Home Workouts That Will Leave You Happy & Sweaty
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Home Workouts That Will Leave You Happy & Sweaty
Published on: 9th Feb, 2023
Last Updated on: 13th Mar, 2023

Are you getting started with your home workout plan? A home workout is perfect if you can’t manage your time to go to a gym or fitness studio. Set a workout routine at home and start attaining fitness from your comfort. But where to start – indeed, a good question.

Home workouts may not seem better if you look for an intense power-pack workout session. Full-body workouts are better performed at a fitness center under the supervision of experts who guide you through your workout session. Gym equipment plays another part to enhance workout results. But don’t worry, even a simple home workout plan can offer you great results if done right.

In this blog, we will suggest some of the great exercises that will leave you hot and sweaty. These exercises are perfect for your home workout plan promising a quick sweat and maximum results. If you want some assistance with your home workouts, then let ARIA – AI Led Smart Fitness Coach take the lead. With FITCOACH you get your fitness coach who adapts to your fitness needs and offers HD video demonstrations for home workouts.

Exercises for Home Workout

These are no-weights workouts but performing these workouts with weights can be a game changer for you. Combine these workouts with dumbbell or ankle weights and see the difference.

Jumping Jacks

The best cardio workout to begin with, Jumping Jacks are intense and can leave you sweaty in seconds. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands with every jump. Jumping jacks work on your full body including, arms and core.

Split Squats

Stand with your legs apart. Push from the front foot, bending from the knees. Keep repeating the movement with one side then switch to the different side. A great lower body workout, targeting all the major muscles of your legs, including glutes, hamstrings, thighs, and calves.


Burpees are a functional anaerobic exercise that utilizes most muscle in your body. They keep on burning calories even after you are done with your workout session. Burpees are the combination of jumping and push-ups. These are the perfect full-body weight workout that will give you maximum results. Even performing burpees alone can guarantee you a good amount of sweat.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers test your patience and resilience at the same time. Form a high-plank position, and keep your core tight. Bring your knees towards your elbows, while crunching your abs. Follow the momentum by alternating with legs. Increase the intensity of the workout gradually.

Bicycle Crunches

A perfect core crunch and leg punch workout that will leave you drenched. Lie down on your back, keeping your head and shoulders elevated. Raise your legs in the air. Now bring your elbow to the opposite knee and perform it the other way around. Don’t forget to keep your core tight.

Pull Ups

Find a door frame in the corner of your house to carry on with your pull-up session. Start by hanging on your door frame, and retain the position for some time. Then bend from your elbows and pull up from your shoulders, drawing yourself up. It is a perfect back exercise at home, strengthening the back muscles, arms, and shoulders, and even improves your grip.

Hip Bridge

Lie down on your back. Roll your legs from your knees and keep your shoulders hip-width distance apart. Now elevate your waist keeping your torso straight. Bring it back on the ground. Hip-bridge is a perfect glute as well as lower belly workout. Don’t forget to keep your core tight while performing this workout.

Plank Dip Twist

A workout that is as straightforward as it seems but as twisted as it is performed. The plank dip twist exercise judges your strength and core. Come down on a plank position and twist your body from side to side. This exercise works great for your abs and obliques.

Push Ups

Push-ups are the perfect upper body workout that strengthens and tones your upper body muscles. It even boosts your athletic performance. It benefits your functional fitness by strengthening your arms, chest, and triceps and even tightening your core.


End your workout sessions with the final minutes dedicated to plank exercise. Plank elevates the fat-burning process, targets your core, and burns belly fat fast. It also improves posture and flexibility. Your elbow must be in line with your shoulders and belly button tucked under.

You can make different sets of these workouts and perform different sets every other alternate day. Start with performing each exercise for 30 seconds with 15-20 seconds of rest time. For more fitness and workout solutions download the FITPASS app and get started with your fitness journey right away.

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