7 Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat Fast
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7 Yoga Poses to Reduce Belly Fat Fast
Published on: 06th Apr,2023
Last Updated on: 06th Apr,2023

Are you planning to get rid of that stubborn belly fat and get ready to serve the summer with fitness? Are you also someone who can’t perform high-intensity workouts and sweats that easily? It’s time to incorporate a few yoga poses into your workout routine. Yoga asanas are easy and effective to practice. Perform yoga for belly fat reduction and get effectively fit. 
The belly is by far the toughest region to work on as any negligence in your fitness plan can bring back the stubborn belly fat. These yoga poses will help you to reduce fat from your belly region, tone your ab muscles and core, reduce lower belly fat, and get you a thin waistline. Along with fat reduction benefits, performing yoga can also help you to become flexible and stay fit from within. One of the sole motives for performing yoga is to offer holistic wellness inside out. This blog will explore some of the best yoga for weight loss which you can perform from the comfort of your home. 
Note: While we offer you the best yoga poses, make sure you don’t forget to focus on your breath as breathing plays a vital role in each Yoga mudra. Also, make sure you keep your tummy tucked in throughout the workout for maximum benefits. 

The most popular and proven Yoga technique to reduce belly fat is Suryanamaskar. Suryanamaskar includes 12 essential yoga poses that will help you to develop good cardiovascular strength. If you want, you can begin by performing suryanamaskar and then follow with the following exercises. Or you can simply begin with Tadasana in the first place. 

Tadasana is a perfect kick-start to your yoga session. It’s a warm-up asana that activates the core and improves blood circulation.
How to perform:

  1. Stand straight keeping your shoulders hip-width apart. 
  2. Put your hands straight, keeping them parallel to the ground, and cross your fingers with each other. 
  3. Breathe in and pull your hands straight above your head.
  4. Stand on your toes and exhale as you come down 

This yoga asana will not just help you to eliminate your belly pooch but also cure your indigestion and constipation. This position also induces the burning of fat from your belly area. Don’t forget to breathe while you hold this position for 30-40 seconds. 
How to perform: 

  1. Lie flat on the ground.
  2. Pull your knees towards your chest and inhale deeply. 
  3. Exhale and release your abdominal muscles while maintaining the same posture. 
  4. Release in Shavasana and repeat. 

Naukasana is one of the most challenging yoga asanas that will get you maximum results if you maintain performance consistency. This works incredibly great for your ab muscles and gives you a tight core. It also helps you maintain a good balance for your body while toning your torso. 
How to perform: 

  1. Lay down on your yoga mat.
  2. Lift your legs and upper body off the ground like a boat.
  3. Elevate them for at least 45 degrees, placing your butt on the ground for support.
  4. Keep your hands straight and parallel to the ground. 

Works perfectly for your rectus abdominis and other lower belly muscles, this yoga asana is a definite asana to be added to the circuit. It also treats your back pains, improves the functioning of your reproductive organs, etc. 
How to perform: 

  1. Lie flat on the mat.
  2. Raise your one leg and bring it at 90 degrees
  3. Practice it with an alternate leg raise and check whether your back remains tucked to the mat. 
  4. Now, bring both your legs at 90 degrees
  5. Breathe in and breathe out as you bring your legs down and repeat. 

One of the key asanas performed in Hatha Yoga, Paschimottanasana works on multiple levels. It gives an essential stretch right from your back to your hamstrings while eliminating your belly fat. For ladies, it is a perfect exercise to ease your menstrual pains and balance your monthly cycles. 
How to perform: 

  1. Sit on the mat and keep your legs straight.
  2. Raise your hands above your head and take a deep breath. 
  3. Bend forward and try to touch your toes, keep your core tight. 
  4. Let your forehead touch your knees. 
  5. Hold the position and breathe.
  6. Modification: To excel in this, you can have a gentle bend on your knees. 

This move is perfect to improve your posture by releasing stiffness from your back muscles. Along with that it also tightens your core, tummy, and lower belly. 
How to perform: 

  1. Maintain a prone position on the mat. 
  2. Keep your hands on either side of your body. 
  3. Bend your knees towards the ceiling. 
  4. Elevate your upper body and hold your ankles. 
  5. Look straight and keep breathing.  

Perfect to maintain balance, develop your core strength and straighten your spine, this yoga asana sums up your complete Yoga session. It also eases your lower back pain and gives you a good stretch front and back. It also tightens your glutes and buttocks. 
How to perform: 

  1. Maintain a prone position on the mat. 
  2. Keep your hands on either side of your body. 
  3. Elevate from the legs and torso. 
  4. Take the support of your lower abdomen. 

If you want to learn more about the art of Yoga and want to practice with the experts in the industry, then download the FITPASS App and tune in to FITPASS-TV, where you can get live workout sessions and insights on the form.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How to reduce belly fat with yoga?

Incorporate yoga poses like Boat Pose (Navasana), Plank Pose (Phalakasana), and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), combined with a balanced diet and regular practice.

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