Father's Day: A Time to Prioritise Health and Fitness for Dads
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Father's Day: A Time to Prioritise Health and Fitness for Dads
Published on: 17th Jun,2023
Last Updated on: 17th Jun,2023

Father's Day, which is celebrated on the third Sunday in the month of June, is a day reserved for appreciating and honouring our fathers and what they do for the family. This month, Father's Day 2023 falls on the 18th of June, and it’s as good a time as any to encourage dads all over to prioritise their health and fitness. 

This beautiful day is not just about showering our dads with love, appreciation, and gifts. It's also an opportune moment to remind them about the importance of their health and well-being. As fathers, they often prioritise their family's needs above their own, leaving little time or energy for taking care of their own fitness. A study conducted on the changes males undergo after becoming fathers showed that many fathers not only gain weight after the baby’s delivery but also lose nighttime sleep, increasing their risk of developing systemic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

Health & Fitness for Dads

This Father’s Day, let us enable our fathers and other paternal figures to focus on their health so they can live a long and happy life that’s disease-free. Here’s how you can make the most of the upcoming Father’s Day to help your fathers imbibe a culture of fitness. 

Family Workout with Kid

Father’s Day can be the perfect time to start family workout sessions where everyone in the family can participate. You can gather your entire family in your living room or garden and practise simple exercises like jumping jacks, squats or even yoga poses. Such family workouts can also be carried out at gyms. Exercising together is not only a great way to stay fit but also promotes familial bonding and allows you to spend time with each other.

Outdoor Activity with Kid

Another great way to promote fitness for dads on Father’s Day is to plan outdoor activities that involve some form of workout. Activities like hiking, cycling, swimming or playing a game of badminton, tennis or squash in the park are great options. Such outdoor activities will ensure that your fathers get their daily quota of physical exercise while having fun and at the same time, create lasting memories with the family. 

Prepare Healthy Meal

Quite a lot of fun can be had in the kitchen, especially if you’re preparing a meal with your family. This Father’s Day, encourage dads to be involved in preparing a healthy and delicious meal. It can be a fun cooking activity where they can explore nutritious recipes and experiment with healthy ingredients. Fathers will understand the benefits of balanced diets and these sessions may change their ideas of what they can eat to remain fit.

Father Day Run

Many communities organise charity walks or runs on Father's Day. Encourage dads to participate in such events. It not only supports a good cause but also provides an opportunity for them to engage in physical activity while spending time with their loved ones. Sign up as a family and make it a memorable experience.

Health Gifts

Instead of traditional gifts, consider giving dads health and wellness-related gifts. Something like a fitness tracker can be pretty useful in helping them monitor their physical activities and actively pursue better fitness and health.

Another excellent gift you can give your father on the upcoming Father’s Day is to download the FITPASS app on their smartphone to locate gym workouts nearby or give them the benefits of a home workout with a FITCOACH membership. FITCAOCH is an AI-based fitness assistant that can offer curated fitness plans to help your father achieve their fitness goals.

To encourage healthy eating, you can also opt for diet plans with FITFEAST, which involves consultations with expert nutritionists who can draw out daily meal plans based on your dad’s fitness needs.  

Father's Day celebrations can be inclusive of health and fitness, while also ensuring that dads have a memorable and enjoyable time with their families. By incorporating these excellent ideas, dads can begin to prioritise their well-being not just on Father's Day but also continue doing so throughout the year. 

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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it important for dads to prioritise health and fitness on Father's Day?

Fathers often neglect their own health and fitness in a bid to provide for their families, which can result in weight gain, loss of sleep, and propensity for diseases. Father’s Day is a great opportunity for fathers to prioritise their health and remain disease-free. 

What are some practical ways for dads to incorporate health and fitness into their Father's Day celebrations?

Preparing healthy meals, planning outdoor activities, engaging in family workouts and practising mindful relaxation are some practical ways to incorporate health and fitness into Father’s Day celebrations.  

How can prioritising health and fitness on Father's Day have long-term benefits for dads and their families?

Prioritising health and fitness will ensure that our fathers engage in physical activities and maintain a balanced diet throughout their life. This can prevent diseases in the future and ensure that they live long and spend quality time with their families.  

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