How Delhi Likes To Workout!

A wave of fitness consciousness has swept Delhi, and rightly so! More and more people have started on their fitness journeys: working out in gyms, Yoga classes, Zumba classes and exploring many other workouts. Even more, have diversified their workouts, and added newer ways of working out to their existing workout regimes. A whopping 53% of people prefer to catch a workout during the lunchtime at an office. There is a new excitement in Delhi.
Being industry leaders, we have an insider's view of how Delhi likes to work out. At FITPASS, we have witnessed trends which go against all regular assumptions. We studied user behavior of 5000 FITPASS enthusiasts (46% males and 54% females) to gain some exciting insights. It is only fair that we share these with you.
If you want to start working out, there is no better time than now. Delhi is proving this to be true every single day by reserving workouts on the go, attending workouts near offices and malls, at any time of the day.
Get your FITPASS now, and workout wherever, whenever and however you want.