Get A Fitness Coach This Teacher's Day And Build A Healthy Future
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Get A Fitness Coach This Teacher's Day And Build A Healthy Future
Published on: 4th Sep, 2021
Last Updated on: 28th Aug, 2024

A day dedicated to every teacher, coach and trainer out there, a day that is devoted to people who shape up the future, is the day that calls for a special way to celebrate. Yes,we are talking about Teacher’s Day. The day that for years might have only meant a celebration and activities that involve making the teachers happy and putting a smile on their faces as a show of gratitude. But what you might not have done is give yourself something, a skill, a talent, anything new that will make you a better person. This is exactly what your teachers wanted you to do. To be better!

What you also might not have done is think about the teachers' fitness goals and how they manage to be in the classroom all day long and if they are even able to manage the time to exercise which is why if you gift them something that offers the freedom to workout wherever and whenever they want and the option to choose from 2,25,000+ workout sessions and 8,100+ gyms and fitness studios across the country. Gift them FITPASS with which they can not only access gym workouts but also try Zumba, Mixed Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Swimming, Pilates, Yoga and HIIT and a lot more. They can browse through the gyms and fitness centers listed on the app and select the timings and the option that suits them best.

What Is Teacher's Day?

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5 every year. This day marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, an Indian academic, professor, philosopher, and politician who served as the first Vice President of India and the second President of India. He had a remarkable lookout towards education and always encouraged youngsters to step forward and use the power of education to establish themselves. Teacher's Day is also celebrated to honour and celebrate the work of educators.

What Is The Significance Of Teacher's Day?

Teacher's day plays a vital role in every student and mentor's life as it is a day when one dedicates a present, shows their gratitude and gives a tribute to their mentors, guides, coaches and teachers. The day is celebrated with great pomp and show in every school and college and there are many extra curricular activities that are organised to show gratitude to the teachers to thank the teacher for their valuable teachings.

Teacher fitness is an important goal, but finding time to exercise when you're in the classroom all day can be tough. Squeezing it in before school means getting up even earlier than you do already, while trying to work out after school may add a couple of hours to your already packed day.

But if you are thinking about what to gift your teacher this time we have a great idea. Get your coach, FITCOACH- a coach that learns all about your fitness needs and goals and recommends workouts accordingly and help get fit. You see, fitness for teachers is just as important as a sportsperson. Teachers have to be up early, be on time and have to stay in the school for long durations and that leaves them with no time for exercise. But with online workouts that don't require much time and can even be managed at school, they will be able to accomplish their fitness goals without altering their schedule.

On the occasion of Teacher's Day, gift them something they will always remember and cherish and get FITCOACH for yourself too because we are sure you too wouldn't mind a coach that adapts to your fitness needs, afterall.

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FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
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The writers, storytellers and day-dreamers - making sure that they pen down their thoughts in the best possible manner. With an expertise in writing for Health & Lifestyle, they used the platform to share their knowledge to the readers.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Teacher's Day?

Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5 every year. This day marks the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, an Indian academic, professor, philosopher, and politician who served as the first Vice President of India and the second President of India. He had a remarkable lookout towards education and always encouraged youngsters to step forward and use the power of education to establish themselves. Teacher's Day is also celebrated to honour and celebrate the work of educators.

What Is The Significance Of Teacher's Day?

Teacher's day plays a vital role in every student and mentor's life as it is a day when one dedicates a present, shows their gratitude and gives a tribute to their mentors, guides, coaches and teachers. The day is celebrated with great pomp and show in every school and college and there are many extra curricular activities that are organised to show gratitude to the teachers to thank the teacher for their valuable teachings.

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