Aerobic Exercise: A Guide To Learn How To, The Benefits And More

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What if we tell you there is something that you can do for cardiovascular conditioning and decrease the risk of heart diseases and also assist in weight management and weight loss by just doing it for 30 minutes everyday. Yes, it's that simple to practice aerobics exercises that have many benefits and can be done easily at home. Let's learn more about what aerobic exercises are and their benefits.
What Is Aerobic Exercise?
The simple meaning of the term aerobic is "with oxygen" or simply put it means connected with or needing oxygen and anything, any exercise that we do to improve the way our body uses oxygen. Let's now take a look at the benefits of aerobic exercise.
Benefits Of Aerobic Exercise
- Improves cardiovascular conditioning
- Decreases the risk of heart diseases
- Keeps blood pressure levels in check
- Increases good cholesterol or HDL
- Helps keeping blood sugar levels in check
- Improves the functioning of lungs
- Helps in weight loss and weight management
Practicing Exercise Safety
It is highly recommended that you discuss with your physician before you start indulging in a new exercise program. Ask them if there are any limitations that you might have. People suffering from diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, hypertension or other medical conditions might need safety guidelines to keep in mind.
Some Examples of Aerobic Exercise
Here are some examples of lower impact aerobic exercises:
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Walking
- Rowing
The examples of higher impact exercises include:
- Running
- Skipping rope
- Step aerobics
Does Aerobic Exercise Burn Fat?
A new study found that aerobic exercises at home are the best type of exercises to burn belly fat. This might sound absurd but the results showed that people who did aerobics for eight months lost about 2.5 inches of belly fat which was about 1.5 times as much as people who did a combination of aerobics and weight lifting, and about 20 times as those who only lifted weights. While resistance training might be good for strength building or boosting stamina, aerobic exercises are good for burning fat because while practicing aerobics you burn more calories.
The study also found out that people who practiced exercises also saw an improvement in terms of health which is- in terms of liver fat and insulin resistance. In fact it is said that aerobic exercise is one of the best mediums for reducing liver fat and triglyceride levels and other harmful liver enzymes which in turn reduces the risk of heart diseases and diabetes. So it is safe to say that yes, aerobic exercises do help burn fat.
What To Eat Before Aerobic Exercise?
Have made all the plans about how you will be burning that fat and have your water bottle ready and your shoes in place… but aren't you forgetting something? Yes we are talking about the meal you should be taking before you burn that fat. It is very important that you choose a low in fat, high on carbs and moderate in protein meal like an almond milk, banana and berries smoothie or a whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices that you eat 60-90 minutes before an aerobic exercises session. The meal should be digested before the workout so that it provides energy to the working muscles.
How Often Should Aerobic Exercises Be Done?
A minimum of 30 to 35 minutes of some form of cardiovascular exercise 4-6 days of the week is recommended to everyone; you can break this up into three 10 minute sessions. You can take three walks of 10 minutes each or have three 10 minutes aerobic sessions and you can reach the minimum prescribed guideline for reducing the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check. It is great if you can do aerobic exercise everyday and you need not rest between the sessions unless you are practicing high intensity training, like preparing for a race or a marathon or if you are experiencing some sort of pain. Now let's learn more about a few factors that influence workout or your aerobic exercises.
Intensity in simple terms is determined by how hard you work out or are training. Your goals and limitations determine the intensity of an exercise. If you go to a fitness studio for aerobics classes near you then one of the first things they do is to help you determine the intensity of workout you should be doing.
Heart Rate
Another factor that determines the intensity and duration of exercise for you is your heart rate. Heart rate levels vary significantly from one person to another based on fitness levels, atmosphere and exercise tolerance. If you want to specifically train based on your heart rate then you should consult a medical practitioner to determine what is the appropriate range for you.
We hope you are convinced to at least try Aerobics and see for yourself why we ship it. Use FITPASS to reserve a slot and try an Aerobics session.

The simple meaning of the term aerobic is "with oxygen" or simply put it means connected with or needing oxygen and anything, any exercise that we do to improve the way our body uses oxygen.
A new study found that aerobic exercises at home are the best type of exercises to burn belly fat. This might sound absurd but the results showed that people who did aerobics for eight months lost about 2.5 inches of belly fat which was about 1.5 times as much as people who did a combination of aerobics and weight lifting, and about 20 times as those who only lifted weights.
It is very important that you choose a low in fat, high on carbs and moderate in protein meal like an almond milk, banana and berries smoothie or a whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices that you eat 60-90 minutes before an aerobic exercises session. The meal should be digested before the workout so that it provides energy to the working muscles.
A minimum of 30 to 35 minutes of some form of cardiovascular exercise 4-6 days of the week is recommended to everyone; you can break this up into three 10 minute sessions. You can take three walks of 10 minutes each or have three 10 minutes aerobic sessions and you can reach the minimum prescribed guideline for reducing the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check.