Keep Your Heart Healthy
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Keep Your Heart Healthy
Published on: 16th Feb,2016
Last Updated on: 10th Jul,2024

Heart : The hardest working muscle that pumps for you all day long


The heart is the centre of our cardiovascular system, responsible for everything that gives our body life. Poor heart health can lead to cholesterol and blood pressure imbalance, diabetes and many other heart diseases. Staying fit often a superficial attempt to look good, but it is equally important to be fit from inside.

We have put together some workout plans to keep your heart healthy, by increasing your blood circulation and heart rate.


1. Cardiovascular Training

cardiovascular training

Cardiovascular Exercises focus mainly on your heart rate, blood circulation, improvement of stamina, immune system, and fat loss. Some of the exercises that improve cardiovascular health are aerobics, running, cycling, burpees and different exercises machines.

cardiovascular exercises

2. Strength training

strength training

Strength training is one of the best workouts for our muscles to build muscle mass, along with the improvement in endurance, flexibility, stamina, body balance, and coordination.

Some of the key exercises include lunges, squats, push-ups, bicep curls, weights.


strength training workout


3. Yoga


Yoga is an effective way of strengthening your body and toning the muscles. It emphasizes on breathing, focus and meditation.

Yoga asanas most effective for your heart include the bridge, reclining big toe, head-to-knee.

yoga asanas

Healthy-Heart Diet

Healthy-Heart Diet

Every workout works best when supplemented with right diet. Here’s what you can include in your healthy diet:

  1. Vegetables
  2. Spicy Foods
  3. Lean meats
  4. Whole grains
  5. Citrus Fruits
  6. Healthy Fats (such as fish, nuts, avocado etc)


Add the following to your everyday checklist. These would bring you closer to your ideal, healthy lifestyle.

  1. Walk regularly
  2. Stay Hydrated
  3. Use stairs
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Go for regular health checkups


As they say, A Healthy Heart Keeps You Strong. So make your heart a priority.

Eat Healthy, Exercise Regularly.


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FITPASS Editorial Team
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