The Nutritional Value And Health Benefits Of Black Chickpeas

The Nutritional Value And Health Benefits Of Black Chickpeas

FITPASS Editorial Team06 August, 2019Updated on : 20 Sep 2023

Explore the world of legumes and discover the nutritional powerhouse that is the black chickpea, fondly referred to as the "Almonds of the Poor" or "Bengal Grams." Did you know that in just one 164-gram (g) cup, these unassuming legumes deliver a substantial 12.8 grams (g) of dietary fiber? This aligns perfectly with the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines, which recommend 25.2–28 grams (g) of daily fiber intake for adults, depending on age and gender [Source]. Beyond their fiber content, black chickpeas are rich in protein and low in fat, making them an ideal choice for those pursuing better health, whether it's weight management, cholesterol control, improved hair and skin, or overall vitality. Including black chickpeas in your daily diet is a delightful and health-conscious choice that will satisfy both your taste buds and your well-being.

A Versatile Ingredient for Healthy Living

One of the remarkable aspects of the benefits of chickpeas is their versatility in the kitchen. You can incorporate them into various dishes, including salads, falafel, hummus, curries, soups, and stews. Alternatively, boil or roast them for a nutritious and satisfying snack. Regardless of how you prepare them, black chickpeas benefit your overall health.

The Nutrient Powerhouse: Black Chickpea nutrition

Let's start by breaking down the nutritional content of 100 grams of black chickpeas:

  •     Calories: 190
  •     Fat: 2 grams
  •     Saturated Fat: 0 grams
  •     Cholesterol: 0 mg
  •     Sodium: 0 mg
  •     Potassium: 560 mg
  •     Carbohydrates: 31 grams
  •     Fiber: 17 grams
  •     Sugar: 1 gram
  •     Protein: 11 grams

As you can see, black chickpeas are packed with essential nutrients. They are particularly noteworthy for their protein content. There are approximately 11 grams of protein per 100-gram chickpeas. This makes them an excellent choice for individuals seeking plant-based protein sources.

Health Benefits of Black Chickpeas

Weight Management

weight management

Black chickpeas are rich in soluble and insoluble fibres, which aid in weight loss. Soluble fibre helps remove bile from the body, while insoluble fibre improves digestive function. Combining fibre and protein in black chickpeas helps curb hunger cravings, preventing overeating and supporting weight management. Moreover, the protein content provides sustained energy throughout the day while aiding muscle building.

Reducing Cholesterol

reduce cholesterol

The high levels of soluble fibre in black chickpeas play a pivotal role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Regular consumption can help reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol. Notably, the quality of fibres found in black chickpeas surpasses many other foods.

Especially Beneficial for Women

especially beneficial for women

Black chickpeas offer unique health benefits for women. Regular consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of osteoporosis and breast cancer. Saponin, a plant compound, can help alleviate hot flashes during menopause. Additionally, boiling black chickpeas in water is believed to reduce the risk of miscarriage, while roasting them and mixing them with certain ingredients can help address conditions like leucorrhea.

Good for Hair

good for hair

The protein content in black chickpeas strengthens hair follicles, promoting hair growth. They are also rich in zinc and Vitamin B6, essential for building hair proteins. Consistent consumption may help prevent male pattern baldness and premature greying of hair while combating dandruff, a common cause of hair loss.

Beneficial for Your Skin

beneficial for your skin

Black chickpeas offer a plethora of nutrients, including dietary fibre, protein, phosphorus, carbohydrates, and folate, while low in sodium and cholesterol. This combination benefits the skin in various ways. Eating sprouted chickpeas can help reduce spots caused by conditions like Leucoderma. Chapatis made from black chickpeas, without salt, can effectively treat ringworm infections. Chickpea paste is known for reducing acne and its associated scars.

Controls Blood Pressure

controls blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health

Black chickpeas can potentially normalize blood pressure, particularly for individuals with hypertension. The presence of potassium and magnesium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the body, regulating blood pressure levels.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

improve cardiovascular health

Black chickpeas are rich in anthocyanins, petunidin, delphinidin, phytonutrients, and antioxidants, all contributing to improved blood vessel health. These compounds reduce oxidative stress, lowering the risk of heart-related diseases. Furthermore, they inhibit the formation of plaque, blood clots, and narrow arteries, thanks to their high folate and magnesium content.

Prevents Colon Cancer

avoids colon cancer

The consumption of black chickpeas can significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer. Soluble fibres in black chickpeas are broken down into short fatty acid chains by beneficial bacteria in the colon, promoting colon health and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Gluten-Free Option

gluten free diet

For individuals with gluten intolerance, black chickpeas are a blessing. They are naturally gluten-free and provide substantial proportions of essential nutrients and minerals, including thiamin, riboflavin, folate, iron, and fibre.

The Case for Regular Consumption

Considering the impressive health benefits of black chickpeas, incorporating them into your regular diet is a wise choice. A single serving of black chickpeas can significantly lower harmful cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, their slower carbohydrate digestion can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of Type II Diabetes.

A Fitness Enthusiast's Best Friend

Black chickpeas offer a unique advantage for individuals who engage in various forms of physical activity, such as gym workouts or outdoor sports. These legumes can be your fitness buddy, providing the nutrients your body needs to perform at its best.
Whether you prefer roasted or boiled black chickpeas, they are ideal superfoods for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. A moderate intake can satisfy your daily fibre and protein requirements, aiding muscle recovery and endurance. Black chickpeas are an excellent energy source, making them a perfect pre-or post-workout snack.

Furthermore, their potassium and magnesium content helps prevent muscle cramps, ensuring you can maintain peak performance during your exercise routines. With the right balance of carbohydrates and protein, black chickpeas support muscle growth and repair, making them a valuable addition to your diet plan.

Variety Is Key

While black chickpeas offer many health benefits, it's essential to maintain a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. Incorporating other legumes and vegetables into your meals ensures you receive a broad spectrum of nutrients and antioxidants that promote overall well-being.

Consider including chickpeas in various colours, such as white or green, to diversify your nutrient intake. Each variety offers unique health advantages, contributing to a holistic approach to nutrition.

Embrace the Power of Black Chickpeas

Black chickpeas are a remarkable gift from nature, brimming with essential nutrients and offering many health advantages. Their versatility in the kitchen makes them an accessible addition to your daily meals. Black chickpeas have you covered whether you're looking to maintain a healthy weight, lower cholesterol, enhance your hair and skin, regulate blood pressure, or support your fitness goals.

Get the nutritional power of black chickpeas for a healthier you. With just one cup (164g), you get 12.8g of fiber, making it a great choice to meet daily intake requirements. Alongside this, black chickpeas offer 14.5g of protein, 4.25g of fat, and a range of essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. They also provide vitamins such as vitamin C, folate, and vitamin K [Source]. So, whether you're aiming to lose weight, manage cholesterol, promote better hair and skin, or boost overall well-being, black chickpeas are a delicious and nutritious addition to your daily diet.

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