How To Improve Focus While Working Out
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How To Improve Focus While Working Out
Published on: 30th Dec,2019
Last Updated on: 18th Jan,2023

You might as well give up working out if you’ve stopped pushing your physical limits. Getting comfortable with the workout routine leaves no reason for your body to synthesize new muscle tissues and as a result, you see no change. Work harder than you did yesterday for improved results. 

Don’t be the person who lifts the same weight day in day out, performs the same circuits every day, and doesn’t push themselves. Don’t fall prey to the dangers of just showing up and hitting the same machines each day. Avoid staying where you are by focusing on your goals every time you hit the gym or fitness studio. Don’t be afraid of physical discomfort because that is what will push you to break your limits.

Consider trying new fitness routines to break the monotony of the same workouts each day. Join FITPASS to choose from Yoga, Zumba, Aerobics, Pilates, Spinning & RPM, Swimming, MMA, Kickboxing and many other workout routines. Workout at 3,500+ gyms and fitness studios across 15+ cities of India.

7 Tips to Enhance Focus while Working Out

  1. Time the rest periods

Time the rest periods

If you don’t measure it, you won’t manage it. Your rest periods should be consistent with every workout to get the best of your hard work during a set. For obvious reasons, your rest periods will grow longer when you don’t time them. This will only lead to reduced focus and declined intensity. So, rest for 60-90 seconds when doing 8-12 reps and rest for 2 minutes when doing 3-6 reps.

  1. Plugin some tunes

Plugin some tunes

Have a list of songs that make you groove. Listening to a fun playlist can increase focus and take you in the “zone”. Music will help you power through the workout by increasing your energy levels. More than anything else, music increases awareness and improves the pace at which you workout. So it would be a good idea to save your favorite songs for workout hours. Keep the songs peppy to avoid letting your mind wander or slacken. Pull a hoodie over the earbuds, which will avoid your attention from wandering due to visual factors.

  1. Use the ‘Airplane Mode’

Use the airplane mode

Texting and browsing are for your free time, not for when you’re on rest in between sets or on the bike for a few minutes of cardio. There’s so much going on online that it’s easy to lose your concentration and getting immersed in the plethora of content. Therefore, put your phone on airplane mode or leave in the locker room. The rest period can extend easily when you’re stuck in a series of funny memes or the day’s stories and the quality of your workout will be compromised.

  1. Prepare for your workout

Prepare for your workout

Before you reach the gym, get ready for the oncoming workout. Set the goals for the day’s workout and make sure you know what you want to accomplish. If you want to try something you haven’t tried before, read about it first or talk to your friend who knows about it. Knowing what you want to do and reminding yourself is the best way to accomplish it. While performing reps, remind yourself why you’re doing it and you’ll get the best results.

  1. Try new workouts

Try new workouts

Ever felt more interested in something that someone else at the gym is doing instead of what you’re doing? Yes, it happens to all of us. While sticking to a routine is important for particular results, you should try new fitness routines now and then. Instead of doing your daily stretching before a workout, you can go for a Yoga class. Discuss with your trainer and start a new routine and you’ll experience a newfound zeal. Choose group training lessons to refresh your mind and have some fun for a change.

  1. Workout with someone who is focused

Workout with someone who is focused

Let yourself be influenced by your company. But choose your company wisely; the best way to focus is to workout with someone who doesn’t let their attention waver. Someone who pushes their limits irrespective of the fitness routine they choose. This person will inspire confidence and encourage you, which is good for focus and intensity.

  1. Try HIIT for cardio

Try hiit for cardio

We tend to lose focus while doing cardio exercises. The clock seems to run slower and you start thinking about other exercises. While you may think that cardio requires lesser concentration than, let’s say, weight training exercises, it isn’t true. For the best results, you need to focus. Add some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to your routine to increase focus. It is hard to lose concentration in a HIIT session because the high-intensity exercises cannot be performed without your utmost concentration. You need to know when to increase speed and when to hold it back. As little as a 10-minute HIIT cardio 2-3 times every week can improve metabolism and improve focus.


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