Celebrate National Sports Day: Make Your Sport Your Workout!

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Every year on 29th August, the birth anniversary of the hockey master Major Dhyan Chand is celebrated as the National Sports Day of India. His legend and love for the game have been rightly used to encourage Indians to include sports (or any other form of physical activity) in their lives. The need for any kind of exercise, be it through sports or other forms of workout, is essential. On the occasion of the National Sports Day 2020, you should include aerobics, swimming, hockey, badminton, football, MMA (or other combat sports), or any other sport you like in your daily routine.
Make Your Favorite Sport Your Workout This National Sports Day
People who indulge in sports are more likely to lead healthy lives as they grow older. Finding your love for a sport early in life, or whenever you do, is the best way to stay active and resilient to age-related illnesses in your 70s and 80s. Engaging in sports at an early age facilitates the development of motor skills for physical activity throughout your life. For this reason, children should be encouraged to participate in sports.
Physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, helps maintain mental and physical health, and enables you to support yourself without the help of others. Some studies suggest that people who play sports are five times more likely to be fitter than those who indulge in other types of workout. However, the point of National Sports Day is to encourage you to include some sort of physical activity in your day.
5 Sports For Great Workouts
Professional boxing is another thing but boxing as a sport is a famous form of workout across the globe. First of all, it is a great workout format owing to its high-intensity. Boxing drills offer cardio, toning, and strength training benefits. Moreover, boxing is a great way to relieve stress and tension. Plus, the act of boxing helps lose weight, achieve a lean build, and more control over your body. If you want better hand-eye coordination, you need to check out boxing workouts at a gym near you. For that matter, you can check out MMA and kickboxing as well.
To dance is to exercise while having fun moving to your favorite tunes. There’s a bonus with dancing – it is a great way to express yourself. When it comes to getting better at dancing, you cannot do without a certain athleticism. Dancing encourages you to try harder and stay fit to perform those killer moves. You can choose from several dance formats – Zumba, Bhangra, Bollywood Dance, and many more. Dancing is the best sporting option for artistic individuals. You can join dance classes at gyms near you with FITPASS soon.
No sport has attracted so many individuals as cycling has in the past few months during the coronavirus pandemic. It seems as if everyone wants to get up early and go for a ride and there's a good reason for it. Cycling is a low-impact cardio workout that allows you to get from one place to another. You can take spin classes at gyms near you these days and get in a crazy workout. If working out is more than a fleeting interest for you, consider the physiques of the cyclists; through years of riding, falling, and getting up and riding again strengthens their hearts, gives them rock-solid legs, and allows them to explore places otherwise not frequented by people. You can burn a good number of calories in an hour-long cycle ride.
If there was one full-body workout, it would be swimming. While it is not quite feasible to swim these days, the pandemic will not last forever and you can go back to a swimming pool near you within a few months. Swimming is a part of this list because it is perhaps the only low-impact sport that allows you to burn hundreds of calories in an hour. In fact, swimming is advised to old people and those with injuries. It can be a great side sport in your life to improve performance in another sport. Swimming works all the muscles and body parts at once, which means you can get a good workout within 45 minutes.
This sport doesn’t get mentioned enough but it is as hard as football, basketball, and cricket if not more. If you want to try your hand at a high-intensity sport, try the National Sport of India. It is the most intense cardio workout you will indulge in because it requires you to run incessantly for up to 20 minutes on an end. Hockey training will help you build arms and shoulder strength in addition to hand-eye coordination that will make functional movements easier for you. Start working on your endurance by bringing hockey in your life this National Sports Day.
The FITPASS team wishes you a Happy National Sports Day and hopes you will add a sport to your life to stay fit and healthy!