Paneer Vs Tofu Protein: What’s The Difference And Which Is Healthier?

Paneer Vs Tofu Protein: What’s The Difference And Which Is Healthier?

FITPASS Editorial Team12 September, 2022Updated on : 09 Apr 2024

Table of Contents

When discussing healthy eating habits or starting a new diet plan, one question often arises the debate between Paneer and Tofu as protein-rich sources. Which one is more nutritious, provides more protein, and aids weight loss? Although they may look similar, Paneer and Tofu have distinct nutritional values, offer different health benefits, and have unique preparation methods. Let's delve into the key differences between these two popular foods.

Key Takeaways

  • Tofu is a plant-based, soy-derived food, while Paneer is an Indian cheese made from milk.
  • Tofu is lower in calories, fat, and carbohydrates than Paneer, making it a better choice for weight management.
  • Paneer is higher in protein, making it a better option for muscle building and weight gain.
  • Tofu is richer in iron and suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance, while Paneer contains lactose.
  • Paneer is a good source of calcium, promoting bone health, while Tofu can meet the calcium needs of vegans.
  • Tofu has a lower environmental impact compared to the dairy-based production of Paneer.
  • Incorporating Paneer and Tofu into a balanced diet depends on individual dietary needs and health goals, but they can be suitable for most people.

What Is Tofu?

what is tofu

Tofu is a plant or soy based food made from soybean milk and has different varieties as well like  soft tofu, silken tofu, firm tofu, fermented tofu and more. Tofu originated from China and gained popularity in Southeast Asian cuisines very soon. Not just that, when people learnt about the benefits of tofu it popularised in the western supermarkets as well.

What Is Paneer?

what is paneer

Paneer on the other hand is often referred to as Indian cheese and is made from cow, goat or buffalo milk and needs citrus substances for the curdling process. Sold fresh at many dairy shops and supermarkets around the country, Paneer is a popular healthy food option.

Paneer Vs Tofu: Nutritional Value

paneer vs tofu nutritional value

When it comes to comparing Tofu and Paneer based on nutrition there are many different factors that need to be taken into consideration. 

Iron Content

First of all, let’s discuss the iron content in Paneer and Tofu. 100 grams of Tofu contains 5.4 mg of iron whereas 100 grams of Paneer contains 0.1 mg of iron. For this reason, consuming soy products is extremely advantageous for people suffering from Anaemia as it’s rich in iron and help maintain appropriate haemoglobin levels. 

Protein Content

Next, let’s compare the protein content of Paneer with that of Tofu. 100 grams of Paneer consists of 18.3 grams of protein whereas 100 grams of Tofu only contains 6.9 grams of protein. If you are planning to follow a muscle building regimen or wish to gain weight then it would be a good addition to your diet as you would have inferred that Paneer is a good source of protein.

Fat Content

Talking about Tofu vs Paneer nutrition it’s very important to discuss about the fat content in Paneer and Tofu as well. Every 100 grams of Paneer contains 20.8 grams of fat content whereas Tofu only has 2.7 grams of fat content in 100 grams of fat content. Since Tofu has low fat content it makes for a great option for weight loss.  


When it comes to carbohydrate, calorie count and calcium content, both Paneer and Tofu has very different nutritive values. Paneer, even though it is made from Paneer has low carbohydrate content. Paneer has 4.5 grams of carbohydrates whereas Tofu has 1.9 grams of carbohydrates which makes Paneer a more health friendly option for diabetics.

Calorie Count

And now, coming to the most important factor, calorie count. Every 100 grams of Paneer contains 265 calories whereas every 100 grams of Tofu only has 62 calories which makes it the appropriate choice for those trying to lose weight. However, if you are trying to build muscle then Paneer is what you should have more often.

 Nutritional Value (Per 100 grams)

 Tofu Nutrition 

 Paneer Nutrition 
















Health Implications of Tofu and Paneer

health implications of tofu and paneer

Weight Management


  • Low Calorie and Fat Content: Tofu is an excellent choice for weight management due to its low calorie and fat content. It provides a feeling of fullness without contributing excess calories, making it easier to maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss.
  • Protein-Rich: While Tofu has less protein than Paneer, it is still a valuable source of plant-based protein, which helps curb cravings and supports weight loss by promoting satiety and preventing muscle loss.


  • Higher Calorie Density: Paneer has a higher calorie density than Tofu. Consuming it mindfully and in appropriate portions is essential to avoid excessive calorie intake, which can hinder weight loss efforts.

Bone Health


  • Calcium Benefits: Paneer is rich in calcium, a mineral essential for promoting strong bones and teeth. Adequate calcium intake is crucial for maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis, particularly in older adults and postmenopausal women.


  • Role in Vegan Diets: Tofu is an excellent source of plant-based calcium, making it essential for vegans and individuals who do not consume dairy products. Calcium from non-dairy sources like Tofu can help meet the recommended daily intake and support bone health.

Lactose Intolerance


  • Great Option: Tofu is dairy-free and suitable for those with lactose intolerance, a condition where the body cannot properly digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products.


  • Dairy-Based Nature: Paneer contains lactose, which can be problematic for individuals with lactose intolerance. Consuming Paneer may lead to digestive discomfort, such as bloating, gas, and diarrhoea, in those with lactose intolerance.

Cardiovascular Health


  • Soy Protein Benefits: According to studies, soy protein, found in Tofu, has potential benefits for cardiovascular health. Soy protein may help lower LDL (harmful) cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed as part of a balanced diet.


  • Saturated Fat Content: While Paneer is a good source of protein, it is also relatively high in saturated fat, which can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease if consumed in excess.

Environmental Impact


  • Plant-Based Production: Tofu is a plant-based food, and its production generally has a lower environmental impact than animal-based products like Paneer. Soy cultivation requires fewer resources and contributes less to greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Dairy Production Impact: The production of Paneer involves dairy farming, which can have a significant environmental impact due to factors such as methane emissions from cattle, land and water usage, and the production of animal waste.


In conclusion, we understand that Tofu does have lesser calories than Paneer and also has more Iron. Along with that, it also has lesser carbohydrates and fat content which makes it healthier than Paneer. If you would now like to know how to include Tofu in your diet plan or want a customised diet plan to get a step closer to your fitness goals then do it with FITFEAST.

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