4 Best Ab Exercises to Get Your Dream Six-Pack Abs
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4 Best Ab Exercises to Get Your Dream Six-Pack Abs
Published on: 26th May,2021
Last Updated on: 11th Mar,2022

Looking to get that perfect six-pack ab? Great news because there are innumerable choices as far as exercises are concerned. Even if you are just focused on sculpting and toning your midsection, you have some great options to pick from. From the Romanian deadlift to squats, overhead presses, compound moves, planks, etc., can get you going to get to your desired abs.

Add these 4 Ab Workouts For Six-pack Abs in Your Workout Routine

  1. Dead Bug

Dead Bug

Method: Lie down on the floor on your back. Spread your arms above your shoulders, straight out. The first step is to fold your knees and bring them up to over your hips. The position should be such that your calf muscles are at ninety degrees to your thigh. Now you need to straighten your right leg and simultaneously bring your left arm down, over your head. You need to wait in this position for few seconds and bring the legs and the arms to the starting position. Then, repeat the same steps with the other leg and the arm. To get the best results, you need to do this with fourteen alternating reps. 

Points to Remember- To do this abs exercise, you do not need any equipment. The best way to do this exercise is to ensure that your lower back is in consistent touch with the floor. Also, you need to maintain your breathing as normal. The exercise helps coordinate the left and right side, upper and lower side, improving the body's cognitive functions.

  1. Dumbbell side-bend

Dumbbell Side Bend

Method: The way to do this abs exercise is to stand with your feet apart. The distance between your feet should be equal to the width of your hip. Take a dumbbell (medium-weight) in your right hand. Ensure that you hold the dumbbell with your palm facing inwards. While maintaining your back straight, you need to bend to your waist, to your right side, as far as possible. You need to hold yourself in this position for a second and then return to the original position. You can repeat this set for 15 reps, each side.

Points to Remember- take a dumbbell or a weight that you are comfortable holding. The weight should not be too light or too heavy. It has to be nice and comfortable. It is the bending on each side that builds your core strength.

  1. Hardstyle Plank

Hard Style Plank

Method: You need to lie down on the ground face down. Now prop yourself on your arms into the plank position. Your elbows need to be straight in line with your shoulders, and your fingers need to form a fist. The forearms need to be parallel to each other. Repeat this set at least ten times and each time, hold your forearms in the plank style for 10 to 20 seconds every set.

Points to Remember - when in the plank position, remember to keep the different parts of your body - core, back, quads, glutes, and fists - as tight as possible. The good point is that no equipment is required to do this ab. 

  1. Bird Dog

Bird Dog Pose

Method - this abs exercise is just the opposite of the Dead Bug exercise. This one is also known as Quadruped. Start the exercise by kneeling on the floor and keep the knees apart at the hip-width. Place your hands on the ground maintaining shoulder-width distance. Start by lifting your right hand and the left knee an inch off the floor. Your body is now entirely balanced on the other knee and hand. In the full range, from the front, you need to straighten your arms completely and keep the left leg straight out behind. The objective is to form a straight line. The line starts at the tip of the fingers of your hand and ends at the tip of the fingers on your foot. Hold in this position for a few seconds and then repeat with the left hand and right knee. Do a total of ten reps, five on each side. 

Points to remember - keep your neck down and do not forcefully extend your elbows beyond their limit. To create tension in the muscles, use your exhalation. The exercise is extremely good for the lower back and helps create good spinal stability.

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