Reduce Muscle Soreness & Pain for a Better Muscle Gain
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Reduce Muscle Soreness & Pain for a Better Muscle Gain
Published on: 28th Dec,2022
Last Updated on: 16th Nov,2023

No pain, no gain!

We must have heard this phrase so many times mainly when we talk about post-workout muscle soreness. The big gains are made only possible when you put tension on your body and stress your muscles. How negatively this sounds, and how positively it can work is our main concern here. Sore muscles after the workout are considered to be a natural phenomenon. We experience pain every time we perform a new workout routine. It also happens when you have recently increased the intensity or duration or changed the type of your workout. The connective tissues around the muscles get damaged leading to the sensation of pain.

This is experienced by every individual as we all tend to develop our muscles the same way – by breaking them. Experts have suggested that muscle soreness is due to micro-tears happening in our muscles. These muscle tears are necessary so that we build our muscles the way we want. As the body heals, these muscle tears are repaired, leading to stronger and healthier muscles. But what about the pain it gives? Sometimes it becomes difficult for us to keep up with our daily chores, bearing the immense pain of muscle soreness. So, what now?
In this blog, let’s explore some easy dealing tips to tackle muscle soreness and relieve sore muscles fast.

Tips to Tackle Muscle Soreness

  1. Keep Moving

A lot of people feel distressed about the fact that their new routine has led them to the path of muscle soreness. Believe it or not, it’s not the time to sit back and sob about it. The best way to get rid of muscle soreness is to keep your body moving. Stay active with your daily chores, opt for minimal exercise and you’re good to go.

  1. Divide Routine

It’s better to divide your workouts according to different muscle groups. Set one day for legs, another for core, and so on. Dividing workouts shall ensure you’re giving each muscle group a chance to relax. Overworking on the already sore muscle group will lead to intense pain or worse, muscle damage.

  1. Salt Water Therapy

Soak up in nice salt water and relax. Epsom salts are the best way to relax your sore muscles and reduce redness. When placed inside water, Epsom salt breaks down into magnesium and sulphate. As they seep into your skin, they give immense relaxation to your muscle tears. 15-20 mins of salt water therapy can help you to get rid of your sore muscles.

  1. Water’s Way

Water provides enough electrolytes for your body that keeps you energized. It transports nutrients inside your body and loosens your joints which works well for muscle pain after the workout. Even water can also help you to avoid getting sore muscles if your body remains strong enough.

  1. Ice Pack

Sore muscles, skin inflammation, swelling, etc., can be relieved by massaging the area with ice packs. They help you heal the pain and redness and offer a soothing sensation that calms your nerves. Intense pain is reduced and muscle spasms are also relieved.

  1. Carbs and Proteins in Post-Workout Snack

Nutrition is as necessary as hydration. Supplying sufficient nutrients to your body can help you achieve big gains and get rid of the pain. We must never be out of energy due to a lack of nutrition. Carbs and proteins build stronger muscle tissues that help you recover sooner. Yogurt, protein bars, veggies, milk, egg, etc., are perfect to consume after a workout if you experience soreness.

  1. Take a day off

If muscle soreness is the most disturbing feeling for you then sit back and relax. It’s important to keep our body active but you may not necessarily need to work out just to remain active. Take a day off from your workout, perform light stretches and simply rest. Also, make sure you take a proper 7-8 hours of sleep for the muscles to recover quickly.

Things to Remember:

Muscle spasms are often mistaken as sore pains. Muscle soreness can last up to 3 days. But if the pain remains in the same condition, then it’s better to consult a doctor and treat it in time. Prolonged muscle soreness can also be a sign of an injury and can keep weakening your bones from within.

Usually, it’s a serious pain when:

  • Muscle soreness lasts more than a week
  • Pain gets worse when you move/workout
  • Pain gets unbearable mainly at nights
  • There is an immense redness
  • You experience trouble breathing
  • The treatment doesn’t work
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