The Greatest Festive Fit Discount- Get Fit With FITPASS This Season!

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It’s that time of year again! A time to celebrate, time to indulge in fun, time for great pomp and show, time to dress up and wear beautiful new clothes and time to indulge in scrumptious dishes that are bound to be high in calorific value and are not very healthy. If you have been trying to watch your weight, control your calorie intake and take a healthy and balanced diet then this might be the time that it can all go in vain or put on some weight.
But that's not something that you can't control or something to worry about. You can stick to a diet plan, make some healthy swaps and modifications and follow some tips to make sure you enjoy the festivities and yet stay healthy. Now that we are talking about this, let's see how you can celebrate a healthy Dussehra and Durga Puja by getting a customised diet plan that suits your lifestyle and all your fitness needs and have all your fitness queries resolved with FITFEAST.
Sticking to a healthy diet and indulging in exercise has a set of benefits that you might not even be aware of but your body will thank you for following it. Apart from keeping you healthy and fit, a healthy diet and exercise also helps you sleep better and be in better control of yourself and even workout better. However, it can be extremely difficult to follow a diet and workout schedule during the festive season which is why we have made sure that your Dussehra and Durga Puja is extra special with our FITPASS Dussehra offer. You can also follow some healthy diet tips to make the festivities a healthy affair!
One of the simplest ways to handle your weight and follow a healthy diet plan is to stay away from oily foods. It's understandable that during the festive season you might find it very hard to resist the scrumptious inviting and delectable oily foods but precaution is better than cure. One of the best ways to avoid oil is to swap frying the foods with roasting them.
If you had been following a low carb diet plan throughout the year then this can be the time that might go wrong because of all the sweets you might be consuming. A smart way to avoid that is to switch from sweets to nuts. Nuts are not only low in carbs and calorific value but also will keep you energetic throughout the day. You can try roasted dry fruits and roasted makhanas.
One thing that has some amazing health benefits but is often neglected is a peaceful and sound sleep. During the festive season there is a huge possibility of you being so busy that you think that avoiding sleep can still get you through the day nicely. However if you do not get enough sleep and your body is not well rested there is a high chance that you might fall sick.
Taking a healthy diet is important but what is even more important is to stay hydrated and drink a good amount of water everyday to flush out the toxins from your body and provide the body with essential minerals and nutrients. Many think that replacing water with fizzy drinks or packaged juice might be a good idea but these drinks only dehydrate the body further.
Along with these diet tips we bring to you an irresistible Dussehra Fitness offer that you just can’t say no to. Follow our lead to know more!
We thought why not make festivities a lot more fun for you! And when we thought that we decided to come up with the best offer by FITPASS! How happy will a flat ₹300 off will make you? Because that's what we are offering on FITFEAST and FITPASS.
FITPASS is India’s biggest network of fitness studios and gyms and offers you the freedom to workout wherever and whenever you wish to. With FITPASS you can choose from 8,100+ gyms and fitness studios and among 2,25,000+ workout sessions across the country. You can not only access gym workouts but also try Zumba, Kickboxing, Swimming, Pilates, Yoga, High Intensity Interval Training, Aerobics, Mixed Martial Arts and a lot more. Get all that and a lot more with a FLAT ₹300 off with our Fitpass Membership! Avail the benefit, till the offer lasts!
You can make your Dussehra a Fit Dussehra by getting a personalized diet plan that suits all your fitness requirements and get an answer to all your fitness related questions by simply activating FITFEAST and getting in touch with experienced nutritionists who you can offer you diet tips, make a customised diet plan and pay attention to your personal needs. Our nutritionists not only offer you plans and help you lose or gain weight but also make sure that you are getting a step closer to your fitness goals to stay fit. Now this is something that you don't want to miss out on! Avail the offer and get all of this at FLAT ₹300 off!