10 Health Hacks For Busy People
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10 Health Hacks For Busy People
Published on: 24th Feb,2016
Last Updated on: 02th Jun,2021

How often do you see yourself skipping breakfast and rushing to make it to office on time? How often is lunch really during the lunch hour? How often is dinner eaten outside or replaced with just a burger or a pizza because you are just too tired to cook? 
Through all these situations, your health takes a serious beating.

And if these answers are a matter of regular occurrence, it’s matter of serious concern.

With these 10 little changes in your lifestyle,  you will feel as healthy as a horse.

1.Follow a Routine

Follow a Routine

From waking up to eating on time and going to bed, it’s very important to have a  schedule your body can adapt to and follow. This way the body is able to prepare itself for what is to come!

2. Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated

Benefits to Stay Hydrated: - Ever imagined water as a fitness solution? According to an interesting study, people who drink water before heavy exercises have more energy due to lower blood lactate levels.

So, it’s a good idea to drink atleast 2-3 litres of water a day.

3. Grab some dark chocolate or chewing gu

Grab some dark chocolate or chewing gu

Apart from curbing your sweet tooth craving, dark chocolate helps regulate cortisol, which is the stress hormone, stabilizing your metabolism

Chewing gum also has somewhat the same effects. Moreover, it would help in exercising your gums, and cheek bones.

4. Pace yourself

Pace yourself

When you eat your food too quickly, you might fail to understand how full you are and hence end up eating more. Your body takes at least 20 minutes to digest most food, and tell your brain when you are full. So enjoy eating  your food, slow down, pause before grabbing your second serving and stop eating when you feel full.

5. Turn off TV or computer while you eat

Turn off TV or computer while you eat

When you have your mind engrossed elsewhere, say in your favourite movie or TV show, you often end up eating more than your appetite or making bad choices. It’s always good to focus on what you are doing at the moment, and taking your meal is no exception!

6. Adopt music as a therapy

Adopt music as a therapy

Music is not only a cure for boredom, or a relaxation therapy. Whether you are taking a shower, cooking your favourite food or being busy in other activities, music will help you increase your motivation, improve performance and reduce distraction.

7. Stand up where ever you can

Stand up where ever you can

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that sitting is as dangerous as smoking. With the sedentary lifestyle being followed today, it’s important to make sure you stand as much as you sit. If you happen to be a sitting-on-a-desk worker, try standing while you are on phone, conduct meetings while you walk and take quick short walks around!

8. Try cinnamon in your coffee

Try cinnamon in your coffee

There might not be a substitute as good as a hot cup of coffee, but a few substitutions into that cup can help you in many ways. Rather than cream and sugar, use cinnamon  to kick flavour into your coffee. It tricks your mind into being sweet, saving you those extra calories from sugar!

9. Replace desserts with fruits

Replace desserts with fruits

If desserts play an important role in your meal every day, it’s time to replace them with fruits, which is a much better way to satisfy cravings. As an added bonus, they provide you with antioxidants and fibre and would help you avoid the after meal sugar crash!

10. Sleep better

Sleep better

Sleep is easy to over look. But skimping on sleep has been linked to everything ranging from obesity to heart diseases. A full sound sleep is necessary for the body to be fully functional and active, and it is something that shouldn’t be compromised upon.

Get your health on track. Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy.

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