Try This: Best Full Body Workout Routine For Muscle Gain
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Try This: Best Full Body Workout Routine For Muscle Gain
Published on: 3rd Nov, 2022
Last Updated on: 16th Nov, 2023

The full-body workout routine is an engaging workout for all heavy lifters who want to gain muscle in less time. The workout targets the major muscle group in your body, including the minor ones that bring about the best impact on your gains and build & tone your muscles. This routine is for intermediates as well as for beginners. Full-body workout are popular among workout enthusiasts who thrive to build lean muscle mass. If you are a beginner, then this blog shall offer you a step-by-step guide that you can follow and gain the body that you desire.

The reason why this workout is more effective is that you’re trained to work hard three days a week. Yes, the workout is sufficient if you perform it thrice a week, but performing it right is the key. Let’s look into some of the best workout routines to gain muscles.

Best Full Body Workout Exercise

In this section, we are incorporating a few workouts that will help you to reduce fat and obtain lean body mass. Doing it thrice a week allows you to optimally recover between training sessions. The best way to accomplish targeted goals and achieve strength is by including compound exercises in your workouts. Compound exercises require multi-joint movements to achieve a full range of motion. This results in maximum muscle performance, resulting in a higher calorie burn and more muscle stimulation. Exercise and perform under expert supervision to find the best version of yourself.


A perfect exercise to begin with, the deadlift is an ideal hip-hinge movement that builds the entire posterior chain. Maintaining a proper body posture and lifting the optimum amount of weight can guarantee you the desired result. Keeping the exact bodily form can also bring about an injury-free experience, so you must tend to follow the right form. Not many people can keep up with the traditional weightlifting technique. Hence, engage in a subtle lift if you are a beginner. The most popular among beginners is the trap bar deadlift, putting the lifter in a more upright position.


Squats are the epitome of the best fat-burning and muscle-building exercises. It is a compound exercise that follows a very fundamental leg & core movement pattern. Unlike deadlifts, squats require an entire mobility technique. Incorporating squats into your fitness routine can guarantee you a good result as it involves quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves leading them to grow. It’s a perfect lower body movement engaging the core muscles, activates the whole body, and develops strength. To begin with, you can perform a basic front squat or goblet squat.


Another back mass-building exercise in this fitness routine is a barbell bent over a row. If you want to build the coveted V-taper, follow the perfect row movement pattern. However, this routine can be effective yet can lead to serious back injuries if not performed correctly. One can build a stronger upper body by indulging themselves in different variations of the movement. These include Barbell row, reverse-grip barbell row, dumbbell row, one-arm dumbbell row, Prone incline row, T-Bar row & row centric-back workout. If you are looking for a perfect fitness center to perform gym workouts near you then download the FITPASS app, and begin your workout routine at your nearest gym.

Bench Press

The bench press is another compound exercise that can be executed with your full-body workout routine exercise. You can do bench presses with a pair of dumbbells or a barbell. Simply lie down on a flat bench under the rack that holds the bar. Lie on the bench, under the bar rack. Draw your shoulder blades back behind you. This workout involves the pectoralis major of the chest, the anterior deltoids of the shoulder, and the triceps brachii of the upper arm. Bench Press works as a holistic upper body regimen and must be followed with a proper bodily posture.

Overhead Press

The final movement to incorporate into your full-body workout routine is the overhead press. It primarily targets the muscles of the shoulder but shall also target the triceps. For better shoulder development and muscle gain, this workout can work wonders. The prime focus is to develop a stronger core engaging the upper body balance. The movement also keeps your abs as well as glutes engaged for a better range of motion.

Full Body Workout Notes:

Include them with your other weight training to witness the maximum results.





































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Frequently Asked Questions
What's the best workout plan to gain muscle?

A balanced workout plan to gain muscle includes resistance training (weightlifting), compound exercises (squats, deadlifts), adequate protein intake, and sufficient rest and recovery.

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