Vegetarian Foods Rich In More Iron Than Meat
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Vegetarian Foods Rich In More Iron Than Meat
Published on: 7th Jun, 2018
Last Updated on: 1st Feb, 2023

Iron is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in many bodily functions. Many vegetarians and vegans worry about getting enough iron in their diet due to limited options. Since meat is traditionally thought of as the main source of iron, vegetarians need to find different sources to help them reach their recommended amount of iron each day.

Vegetarian Foods That Would Provide Sufficient Amount of Iron Needed For Your Body

Leafy Green

Your mom always told you to eat them, don’t let her down! Spinach and collard greens, in particular, are high in iron and lots of other nutrients. If the taste doesn’t thrill you, try blending them in a smoothie with soy milk, a banana, and frozen fruit.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds provide the most benefit when eaten raw, but they still pack an iron punch when roasted for no more than 15-20 minutes.


Deep leafy greens, especially spinach, make a powerhouse of iron. Three glasses of spinach contain about 20 mg of iron. You are able to meet your daily advocated dietary allowances of iron with a single hearty spinach salad.


Not only broccoli is packed with iron along with key nutrients like vitamin supplements K and magnesium, it’s also loaded with vitamin C, which helps encourage iron absorption chemistry.


Just one single cup of lentils provides more iron over a great 8-ounce steak. Lentils can be a solid source involving fiber, potassium, and healthy proteins.

Iron is one of the super important yet hard to get nutrients for the human body. These foods are highly popular worldwide. Being a rich source of iron, these vegetable foods are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. 

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