How to Set Sensible Fitness Goals for Monsoon You'll Achieve
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How to Set Sensible Fitness Goals for Monsoon You'll Achieve
Published on: 31st Jul, 2023
Last Updated on: 4th Aug, 2023

Staying adhered to your fitness routine is hard work and requires plenty of commitment. Every day there may be obstacles that could tempt you to skip your gym day. This monsoon season, you may find yourself in a similar predicament. With unpredictable weather, heavy rains, and increased cravings for comfort food, it can be a challenge to maintain a consistent fitness routine during the monsoon.

However, with just the right approach and planning, you can use the monsoon season as an opportunity to rejuvenate your fitness enthusiasm, rather than the other way around. In this blog, let us look at how you can set sensible fitness goals that you can achieve during the monsoon.

Step Back and Assess Yourself Honestly

fitness goal and plan

To form a fitness goal and plan your way towards it, you first need to understand where you stand fitness-wise. Be totally honest with yourself and evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, and overall health. Zero in on where you need the most work. This will not only help you form a realistic plan but also enable you to manage your own expectations.

Set Measurable Goals

Set Measurable Fitness Goals

The first mistake beginner fitness enthusiasts make is to not set a specific and measurable fitness goal. Simply hitting the gym with a vague goal like ‘getting fit’ won’t do you any favours and may hinder your progress, because you won’t know how far you’ve come and how far you have to go.

Hence, always set specific and measurable goals that are within your reach. For example, aim to exercise for a fixed number of days per week and stay committed to it, or target a specific weight or body fat percentage and work hard to achieve it.

Set Goals That Are Attuned To The Monsoon

 Monsoon Fitness Goals

It's crucial to set realistic goals that take into account the limitations and challenges of the monsoon season. Factors such as rainy days, limited outdoor activities, and monsoon food cravings may throw a spanner in your set routine. Adjust your expectations accordingly and set goals that are attainable in your current circumstances.

Incorporate Indoor Workouts

The monsoon season may make it difficult to exercise outdoors, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on your fitness routine. Embrace indoor workouts that you can do at home or join a gym or fitness studio. Plenty of effective workouts like HIIT, bodyweight exercises, yoga, pilates, and Zumba do not require any special equipment and can be done indoors easily.

Do Not Neglect Nutrition

During the monsoon season, it's common to crave comfort foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients. To stay on track with your fitness goals, pay extra attention to your nutrition. Opt for healthy, nourishing meals that include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Be mindful of portion sizes and limit your intake of sugary and fried foods. You can find an expert nutritionist near you for guidance on the best diet.

Focus on Hydration

The cooler temperatures of the monsoon season mean that we’re not very thirsty most of the time and end up drinking less water. Proper hydration is crucial, regardless of the season.  It's essential to drink enough water and fluids to support your overall well-being and physical performance.

Create a Schedule That Works Well In Monsoon

Workout Schedule for Monsoon

Your regular fitness schedule may not be suitable for the monsoon season. Ensure that you modify your existing schedule that works well in the monsoon season as well. Include rest days, meal planning, and plan for any contingencies that may interfere with your schedule. Look at a few excellent tips to get fit on rainy days.

Be Flexible and Adapt

While it's very important to set a schedule and stick to it, it's equally important to be flexible and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. If the weather prevents you from going for a run, find alternative indoor activities or modify your workout routine. The key is to maintain a positive mindset and find ways to overcome hiccups.

Setting sensible fitness goals for the monsoon season is a terrific way to maintain the health and well-being that you’ve nurtured all year. With the right kind of determination, adaptability, and support, you'll achieve your fitness goals come what may. You can also seek the help of personal trainers to lose weight, attain a sculpted body, increase muscle mass, increase strength and so many fitness goals this monsoon.

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The writers, storytellers and day-dreamers - making sure that they pen down their thoughts in the best possible manner. With an expertise in writing for Health & Lifestyle, they used the platform to share their knowledge to the readers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you stay fit in the monsoon?

You can stay fit in the monsoon by following a suitable workout schedule, incorporating indoor exercises, and opting for healthy food.

What are the 4 main goals of fitness?

Fitness goals may be different for different people. Four common fitness goals are losing weight, increasing muscle mass, improving strength and achieving a well-sculpted body.

How do you write fitness goals?

Set realistic fitness goals that are achievable and specific instead of jotting down vague goals like ‘I want to get fit’. For example, if your end goal is to lose weight, aim to lose 3-4 kg of weight in a month.

Can't find an answer? Reach out to our team directly at or dial 1800-5714-466.
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