The Benefits of Practising Mudras: An Ancient Practice

The Benefits of Practising Mudras: An Ancient Practice

FITPASS Editorial Team14 June, 2023Updated on : 17 May 2024

In today's modern and fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become very common owing to busy professional and personal lives. People are actively looking for ways to achieve work-life balance and improve their overall well-being. The ancient practices of yoga and mudra are among those rare ways where people can slow down and contemplate both inward and outwards. Mudras, especially, have gained popularity for their holistic benefits. 

In this blog, we’ll look into the numerous benefits of practising mudras and how the art of mudras can be seamlessly integrated into our modern lifestyles. 

What are Mudras?

Mudras are specific positions or gestures of the hands and fingers that are meant to be symbolic and spiritual in nature. Mudras can be practised individually or as part of a meditation exercise or yoga asana.

Sometimes mudras can also involve the entire body, at other times mudras are often limited to hand gestures. Just like many power yoga postures, a power mudra also has plenty of physical and mental benefits. 

Benefits of Practising Mudras

Harmonizes The Connection Between Mind and Body

Mudras are based on the principle that different fingers of the hand represent specific elements and energies within the body. The thumb represents the fire or agni element, the forefinger denotes vayu or air, the middle finger represents akasha or the air element, the ring finger denotes prithvi or earth, and the little finger stands for water or jal element.

By forming these hand gestures, you can activate and channel the flow of energy, allowing for a stronger mind-body connection. Regular practice of mudras can help harmonise the body's energy systems, promoting overall health and vitality.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

One of the most significant advantages of practising hand mudras is their ability to reduce stress and induce a state of relaxation. Certain mudras, such as the Gyan mudra, are known to calm the mind, alleviate anxiety, and improve focus.

The simple act of holding a mudra can create a sense of tranquillity, making it an excellent tool for managing stress in our hectic lives. Try the Gyan Mudra fresh in the morning along with these 6 early morning yoga poses.

Improved Physical Health

Mudras have been found to benefit our physical health too. Different mudras are believed to stimulate various organs, glands, and systems in the body.

For example, the Prithvi mudra is believed to enhance digestion and metabolism. Regular practice of mudras may improve blood circulation, boost the immune system, regulate hormonal balance, and support overall physical well-being.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Concentration

Today, the world is filled with many distractions and this may have resulted in decreased attention spans across different age groups. Achieving mental clarity and focus can be challenging these days. Mudras can be powerful tools to enhance these mental qualities.

The Hakini mudra (touching the tips of all fingers together) is believed to improve memory, concentration, and overall brain function. Incorporating mudras into meditation or daily mindfulness practices can help quiet the mind, improve focus, and promote mental clarity.

Regulating Emotions

Mudras are also effective in balancing emotions and regulating the flow of energy within the body. Each finger in a mudra represents a different element or energy, and by touching specific fingers together, you can activate or balance those energies.

For example, the Varun mudra (little finger and thumb touching) is thought to balance the water element in the body, helping to release emotional tension and promoting a sense of calmness.

Helps to Look Inward and Achieve Self-Realisation

Apart from physical and mental benefits, mudras have also been associated with spiritual growth and self-realisation. By practising mudras, individuals can deepen their meditation practice, enhance their spiritual connection, and find out more about themselves and their actions. Mudras can aid in unlocking inner wisdom and expanding one’s consciousness.

Thus, in order to slow down our lives and achieve a sense of calmness, one can practise the unique art of powerful mudras. They can be done anywhere, at any time and they’re suitable for anyone, regardless of age or physical fitness.

To seamlessly incorporate mudras and yoga into your fitness routine, all you need is the FITPASS app. You can not only find the best yoga classes near you, but with our innovative AI-led fitness assistant FITCOACH, you get specially curated fitness routines based on your preferences and fitness goals. Now you can learn mudras and hatha yoga poses for beginners from certified yoga instructors.

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