FITPASS Editorial Team
9th Aug, 2021
Keep Calm and Boost Your Immunity With Breathing Exercises and Yoga
The positive effects of Yoga and breathing exercises are many. Apart from boosting your immunity and giving you stress free yoga and meditation also have anti-inflammatory benefits for your body. Know the various forms of yoga and breathing exercises for immunity and how to do them.
FITPASS Editorial Team
14th Aug, 2018
Pranayama And How It Revitalizes Your Body And Mind
The Sanskrit word ‘Pranayama’ means the extension of breath or ‘prana’ – the life force, through control or restrain (‘ayama’). Pranayama is the fourth of the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga as described in the Yoga Sutra. it saves you from stress disorders and improve your vital organs. Years of research have proved Pranayama to be a scientific process. Pranayama yoga is the control and manipulation of breaths that rejuvenates your body systems.
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