When’s The Best Time To Workout?
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When’s The Best Time To Workout?
Published on: 4th Oct, 2017
Last Updated on: 24th Jun, 2021

What’s the best time for me to work out?” An existential question we all are quite related to, right?

There’s been a long debate going on this topic since the French revolution. Some people believe that working out early in the morning around 6:00 A.M is better than working out late in the evening. But this really doesn’t answer your question. To get the right conclusion, we need to go through a number of different factors, which we have mentioned and explained below to help you get fit and stay fit by following the right path.

Even after so many researchers, the truth is that we don’t have any reliable evidence which can confirm there's no reliable evidence to suggest that calories are burned more efficiently at a certain time of the day. However, a particular time of the day can definitely influence how you feel while exercising.

The most important thing apart from selecting a suitable timeslot for working out is showing consistency towards your workout. If you won’t regularly keep up with your daily workout routines then there’s no point in going through this “best times to workout” discussion.

Let’s have a look and study about how exercising at different time zones can help us achieve the best of fitness results.

Morning Workout

Morning Workout

  • Your testosterone levels are at their highest point in the morning, so you have optimal environment for muscle growth and strength.
  • The following 2-3 meals after your morning workout will largely be absorbed for muscle recovery and building new muscle tissues. This decreases fat storage as most of the nutrients are efficiently used and consumed.
  • Working out in the morning can actually help you with your muscle gains, as you have the whole day to supply your body with necessary nutrients.
  • After your workout in the morning, your body releases a hormone called serotonin, which is responsible for elevating your mood and it makes you feel happy. So, you should have a pretty positive start of the day.
  • Your workouts become more productive as there are only a few people in the gym in the morning. You will not have to wait to use the machines or free weights, which is great if your workout routine consists of drop or super sets.
  • People who exercise in the morning are usually consistent with their workouts. This makes it easier to make new friends, which makes the whole workout much more pleasant and engaging.
  • You are more likely to stick to your workouts if you go in the morning, as there is less of a chance that “unexpected events” will prevent you from completing your workout.

Afternoon Workout

Afternoon Workout

  • Body temperature is at its highest in the afternoon, meaning that there is a less chance of sustaining an injury.
  • Mental focus and physical functioning are at their top level, giving you a good ground for optimal performance.
  • Pain tolerance is at its highest level, meaning that you can push yourself harder and train more intensely. This is an excellent opportunity for breaking plateaus by increasing the weights and intensity of the workout.
  • An afternoon workout may provide you with an escape from your daily monotonous routine. You will feel refreshed and more energetic to continue with your work, studies, etc.

Evening Workout

Evening Workout

  • Good for muscle growth, as the workout is often followed by hours of rest or sleep. Through the help of rest, your body can efficiently concentrate on the repair and construction of the damaged tissues.
  • Performance is considerably high in the evening, even though it might feel harder to get to the gym. By having more strength you are able to push yourself harder for a longer period of time.
  • It is good for fat loss as you are burning the carbohydrates in your system and your body continues to run on fat, provided that no or very little carbohydrates are supplied post-workout.
  • Depending on how your body functions, you might find it easier to fall asleep after an evening workout. Bear in mind that you might also experience the opposite effect and have problems falling asleep. This point is a bit controversial and will depend on the type of person you are and your nervous system.

There are obviously positive and negative points in working out at different time zones, and it might seem a bit confusing as well, but at the end of the day the timing of your workouts is largely determined by your lifestyle. You will just have to work around it. It is better to workout at different time slots alternatively initially in order to come up with a prospective solution to your questions.

Happy Sweating!!

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