan 2024

Full body workouts need to train your full body. Full body workout can provide an overall toning to your body and help you achieve your desired fitness objectives.Full body workouts can make you know how your body is reacting. As a beginner you can start your full body works slowly and once you get used to the routine, you increase the intensity for better results.

List of Full Body Workout Routine 

1. Squat


The squat is popularly known as the best full body workout when it comes to fulfil your fitness desires. Most of the people consider it as a perfect leg exercise but in reality it is one of the best full body workouts that work for the whole body. 

Whether your goal is to gain strength or to lose weight, squats are our savoir. Men, women, children or even as a beginner irrespective of their ages can try their hands on this incredible exercise.

2. Burpees


This incredible workout doesn’t any type of machines. The Burpee workout works for your arms, back, chest, core, glutes and legs. Burpees also take care of your heart rate as much as sprinting. This killer full body workout will burn up to 50% and more calories per minute. It can even improve the metabolism if done faster about 10 sets a min.

3.    Pilates


Pilates is considered as one of the best full body workouts as it follows a precise workout with a number repetitions and adjustments. Pilates not only helps you burn calories but also provides a sharp toning to your muscles. It will help you to build a healthy and fit life cycle by promoting your lifestyle habits.

4.    Boot Camp

Fitness Boot Camp

Fitness works better with group energies and enjoyments. You have to be a sport to enjoy this high-energy total body conditioning workout. Boot Camp is where you come along with your friends, explore your wild and the warrior spirit and go back with a lot of memories.

Full Body Workout Routine With Dumbbell Including Your Chest,Shoulders, Arms,Back and Legs:

Including Dumbbells in full body workout routine can help you to exercise your whole body. For each body part there are wide assortments of dumbbell full body workout routine that can be performed to furnish the body with a specific strong fitness advantage. 

Any type of full body workout with dumbbells will enable you to prepare your body at once which is incredible for relieving any quality with sided characteristics that you may have created. You can do the full body workout routine by including your chest,shoulders, arms,back and legs.

5. Dumbbell for chest

Dumbbell for chest

Building your chest is not an easy task nor its a matter of rocket science. You want to make your chest muscles look huge and appealing. The best dumbbell full body workout to enhance your chest muscles are dumbbell seat press and dumbbell flyes. 
There are numerous more full body workout dumbbell exercises for your chest, that you can include your exercise list which will enable you to develop your chest muscles without utilizing some other gear.

6. Dumbbell for Shoulders

Dumbbell for Shoulders

A large portion full body workouts identified with shoulders follow up by the utilization of dumbbells. There is dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell military press, dumbbell sidelong raises, dumbbell front raises and shrugs which can enable you to shape your shoulder objectives.

7. Dumbbell for Arm

Dumbbell for Arm

Dumbbells are most likely the best full body workout to develop your arm muscles including biceps and triceps. For arms there are numerous dumbbell workouts for you to uplift your arms. However it would stick to fundamental one-sided dumbbell twists and skull crushers.

8. Dumbbell for Back

Dumbbell for Back

There are numerous full body workout routine for your back . Some of them one-sided deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts. Counting the dead lifts there are dumbbell presses also. Both are ground-breaking back activities, which you can stick up in your standard exercise list.

9. Dumbbell for legs (Calves, Quads, Hamstrings)  

Dumbbell for legs (Calves, Quads, Hamstrings)

For full body workout routine we can’t ignore our legs. We can do Dumbbell squats which is best full body workout for your legs. With time, you simply need to push your commitment and demonstrate some diligent work. 

Do full body workouts burn fat?

Doing full body workout regularly isn't just about muscle growth. If your main fitness goal is to burn your fat then a full-body workout is a good way to burn more and more fat. One of the easy fitness formula for your fitness. Just work more in  your muscles and burn more calories day by day.

What are the benefits of doing full body workout?

Full body workout can build muscle mass faster than traditional weight lifting methods. Full body workouts are fantastic because they target multiple muscles simultaneously in every exercise. They are compound movements that do not work a muscle in isolation but work multiple muscles in the same exercise.

Is it possible to build muscle with full body workouts?

Yes, the full body workout will give you the muscle gain which will work in many muscle groups. Each workout will contain one exercise per major muscle group and two isolation exercises of your choice.

Include full body workout in your daily workout routine and once you see your fitness result in your body by doing this type of full body workout. You will soon realise that it became an addiction.

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