Keep Calm and Boost Your Immunity With Breathing Exercises and Yoga

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Whenever you are stressed or under pressure you most likely would have been told to relax and take some deep breaths. Have you ever wondered why? It's because when you are stressed your breath tends to be faster than normal or you just might be holding it unintentionally. Now imagine the kind of pressure you are putting on your nervous and respiratory system. But we come bearing good news. Well you can use Yoga and some simple breathing exercises to limit the effect of stress on your body and to boost immunity in turn. From Pranayama to mindful breathing there are quite a few exercises that you should incorporate into your daily routine to be healthier.
We all know how horrifying the second wave of COVID-19 was, how the lack of proper medical facilities and Oxygen shortage sparked panic around the country. Weather export warning of an impending third wave that might hit us soon, it is very important to prioritise our health and boost our immune system. It's proven that yoga, meditation and exercises can help with breathing problems boost Your immunity and aid your body and fight the virus and safeguard it against the same.
The positive effects of Yoga and breathing exercises are many. Apart from boosting your immunity and giving you stress free yoga and meditation also have anti-inflammatory benefits for your body. So without further ado let's get to the various forms of yoga and breathing exercises for immunity and how to do them.
How To Do Yoga Breathing Exercises?
We need breathing exercises and Yoga in today's times to boost our immunity and lead a comfortable, stress free life. In the present day scenario with the scare of COVID-19 it's the best way to stay fit and prevent yourself from being infected. Let's talk about immunity booster yoga that you should be practicing.
What Type Of Yoga Is Good For The Immune System?
There are forms of yoga that can boost stamina and help you get in shape and others that increase flexibility. However there are some specific forms that are good for the immune system and help building immunity. Listed below are some yoga breathing exercises you should practice for or a healthy immune system.
Also known as the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique, Anulom Vilom Pranayama has multiple benefits that we will discuss shortly. Talking about how to do it here it is.
Procedure: You can start with sitting in a cross legged position and resting your hands on your knees. Then close your eyes and place your right thumb on your right nostril and close it. Inhale deeply and count till five. Next close your left nostril with your right index finger and hold it for 2 to 3 seconds. Hold your breath with both your nostrils closed. Then remove your right thumb from the right nostril and exhale thoroughly. Repeat with the other nostril and continue for 5 to 7 minutes. Make sure you concentrate on your breathing while doing this.
What Are The Benefits of This Breathing Exercise: The benefits of this technique are many. It's an immunity booster, boosts memory and improves respiratory and cardiovascular health. This also helps and de-stressing and helps you improve your sleep pattern.
Also called the Cobra pose, Bhujangasana is not just yoga for immunity and has benefits for not just respiratory system or nervous system but also for your spine and abdomen at we will get to in a while.
Procedure: Lie down straight on your mark and restaurant palms by the side of your chest and keep your arms close to your body with elbows pointing outward. Next, raise forehead, neck and shoulders and inhale deeply. Now raise your torso using the strength of your arms and look upward. Breathe normally while looking upward and keep your stomach pressed on the floor. Hold this pose for 5-7 seconds and then slowly live back flat on your stomach. Keep your arms rested towards one side of your body.
What Are The Benefits Of This Breathing Exercise: The benefits of practicing bhujangasana are not limited to just helping your respiratory system or boosting cardiovascular health but also so that it strengthens your spine, chest, butt, abdomen and shoulders and also helps in relieving stress.
Also called the tree pose, Vrikshasana is a multi purpose yoga pose that helps bring balance to your life and makes it easier. Helps in strengthening your legs and boost the immune system and increase stamina.
Procedure: To perform this asana you need to balance yourself with one leg and keep the other one folded and pressed against your inner thigh. Join your hands above your head and point them directly towards the sky. Gaze in the distance and shift the weight to the leg that you have kept straight and keep the other one folded at the knee. Hold the position for 7 to 10 seconds before relaxing and repeat with the other leg.
What Are The Benefits of This Breathing Exercise: The benefits of this exercise are not just limited to the respiratory and cardiovascular system but also help bring balance and strengthen your legs and establish pelvic stability by strengthening your leg and hip bones.
If you want to know more about breathing exercises and yoga and practice some then join FITPASS TV and practice with an expert yoga trainer LIVE.
Can I Drink Water After Performing Yoga Breathing Exercises?
Breathing exercises and yoga help with staying focused and increase flexibility and facilitate the blood circulation in the body allowing a free flow of energy. Now when it comes to drinking water after performing yoga breathing exercises, it is suggested that you drink plenty of water during your breaks between exercises to wash away toxins. If you want more such health tips or personalised diet plans, consult our expert nutritionists with FITFEAST- your dedicated personal nutritionist.

We need breathing exercises and Yoga in today's times to boost our immunity and lead a comfortable, stress free life. In the present day scenario with the scare of COVID 19 it's the best way to stay fit and prevent yourself from being infected. Let's talk about immunity booster yoga that you should be practicing.
There are forms of yoga that can boost stamina and help you get in shape and others that increase flexibility. However there are some specific forms that are good for the immune system and help building immunity. Listed below are some yoga breathing exercises you should practice for or a healthy immune system.
The benefits of this technique are many. It's an immunity booster, boosts memory and improves respiratory and cardiovascular health. This also helps and de-stressing and helps you improve your sleep pattern. If you want to know more about breathing exercises and yoga and practice some then join FITPASS-TV and practice with an expert yoga trainer LIVE.
Breathing exercises and yoga help with staying focused and increase flexibility and facilitate the blood circulation in the body allowing a free flow of energy. Now when it comes to drinking water after performing yoga breathing exercises, it is suggested that you drink plenty of water during your breaks between exercises to wash away toxins. If you want more such health tips or personalised diet plans, consult our expert nutritionists with FITFEAST- your dedicated personal nutritionist.