5 Tips to Have a Fit & Healthy Holi
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5 Tips to Have a Fit & Healthy Holi
Published on: 27th Mar, 2021
Last Updated on: 8th Oct, 2022

You motivate yourself every day, get into a routine, and start seeing results when Holi arrives. It is a lovely festival and no one wants to miss it. But there can be no doubt about the overindulgence to which it leads. You are surrounded by sweets, snacks, and drinks (soft and hard) throughout the day. The food and drinks are heavy and rich and can undo your fitness regime in a day if you are not careful. But then you cannot possibly stay away in entirety. To have fun on the day and not regret it, you can balance your diet through the week. This way you do not have to restrict yourself too much on the day of the festival of colors.

Now, it will require some effort, which starts before Holi and you must continue till after a few days. First, get yourself the FITPASS membership to be able to workout when, where, and as you like. Activate your membership till the day of Holi and get FLAT ₹300 OFF!

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How to Stay Fit Before, During and After Holi

  1. Cook Healthy Snacks and Foods

Cook Healthy Snacks and Foods

If you have an eye for it, you can always find healthy alternatives when it comes to Holi snacks and foods. These delicacies are equally flavorful and much healthier than the traditional ones. Make the following snacks this Holi:

  • Baked Gujiya – Gujjiya is as delicious as it is unhealthy. The amount of sweet in one piece is enough to give you too many calories and then it is also addictive. Go for baked gujiya, which is almost equally healthy and much healthier. You can also caramelize fruit and fill them up for a healthy alternative.
  • Dahi Vada – It is another staple food for Holi but since it is fried, it can be a little unhealthy. You can go for moong dal or brown bread versions. You might have to prepare them the night before but then it’s definitely worth it. Use low-fat curd or your favorite yogurt.
  • Thandai with Almond Milk – No one can keep away from this one. Unfortunately, it is high on sugar and high fat milk can be a little too much. Instead of sugar, use honey or jaggery and use almond milk instead of regular variants.

Similarly, use oats flour for malpuas and idlis, bake the namak paare and the samosas instead of frying them.

Recommended : 7 Healthy Dishes You Can Make At Home This Holi

  1. Make it your rest day

Make it your rest day

Taking rest days is very important when you work out regularly. Arrange your week in a way that your rest way is on Holi day. This will help you to not take another rest day, which could offset your routine. Since it’s your off from the gym, you can indulge a little more in the festivities without missing out on the festivities.

  1. Don’t sit around all day

Don't sit around all day

You can burn lots of calories while having fun on this day. Holi is all about running around and playing games, no matter with adults or children. Play your favorite sport like cricket, football, or whatever instead of just sitting and eating and sipping on drinks. And of course run around when putting color on someone or trying to get away from someone who is trying to put it on you.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids

Drink plenty of fluids

That does not mean too much beer or bhang, which are the most famous drinks on this day. With all the water around, it can be a little hard to stay hydrated. Remember that the weather is quite hot on this day and you indulge in a lot of physical activity. By the end of the day, you can be dehydrated without even knowing it. Remember to drink plenty of water in between games and after you are done with all the fun. Finally, drink some cucumber and mint water to detoxify your body.

  1. Rest well

Sometimes the fun can stretch out through the day and you do not get the time to rest properly before it’s another workday. With all the exertions of day, you can be pretty spent by the end. Therefore, it is important to start early and end the day early. Spend the rest of the day with your family but resting indoors. Make sure to get a good 8-9 hours sleep before you start the next day.

Other Tips to Stay Fit & Healthy on Holi

  • Have a light breakfast to compensate for all the extra snacks and drinks
  • Eat probiotic foods to improve the digestive processes through the day
  • Try to eat as few sweets as possible
  • Have a diet rich in fiber, carbs and protein
  • Don’t miss workout the next day irrespective of how fatigued you are

Recommend : How to Stay Healthy Durning Holi

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