7 Power Foods to Add to Your Diet
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7 Power Foods to Add to Your Diet
Published on: 01th Feb,2021
Last Updated on: 31th Aug,2022

At some point during the day, you are bound to feel like you are running out of fuel. And even though it may even happen around late noon or early evening, you still have a lot to go through for which you need nutrition-rich foods. Some foods are packed with nutrients, it is almost like they are the superheroes of the food world. Hence, they are labeled as super or power foods. Still, scientifically speaking, there is no single food that can provide all the nutrients your body needs. So, you need to be open to eating all types of natural food products instead of being picky.

Nonetheless, some foods have more nutrients than others and we can call them power foods. For example, having a couple of bananas 90 minutes before a workout session can give you enough energy to go through the session with high intensity. But then, so can an orange. For that matter, blueberries and avocados are known to prevent cancer, which makes them great for everyone. But when it comes to a class of foods, you should consume all fruits and vegetables, freshly cleaned, and with as little cooking as possible because that retains the vitamins and minerals. Contact your personal nutritionist with FITFEAST to find out which foods would suit your lifestyle and body type better.

7 Foods You Should Have Regularly

  1. Avocadoes


These nutrient-dense fruits are actually a berry with a seed. They have quickly become a staple in most brunch dishes such as avocado toast and even main courses like sushi. And why not? They are packed with a bunch of nutrients. A full avocado contains almost 60 Mgs of magnesium. Magnesium is an important mineral that regulates blood pressure and blood sugar. Magnesium deficiency is associated with diabetes, which can be prevented by eating avocados. They are also rich in fiber as wells as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are good for the heart.

  1. Broccoli


Cruciferous vegetables like the cross-shape petaled broccoli are known to lower the risk of cancer, stroke, and prevent heart attacks. Similarly, Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, cabbage, cauliflower, and energy booster maca are all cruciferous vegetables packed with fiber. Fiber keeps you full for longer and helps with weight loss. These vegetables contain compounds that maintain a healthy level of bacteria in the gut that are responsible for ensuring good digestion and present conditions such as ulcers and Crohn’s disease.

  1. Seafood


Fish and other seafood are full of protein and rich in healthy fats unlike most animal products such as red meat that consist of saturated fats that raise the risk of heart disease. Most fish are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids that are recommended for a healthy heart. Some plant-based sources of this fatty acid are flaxseed and nuts like walnut. These foods reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke and alleviate depression. It also aids infant development. Two servings of fish every week is recommendable.

  1. Mushroom


Mushrooms are perhaps the most important food on this list; they have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to cleanse the body and increase life. They have antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them a sort of medicine. They help in the treatment of breast cancer.

  1. Seeds & Nuts  

Seeds & Nuts

If you ask experts, they will suggest different nuts for different health benefits. Almonds are good for the heart, Brazil nuts help prevent cancer, and cashews are good for cognition. Moreover, all of them are good sources of protein, fat, and fiber. However, salted nuts are less healthy. Since nuts contain high amounts of fat, they keep you full for longer, lowering the risk of weight gain and obesity. When it comes to nuts, walnuts are the best “super nut”, so to say, owing to their antioxidant properties that help prevent different types of cancer. When it comes to seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, etc. are packed with vitamins and minerals.

  1. Berries


All berries are worthy of being called a power food, but blueberries top that table. Even though all have different nutritional benefits, have all berries regularly. However, it is better to have fresh blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries than dried. They contain low calories but are packed with cancer-fighting antioxidant properties in addition to being high in fiber. Blueberries are considered the best of the lot because they have a high number of anthocyanin pigments that are powerful antioxidants that lower the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

  1. Garlic & Onions

Garlic & Onions

Except for their pungent smell and sometimes bringing tears to our eyes, allium veggies like onions, chives, garlic, leeks, etc. have many health benefits. While they might not be tasty to eat raw, they make dishes quite delectable. Plus, garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Some studies suggest that they prevent cancer and might help people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of a balanced diet?

Incorporating a balanced diet is the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet is a combination of fats, crabs and  most importantly protein. This helps in getting vitamins and minerals that the body needs for development and good immunity. A healthy immune system wards off most diseases, most commonly non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart problems, obesity, cancer etc. Plus, a balanced diet helps maintain a good body mass index (BMI). Instead of binging on unhealthy foods, try healthy dishes in different cuisines and try to cook at home. Moreover, a good diet is good for mental health as well.

Why should you eat more nutrient-dense foods?

Nutrient-dense or nutrient-rich foods contain less sugar, sodium, bad fats, and starches. Moreover, they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, also known as micronutrients that nourish the body and help maintain good health. Include whole grains, fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other protein-rich foods in your daily diet. Whole eggs, poultry, fatty fish, etc. are good options for non-vegetarians. Moreover, nutrient-dense foods increase the body’s absorption rate. It is important to include fibrous foods such as legumes and all types of foods to maintain a good metabolic rate.

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