FITPASS Editorial Team
27th Nov, 2023
Top Gyms in Akola Maharashtra
Discover fitness at FITPASS Gyms in Akola. Choose from top centers, diverse workouts, and flexible memberships. Your journey to a fitter you begins here!

FITPASS Editorial Team
17th Sep, 2023
What do 'I love options' Fitsters love about FITPASS? Multiple workout options at their fingertips!
"I Love Options" Fitsters prefer not to limit themselves to just a couple of workout types. They crave a diverse selection of versatile exercises readily accessible to them.

FITPASS Editorial Team
31st Jul, 2023
How to Set Sensible Fitness Goals for Monsoon You'll Achieve
Learn how to set realistic fitness goals for the monsoon season and actually achieve them. Get expert tips, workout routines, and stay motivated.

FITPASS Editorial Team
17th Jun, 2023
Father's Day: A Time to Prioritise Health and Fitness for Dads
Father's Day is the perfect opportunity to show appreciation to dads while encouraging them to prioritize their health and fitness. Discover tips and ideas to help fathers lead healthier lives and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.

FITPASS Editorial Team
2nd Jun, 2023
World Bicycle Day: Pedalling Towards Weight Loss
Join the global celebration of World Bicycle Day 2023. Discover the benefits of cycling for weight loss, find Weight Loss Training Classes near you, and start pedalling towards a healthier, fitter you today!

FITPASS Editorial Team
14th Feb, 2023
7 Benefits of Couple Fitness to thrive together this Valentine’s Day
Share fitness with your partner this valentine’s day and rejoice in the goodness of health and happiness together.

FITPASS Editorial Team
12th Jan, 2023
All Set To Fire-Up This Lohri With Health & Fitness
The Festival of Lohri is here, and we can’t wait to indulge in the tasty treats and celebrations it brings with itself. Don’t worry, everything is healthy, we promise.

FITPASS Editorial Team
9th Jan, 2023
Seven Stunner Strength Training Workouts to Burn as a Beginner
Begin your workout journey with these stunner strength training workouts which will help you build strength and endurance.

FITPASS Editorial Team
6th Jan, 2023
Time to Set New Year Solutions for Fitness
Resolutions are old skool! Fitness solution is now the new normal, which we aim to achieve in every walk of our life. Get a few tips on how to achieve fitness this 2023.

FITPASS Editorial Team
24th Dec, 2022
Easy Fitness Tips to Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
Here’s how you can sinfully indulge in the festive spree with fitness tips that will help to combat laziness and add life to the day.

FITPASS Editorial Team
23rd Nov, 2022
Teach Your Kids the Art of Dancing & Its Benefits
Dance is an art that not just helps you to learn a new skill but many life lessons that will help you to excel in life. Read this blog to attain new knowledge on the benefits of dance for early development.

FITPASS Editorial Team
4th Oct, 2022
Easy Ways To Indulge In Some Dussehra Fitness This Festive Season
The season of festivities is upon us and there is cheer and mirth all around us. With such pomp and show and joy around us it might be difficult to focus on fitness but with these simple tips you can try and have that Dussehra fitness experience.

FITPASS Editorial Team
23rd Aug, 2022
How is Yoga Different from Pilates: Complete Guide
Both yoga and Pilates are excellent exercises. To find out the difference between them and what's best for you, if you have a health condition, you must understand your body requirements properly. A lot of joint flexibility and mobility is required for many yoga forms, especially in the wrists, hips, and spine & Due to its low-impact exercises and delicate motions, Pilates can be a fantastic workout for elderly or those who are healing from an accident.

FITPASS Editorial Team
28th Jun, 2022
Top Gyms In Goa On The FITPASS Network For The Best Workout Sessions
A list of the top gyms in Goa for the ones who want nothing but the best workout sessions and equipment! It’s time to transform yourself and get that body you always wanted.

FITPASS Editorial Team
19th Jun, 2022
Epic Health Tips For Father’s Day That Dads Should Follow
How many times have you neglected your health and gone out to work? Or just put your health as the last priority? Well, this father’s day it’s time to make a change with these health tips for father’s day.

FITPASS Editorial Team
5th Jun, 2022
Eco-Friendly Fitness Ideas to Celebrate World Environment Day 2022
World Environment Day 2022 is on 5th June and it’s a great time to give back to the environment. This is why we bring you some eco-friendly fitness ideas to celebrate this day.

FITPASS Editorial Team
31st May, 2022
Easy Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout That Actually Work
We all know that exercise is good for us and will keep us fit but most of the time we don’t find the motivation to workout within ourselves. To help you change that here are some tips that will help you stay motivated.

FITPASS Editorial Team
19th May, 2022
World Meditation Day: Here Are A Few Ways to Celebrate It
World Meditation Day is May 21 and with that comes a reminder to be more mindful and less stressed. Here are a few ways in which you can incorporate meditation into your everyday schedule.

FITPASS Editorial Team
9th Mar, 2022
The Perfect Exercise For Every Body Part: Transform Yourself
If you are wondering what can be the best exercise for every body part and can’t figure out which would actually help you get closer to your dream body then we have answers.

FITPASS Editorial Team
3rd Mar, 2022
Gyms And Fitness Studios In Lucknow On The FITPASS Network
A list of some of the best fitness centers and gyms in Lucknow on the FITPASS network that you must know about. These studios have all the equipment and facilities you could ask for.
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