Workout To Get Fitter And Wiser: Life Lessons We Get From Exercise

Reducing weight, burning calories, toning down and preventing health problems may be some of the goals that you workout for. But they are only peripheral. Our body and mind both are involved when we perform any activity. The same thing goes for workouts. Exercise helps you to develop physically and mentally. Here are some major life lessons that we get from daily workout and fitness.
1. Just Do! : It may be as simple as jogging every morning. But the first step to do this is to get out of that bed. You may have set your goals last night, but in the morning you may just think it to be impossible. That’s what you should work on and just do it. Maybe on the initial days, a 5-minutes jog can get you tired. Maybe even after two weeks, you cannot reach your target of jogging around your whole colony twice. The core mantra is to just do it, attempt it and face the obstacles as many times as is required to reach the goal. That’s life!
2. Don’t Fail But Learn: The one thing that we are scared of, embarrassed and avoid more than anything else, is to fail. In life, we either win, or we learn. So, if you cannot do 80 crunches today or can’t attain perfection in a certain yoga pose do not mean you have failed. It means that now you know what to do or how to do it. You become wiser. Just like in life, we lose multiple times while working out. And never give up is what workouts teach us.
3. Dedication Gets the Brownie Points: You are so regular at the gym that even when the apocalypse hits, you may dodge the fireballs and go to workout. But then there are days when you just don’t feel like it. On those days you just want to binge watch your favorite series with a bowl of popcorn by your side. But you know you are dedicated when you keep aside this ‘feeling’ and hit the gym anyway. This is the moment when your inner dedication scores more brownie points than any external motivation. In life too you have those days when you want to procrastinate and laze out but don’t. You work because nothing is more important to you than your goal.
4. Become a Good Planner: Have you ever noticed how exercise turns you into a good planner? While exercising, you do not start with just anything. Instead of working out as you feel like, you have a certain order in the exercises and the number of reps you perform. You learn that proper planning helps you to get effective results in time and that, in turn, make you a good planner in life. You know how to organize and prioritize your daily chores.
5. Endure and Value the Pain: There is a reason why the clique of ‘no pain, no gain’ is still popular. It is because it is practical. Workouts provide you with resistance. You have to go through a lot of pain before you reach the level of a well-sculpted body. Fitness, therefore, teaches you to endure the pain and enjoy the struggle in life before you achieve the goal.
6. Your Focus Should be You: A workout is something that you do for yourself, for your own improvement and benefit. It is the activity that brings and develops the confidence that you thought was not there. Exercise teaches you to concentrate on yourself, to love and uplift yourself. Those 30 minutes at any fitness center, outdoors, in the pool or at your home is solely yours. There’s no compromise in that.
7. Patience and Consistency: When you are starting with a fitness regime, you know that the results will not come to you overnight. And yet, you hurry to see the results. Some of you even quit because you think there is no improvement. But continuing to workout dedicatedly and regularly shows the boons of being patient and consistent. This is a major life lesson that any fitness routine imbibes in you. It is because, in all walks of life, love or work, you need to be patient and consistent to ultimately reap the harvest.
See, how workout and fitness can transform you into a completely new person? Value the metamorphosis that you go through inside out in your fitness journey to enjoy the radiance of the goal. Become all the things that you would admire in yourself through a proper workout.
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