We all have heard of intermittent fasting from someone or the other. It is a recent fad among the diet conscious these days but before getting into this lifestyle, we need to be well versed with its ins and outs. Intermittent fasting consists of two phases: Fasting phase and Feasting phase.
Fasting phase is when the body is given complete break from the processing of any food, or even liquids. The fasting intervals vary in duration depending upon the bracket of fasting and feasting adopted and the only food allowed for consumption is water.
Feasting phase, as the name suggests, is when the body receives its fuel and nutrition. Feasting phase is usually either equal to or smaller than the fasting phase depending upon the fasting-feasting interval the person is into.
Science Behind Intermittent Fasting
Let us understand the science behind intermittent fasting. The underlying principle behind fasting in intervals is skipping a meal thus creating a calorie deficit which in turn results in weight loss. The fasting phase usually involves skipping either major meal of the day. But the science is more complex than this. When the body enters into the fasting phase, all the metabolic and catabolic activities in the body stop and as a result, the body starts deriving its energy needed for functioning from the stored fats thereby causing weight loss.
Intermittent fasting has 5 intervals associated with it depending on the intensity of fasting intended and the proficiency of the body to adapt to it as such.
Fasting- Feasting Intervals
The first is the 18/6 interval. It is the strictest form of fasting-feasting period in which the body goes into fasting for 18 hours and enters feasting for 6 hours. Only people who have been practicing intermittent fasting for a long time and have their bodies adapted to the long fasting periods are advised to start with this bracket. Next is the 16/8 period in which the body fasts for16 hours and feasts for 8 hours. It is more lenient than the previous interval but still not suggested for the beginners. Similarly, there are 14/10 and 12/12 intervals where the latter is for the beginners and more practical to adopt.
Another way to fast, which is also one of the most common ways, is the 24 hours fast where the body goes into a complete water fast for one complete day of the week and the next 6 days are led as usual.