5 Full-Body Workout Tips to Recharge Yourself Everyday

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The significance of daily exercise to boost immunity is a foregone conclusion. One must follow a basic exercise routine at home to perk up resistance to common infections while maintaining physical fitness during pandemic restrictions.
If you are postponing your gym workout routine because of lockdown restrictions, then you need to adapt yourself to a regular schedule of a home workout. Workout at home is a new normal and is essential for toning up your body and improving immunity against a plethora of infections including COVID-19.
There are several ways to maintain your fitness without visiting a gym or using no equipment. And if you want to add excitement to your workout at home, then try FITPASS-TV for enjoying live workout sessions and much more.
Following are some immunity-boosting workout examples that leverage your weight and gravity to achieve the desired level of fitness. You will require sparing just a few minutes every day to complete these moves. Aim for two sets by repeating each exercise at least ten times. Do not forget to take a minute’s rest after every move.
This is a wonderful and easy exercise to strengthen the back of your body, including your thighs. The bridge is also an excellent exercise to improve glutes and abs. You will achieve core stability as the bridge focuses on the hips and back. The bridge is an ideal exercise to add to any full-body workout routine. Despite being a suitable warm-up exercise, the bridge can also be a perfect rehab exercise, if you are aiming at stabilization of the core and spine. This a great exercise to boost immunity during and even after the pandemic.
Lie down on your back by keeping your knees in a bent position. Keep your hands at sides with palms facing the floor and place your feet firmly on the floor. Push up your abdomen by tightening buttocks and abdomen muscles and hold for a minimum of ten seconds before returning to the original position. Repeat the bridge exercise ten times for the best results. Avoid lifting your lower back too high because this may cause strain.
As your body warms up after bridge exercise, you are ready for side lunges, which are more dynamic and demanding. Adding windmill arms movement to lunges will make this exercise more intense. Focus on balancing your body as you perform windmill moves rapidly. The exercise also needs precise coordination between the upper body and extremities. For a body-toning workout routine, consider joining FITCOACH, an advanced fitness resource that grows with you and tracks your performance with the help of AI led fitness coach ARIA.
Keep your legs wide apart while standing. Stretch arms in opposite directions and keep them parallel to the ground. By slightly bending forward to bring the right hand down in a swift motion towards the left foot and simultaneously rotate the left hand to point upwards. Repeat the same with the left hand touching the right foot. Maintain the circular motion like a windmill while changing sides. Continue for a minimum of two minutes for the best outcome.
Burpees are extremely popular because they focus on important muscle groups and are quite challenging too. Burpee is a two-in-one exercise as it combines a pushup and a leaping action to do sit-ups. You can burn more calories with burpees and enhance your stamina. This exercise is a good option to build strength and fitness for the upper and lower body. The addition of burpees to your workout routine is a must if you are looking for a full-body workout.
Start by sitting in a squat position, and straighten your back and place your palms on the floor in front of you. Put all weight on your hands and quickly kick your feet backward and rest them on toes. Now you are in a pushup position. Continue to do a pushup and jump up as soon as you complete the pushup. Get back to the original position to repeat the burpee.
Squatting is one of the most useful bodyweight exercises. Squatting exercises are ideal for strengthening the leg and core. Regular squats will help you improve your form and refine your everyday movements. Use a chair for doing squat exercises. This will help you gain more confidence for doing sit-ups and other squatting exercises. FITPASS-TV is your trusted partner for performing exercise routines at home.
For a chair squat, stand with your back to the chair and extend your arms forward. Keeping the hands in the same position, slowly sit down on the chair for a moment and get up. Now, perform the same exercise by removing the chair. The sitting position should be such that your knees are bent at a right angle. While getting up, push up by forcing your weight on heels. Remember to keep your hands extended away from you throughout the exercise. Repeat five sets with twenty-five reps in each set. Begin with chair squats initially and then move on to bodyweight squats without using a chair.
Perform pushups by beginning with knee pushups to get your body used to the strain. Pushups are great to build your stamina and arms, and chest muscles. These are useful for individuals who have to spend hours sitting in front of the computer. For knee pushups, start in a plank position with knees placed on the floor. Push your body up keeping your knees on the floor and by bending at elbows and return to the original position. Perform pushups without a chair by starting in a plank position without touching your knees to the floor. As you push your body upwards, hold it by placing your weight on palms and toes. You can do up to fifteen repetitions. A maximum of five sets will yield the desired benefits of pushups. Try this immunity-boosting workout at home every day for optimum benefits.