This is Irresistible: Resistance Band Workout That You Should Try

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It's simple, easy and does not require much equipment but is definitely something that works and helps you get closer to your fitness goals no matter whatever they are. Be it strength training, building stamina, losing weight or being more flexible with resistance bands workouts you can achieve it all and that too in the comfort of your home. No we are definitely not joking because the irresistible resistance band workout is as real as it gets and has helped many to achieve their goals.
A simple resistance band is a great addition to your workout routine. Another great thing about resistance bands is that they are portable, easy to store and use for home workouts. Now let us learn more about resistance band workouts and are they even effective?
Is Resistance Band Workout Effective?
Getting into a resistance band workout routine is something that is helpful not only because it's super affordable and transportable but it also because they help target larger and many muscles at once. Imagine using an elastic resistance band workout for your entire body to stay in shape and enjoy the perks. Some might argue that resistance band workouts are not as good as dumbbells but very effective to train and tone up the body and work the entire body through concentrated workouts. In fact, you can perform all the exercises that you might be doing at the gym with a resistance band.
How Many Calories Are Burned In Resistance Band Workout?
The number of calories you burn depends on various factors like the kind of exercise bands you are using, the intensity of the workout and how regularly you workout. However, there is a formula using which you can calculate how many calories you burn per workout. Here it is:
Kilocalories = MET (metabolic expenditure) x weight in kilograms x duration in hours.
Using the formula a 60 kg person performing upper body exercises for 40 minutes with a Thera-Band resistance band exercises at 3.1 METS would burn 93 kCal (3.1 x 60 x 0.5).
How To Do Bicep Workouts With Resistance Bands?
Resistance bands arm workout unlike other exercises for your arms are beneficial for your arms and especially your biceps. They offer a more intense workout to increase the size, endurance and strength of your biceps and while performing arm workouts with resistance bands you have a wider and more extensive range of motion than any other arm workout. Resistance bands offer resistance from different angles and maximize the stress that is placed on your muscles which in turn results in muscle growth. Let's learn more about bicep exercises with resistance bands and see which are the best ones that help.
1. Bicep Curls
One of the most common exercises that people use to build their biceps is bicep curls. However, doing it with the resistance band makes it so much better. Let's now learn about how to do them:
- Hold onto the end of the resistance bands, one in each hand and then step on the middle of the bands.
- Keeping your head and chest straight and feet shoulder width apart, make sure your back is straight and your stomach feels a bit tight.
- Now start with your arms extended down and tight to your sides with your palms facing the sky.
- Make sure you are calling the bands to their full potential while keeping your focus on the biceps.
- Next lower your hands and take them back to the starting position and keep repeating.
- Perform 7-10 repetitions and do 3-4 sets.
2. Seated Hammer Curls
This one is a slight variation of the traditional hammer curl that is an exercise that isolates and targets around muscles. This exercise enhances the size and endurance of your arms and can be done anywhere provided you have a resistance band. Let's now learn how to do it.
- Sit on a chair and engage your core. Next, keep the resistance band under your feet.
- Now keep your arms, feet and back flat on the floor and begin with placing both your arms on your sides.
- Then grab the resistance band and curl it up towards your shoulders to make sure your elbows are still while you do this.
- Now slowly return to the starting position and complete the rep.
- Perform 7-10 repetitions and do 3-4 sets.
How to do resistance band workout for thighs?
Resistance band leg workouts are another thing that you must try for toned legs and get a step closer to your fitness goals. Here are two exercises that you can try out.
Variation of kickbacks that 86 for glutes and strengthen your core tabletop glute kickback are one of the best resistance band exercises for legs. Learning how to do it you can imagine pushing the wall behind you with your heel. While doing this you will feel your glutes working. Make sure your hands are pressed down to the ground and your shoulders are in place.
Glute bridges are another great exercise that strengthen your pelvic floor and open up your hips. Place the resistance band just above your knees and engage your thigh muscles to drive your knees out. Make sure you do not lift your hips tu Hai because that can cause back problems and you might develop back ache.

Getting into a resistance band workout routine is something that is helpful not only because it's super affordable and transportable but it also because they help target larger and many muscles at once. Imagine using an elastic resistance band workout for your entire body to stay in shape and enjoy the perks. Some might argue that resistance band workouts are not as good as dumbbells but very effective to train and tone up the body and work the entire body through concentrated workouts. In fact, you can perform all the exercises that you might be doing at the gym with a resistance band.
The number of calories you burn depends on various factors like the kind of exercise bands you are using, the intensity of the workout and how regularly you workout. However, there is a formula using which you can calculate how many calories you burn per workout. Here it is:
Kilocalories = MET (metabolic expenditure) x weight in kilograms x duration in hours.
Using the formula a 60 kg person performing upper body exercises for 40 minutes with a Thera-Band resistance band exercises at 3.1 METS would burn 93 kCal (3.1 x 60 x 0.5).
Resistance bands arm workout unlike other exercises for your arms are beneficial for your arms and especially your biceps. They offer a more intense workout to increase the size, endurance and strength of your biceps and while performing arm workouts with resistance bands you have a wider and more extensive range of motion than any other arm workout.
Resistance band leg workouts are another thing that you must try for toned legs and get a step closer to your fitness goals. Here are two exercises that you can try out.
Tabletop Glute Kickbacks
Variation of kickbacks that 86 for glutes and strengthen your core tabletop glute kickback are one of the best resistance band exercises for legs. Learning how to do it you can imagine pushing the wall behind you with your heel. While doing this you will feel your glutes working. Make sure your hands are pressed down to the ground and your shoulders are in place.
Glute Bridge Pulses
Glute bridges are another great exercise that strengthen your pelvic floor and open up your hips. Place the resistance band just above your knees and engage your thigh muscles to drive your knees out. Make sure you do not lift your hips tu Hai because that can cause back problems and you might develop back ache.