Workout Tips | Benefits Of Regular Exercise
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Workout Tips | Benefits Of Regular Exercise
Published on: 16th Dec,2019
Last Updated on: 17th Jan,2024

Exercise should be a part of your daily workout routine. Period. Exercising is a guaranteed way to stay fit, improve overall well being, and reduce the onset of diseases. However, you don’t need to workout every day, especially if you go for muscle building gym workouts or HIIT sessions.

Indulging in moderate-intensity exercises every day won’t do you any harm. But listen to your body – push yourself but don’t overdo it. Mixing it up is a good idea – try new workouts every now and then to keep it interesting. Get FITPASS to choose from over 200 workout routines and attend sessions at 3,500+ gyms and fitness studios across 12+ cities of India.

How long should I workout?

Irrespective of the workout program, a day of rest each week is advisable. As long as you don’t push yourself too hard that it leads to an injury, you can workout 7 days of the week. Although, it would be hard for you to workout every day if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing.

While it’s highly irregular, if a day of rest puts you off of your schedule, then just go for a short and light workout on the would-be a rest day. 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise for 4-5 days every week is enough. If you want to do an intense workout, then just 15 minutes for 5 days a week is enough.

Benefits of Daily Workout

Keeps you Happy

Regular exercise benefits the brain – it regulates the chemicals and the parts that manage stress and anxiety. Exercise increases the production of “happy hormones” – serotonin and norepinephrine – and reduces depression.

Strong Muscles and Bones

The hormones released when you workout increase the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acids that facilitate growth and prevent breakdowns. Muscle mass and function tends to go down with age, which can lead to injuries. Regular physical activity reduces muscle loss and helps you maintain strength. Moreover, exercise benefits bone density and prevents the onset of osteoporosis.

Improved Mental Health

Regular exercise benefits mental health by increasing heart rate, which increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Exercise stimulates brain cell growth and prevents chronic diseases that affect brain function. Regular physical activity prevents oxidative stress and inflammation, which delays changes in brain functions.


Whether you workout at the local park or at a fitness center, regular workout promotes socialization, which is an essential human need. Friends or acquaintances not only motivate you to workout harder but encourage you to be regular as well.

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

Lack of exercise increases belly fat, which increases the risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Regular exercise benefits body composition, cardiovascular fitness, and insulin sensitivity. The benefits of regular exercise include improved blood pressure and blood fat levels.

Improved Energy Levels

Regular exercise for up to 6 weeks reduces fatigue levels according to a study. Regular exercise benefits people with serious illnesses and chronic fatigue symptoms as well. It improves energy levels in people with progressive illnesses like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and AIDS.

Weight Loss

Inactivity leads to weight gain and obesity – major factors in the development of chronic diseases. Regular exercise increases the metabolic rate and as a result, calories are burned and you lose weight. A mix of resistance training and aerobic exercise can help maintain muscle mass and weight.

Skin Health

Free radicals cause damage to the cells, which leads to oxidative stress. As a result, skin health is compromised. Regular exercise benefits the skin by increasing the body’s production of antioxidants that protect cells. Moreover, exercise improves blood flow and therefore, slows down the aging of the skin.

Deep Sleep

The body expends energy when you exercise, which raises body temperature. Consequently, the body temperature drops when you sleep, therefore, improving sleep and the repair process during sleep. Exercising for up to 2.5 hours every week can help you sleep 65% better. Regular exercise benefits people with insomnia as well.

Pain Reduction

Research suggests that exercising is a great way to treat chronic pain. Pain associated with health conditions like soft tissue shoulder disorder, fibromyalgia, etc. can be reduced by exercising regularly. Exercise increases pain tolerance.

How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise Regularly

Set realistic goals and stick to your plan to meet them and you will witness a drive, discipline, and determination like never before. Daily exercise is okay if you want to lose weight or have taken up a challenge.

Find out the amount of time you spend sitting and try to cut down on it. You can try to work at a standing desk. Walk every day to the metro station and try to avoid sedentary activities. Take a short walk every hour or even indulge in mild exercises like arm circles, jog in place, etc.


Daily workout or intense exercises can cause injuries, fatigue, and burnout. These things can make you give up your fitness program altogether. Whenever you try a new routine, start slow and increase the intensity and duration gradually. If you witness an intense chest and pains, cramps or feel nauseous, dizzy, or sick, cut down on your workout time and intensity.

Talk to experts – physicians or nutritionists - if regular exercise changes your body functions drastically.

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