Ultimate Guide for Home Exercises to Lose Weight

Ultimate Guide for Home Exercises to Lose Weight

Raghav Kundra11 March, 2024Updated on : 11 Mar 2024

In today's world, finding time to hit the gym regularly can be challenging due to hectic schedules. However, many people are still prioritizing their health and fitness. Fortunately, you can achieve your weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home with the right exercises. By incorporating the right home exercises to lose weight, you can effectively shed those extra pounds and achieve your desired weight without leaving your home's comfort.

In this blog, we'll introduce you to a variety of quick weight-loss exercises that you can do at home. These exercises target different muscle groups and boost your metabolism.

Best Exercises to Lose Weight at Home

exercises to lose weight

Whether you're a beginner starting your weight loss journey or a seasoned fitness enthusiast looking for new challenges, we've got you covered. We have compiled a list of practical exercises you can do at home to lose weight. These include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and bodyweight exercises. Following these exercises can maximize your workout and achieve your desired results.

Skipping or Jumping Rope:

skipping or jumping rope

Skipping or jumping rope is an excellent at-home workout for losing weight. It's a high-intensity cardiovascular workout that engages multiple muscle groups and burns calories efficiently. Just 15-30 minutes daily can yield significant results. Skipping or jumping rope boosts metabolism, improves coordination, and enhances cardiovascular health.



The plank is a simple yet highly effective core-strengthening exercise. Its position engages multiple muscle groups, including the abdominals, back, and shoulders. Additionally, planks help improve posture and stability, making them a valuable addition to weight loss at home.

Plank Exercise Variations:

plank exercise variations

For an effective weight loss variation of the plank at home, try incorporating plank jacks. Begin in a plank position, then jump both feet out wide and back together while maintaining core engagement. Perform for 30-60 seconds, gradually increasing duration as fitness improves.

Push Ups:

push ups

Push-ups are a popular bodyweight exercise that works the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. They can be modified to suit different fitness levels, making them accessible to beginners and advanced exercisers alike. Incorporating push-ups into your routine will burn calories, build upper body strength, and improve muscle definition.

Pull Ups:

pull ups

Pull-ups are an effective at-home workout to lose weight. They engage multiple muscle groups, promoting calorie burn and muscle development. Regular pull-up sessions can increase metabolism, aiding in fat loss. Start with assisted variations if needed, gradually progressing to unassisted pull-ups as strength improves.



Squats are fantastic for targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Doing squats every day can help increase lower body strength and tone your legs, all while burning calories and promoting weight loss.



Lunges are excellent for sculpting the lower body, including the thighs, hips, and buttocks. They also engage your core muscles for stability, making them a fantastic compound exercise for weight loss. Whether you perform forward lunges, reverse lunges, or walking lunges, incorporating lunges into your workout routine can help you achieve a toned physique.



To lose weight at home with yoga:

  1. Start with dynamic practices like Vinyasa or Power Yoga to boost metabolism.
  2. Incorporate poses like Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Savasana) and Warrior Series (Virbhadrasana).
  3. Combine them with deep breathing techniques and mindful eating for holistic weight management.



Running is very helpful in the weight loss journey. Establish a consistent schedule, gradually increasing duration and intensity. Incorporate interval training to boost calorie burn.

Ensure proper footwear and start with a warm-up. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet. Track progress and adjust goals accordingly.



Walking to lose weight at home is an effective and convenient exercise option. Set a daily goal for steps or time spent walking indoors, utilizing available space like hallways or living rooms. Incorporate variations like brisk walking or marching in place to elevate heart rate and maximize calorie burn.

Strength Training:

strength training

Building lean muscle mass through strength training is crucial for weight loss. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so increasing muscle mass can help you burn more calories throughout the day. Aim to include strength training exercises in your routine at least two to three times per week.



Kickboxing is an excellent at-home workout, blending cardio with strength training to lose weight. Jab, cross, hook, and kick your way through intervals, alternating between punches, kicks, and bodyweight exercises like squats and lunges. Incorporate high-intensity bursts to elevate your heart rate and maximize calorie burn.


spinning cycling

Spinning at home can be an effective way to lose weight. Invest in a stationary bike or use a bike trainer stand with your bicycle. Aim for at least 30 minutes of intense cycling per session, incorporating intervals of high-intensity and moderate recovery periods.

Focus on proper form, keeping your core engaged and maintaining a consistent pedal cadence. Also, stay hydrated and fuel your body with balanced nutrition to support your weight loss goals. 


HIIT workouts involve alternating between short bursts of intense exercise and brief rest periods. This type of training is highly effective for burning calories and boosting metabolism. Examples of HIIT exercises at home include squat jumps, mountain climbers, and sprints on the spot. HIIT sessions typically last 15 to 30 minutes and can be tailored to your fitness level.



Rowing is an excellent full-body workout for losing weight at home. Invest in a rowing machine or use online tutorials for proper form.

Begin with short sessions and progressively increase duration and intensity. Aim for at least 30 minutes of rowing daily, focusing on steady, controlled strokes. Monitor progress by tracking metrics like time, distance, and calories burned.  



Burpees are a fantastic full-body home exercise for losing weight. They engage multiple muscle groups, including legs, arms, chest, and core, while boosting cardiovascular endurance. Start standing, squat down, kick your feet back into a plank, do a push-up, jump back to the squat position, and then leap up explosively. Aim to do sets of 10-15 reps, gradually increasing as you build strength and endurance.



Elliptical machines provide an effective cardiovascular workout and aid in weight loss when used consistently at home. To maximize calorie burn:

  1. Incorporate interval training, alternating between periods of high and moderate intensity.
  2. Start with a warm-up, then increase resistance and speed for intense intervals, followed by recovery periods at a lower intensity.
  3. Aim for at least 30 minutes of elliptical exercise most days of the week. 

Battle Ropes:

battle ropes

Battle ropes are a fantastic tool for losing weight at home. Incorporating them into your workout routine can torch calories and improve overall fitness.

This high-intensity exercise engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, effectively boosting metabolism and burning fat. Just 15-20 minutes of battle rope exercises can elevate heart rate and promote fat loss. Variations like waves, slams, and circles target different muscles, providing a comprehensive workout.



Pilates can be an effective at-home workout for losing weight. Focus on routines that elevate your heart rate and engage multiple muscle groups. Incorporate exercises like the hundred, plank variations, and leg circles to build strength and burn calories. Aim for at least 30 minutes of Pilates exercises most days.

Split Lunge Jumps:

split lunge jumps

Split lunge jumps are an effective bodyweight exercise to lose weight at home. Start in a lunge position, then explosively switch legs mid-air, alternating between lunges. Aim for a continuous, fluid motion, performing as many repetitions as possible with good form. This dynamic exercise elevates your heart rate, torching calories and improving cardiovascular fitness while targeting major muscle groups like the legs, glutes, and core.

Bicycle Crunches:

bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are an effective core workout that targets the rectus, abdominis, and obliques. By alternating between twisting motions and leg movements, bicycle crunches effectively engage the entire abdominal region while also burning calories. Incorporate this exercise into your routine for a stronger core and enhanced fat loss. 

Bear Crawl:

bear crawl

The bear crawl is an effective full-body quick weight loss exercise at home. Start in a plank position, then move your hands and feet forward, keeping your hips low. Move for 20-30 seconds, rest, then repeat for 5-10 sets. This dynamic workout burns calories, strengthens muscles, and improves cardiovascular health without equipment.

Low Box Runner:

A low box runner is an effective tool for weight loss at home. Begin with a sturdy box or step platform set to a low height. Incorporate dynamic movements like step-ups, alternating leg raises, or lateral stepovers to elevate your heart rate and engage multiple muscle groups. Perform exercises in intervals, aiming for at least 20-30 minutes of continuous activity. 

Bucking Hop:

Bucking hop is a dynamic home exercise to lose weight. Begin by standing with feet hip-width apart, then hop laterally while swinging arms for balance. Continue alternating hops for 15-30 minutes daily to elevate heart rate, boost metabolism, and aid weight loss, all within the comfort of your home.  

Stair Climbing:

stair climbing

Stair climbing is a fantastic way to burn calories and shed pounds in the comfort of your own home. Incorporating it into your routine can yield significant weight loss benefits. Utilize the stairs for cardio workouts, starting with a manageable number of repetitions and gradually increasing as your stamina improves. HIIT on stairs can amplify calorie burn and boost metabolism.

Dance for Weight Loss:

dance for weight loss

Dancing is a fantastic home exercise for losing weight. First, warm up your body. Choose upbeat music and dance styles that you enjoy, like hip-hop, salsa, or Zumba.

Incorporate a variety of moves like jumps, twists, and shimmies to engage different muscle groups and boost calorie burn. Keep your movements intense and continuous for at least 30 minutes to elevate your heart rate and maximize fat burning.  

Mountain Climbers:

mountain climbers

Mountain climbers are dynamic full-body exercises for losing weight at home. Start in a plank position and alternate bringing each knee to the chest in a running motion.

Maintain a steady pace for maximum calorie burn. Increase intensity by speeding up or incorporating intervals. Aim for three sets of 10-15 reps, gradually increasing as you build strength and endurance.  

Lateral Shuffle:

lateral shuffle

The lateral shuffle is an effective cardio exercise for burning calories and losing weight at home. Begin in a slight squat position, then shuffle to one side, touching the ground with one hand. Repeat to the other side. Aim for at least 10-15 minutes of continuous shuffling, gradually increasing intensity and duration as your fitness improves.

Tall Plank Shoulder Taps:

tall plank shoulder taps

Tall plank shoulder taps engage core muscles, shoulders, and stabilizers, aiding weight loss. Begin in plank position, wrists aligned under shoulders. Lift one hand, tap the opposite shoulder, return to plank, and repeat with the other hand. Perform controlled movements for 15-20 reps on each side, gradually increasing intensity to lose weight at home.

Bodyweight Reverse Lunges:

bodyweight reverse lunges

Bodyweight reverse lunges are an effective at-home exercise for weight loss. Engaging multiple muscle groups boosts metabolism and burns calories. Incorporate them into your routine alongside a balanced diet for optimal results. Start with sets of 10-12 reps per leg, gradually increasing intensity as you progress.

Yoga Poses to Lose Weight at Home

Yoga offers a holistic approach to fitness, combining physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation techniques. The various yoga poses engage different muscle groups, boost metabolism, and promote fat loss. Let's explore a range of yoga poses specifically tailored to help you lose weight at home.

Warrior Pose:

warrior pose

The Warrior Pose, or Virabhadrasana, is an assertive yoga posture that can aid in weight loss when practiced regularly. To perform this pose at home, follow these steps: 

  • Begin by standing tall at the front of your mat with your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Step your left foot back, keeping it slightly angled outward, and bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle. 
  • Keep your left leg straight and engage your core muscles. 
  • Extend your arms overhead, palms facing each other, and shoulders relaxed. 
  • Look forward and hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 
  • Repeat on the other side, stepping your right foot back.

Triangle Pose:

triangle pose

Triangle pose, or Trikonasana, is a beneficial yoga pose for weight loss that you can practice at home. Here's how to do it:

  • Start by standing at the front of your mat with your feet about 3-4 feet apart. 
  • Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot slightly inward. 
  • Inhale and extend your arms to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms facing down. 
  • Exhale and reach your right hand toward your right foot, bending at the waist and extending your left arm upward. 
  • Keep your legs straight and your torso elongated, and gaze at your left hand. 
  • Take a deep breath and hold the pose for 30 seconds.  
  • Inhale to come back up to standing and repeat on the other side.

Shoulder Pose:

The Shoulder Pose is one effective yoga pose for weight loss that targets the shoulders. To perform this pose: 

  • Start in a tabletop position. 
  • Lower your forearms to the ground, keeping them parallel to each other and shoulder-width apart. 
  • Tuck your toes and lift your hips toward the ceiling, coming into an inverted V-shape. 
  • Press firmly through your palms and forearms, engaging your core and shoulders. 
  • Take a deep breath and hold the position for 30 seconds.  
  • To release, gently lower your knees and rest in Child's Pose.

Bridge Pose:

bridge pose yoga

Bridge pose, also known as Setu Bandhasana, is an outstanding yoga pose for strengthening the muscles of the back, buttocks, and thighs while also stretching the chest, neck, and spine. To perform the bridge pose:

  • Start with lying on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet apart.  
  • Keep your arms by your sides, palms facing down. 
  • Inhale and lift your hips towards the ceiling, pressing your feet and arms into the ground. 
  • Keep your thighs parallel to each other and engage your core. 
  • Take a deep breath and hold the position for 30 seconds.  
  • Exhale and lower your hips back to the ground.

Bow Pose:

bow pose

Bow pose, or Dhanurasana, is a beneficial yoga posture that can help lose weight when practiced regularly at home. To perform the bow pose: 

  • Lie flat on your stomach with your arms by your sides. 
  • Bend your knees and bring your heels up to your buttocks. 
  • Reach back with your hands and grasp your ankles. 
  • Inhale deeply and lift your chest, head, and thighs off the ground. 
  • Take a deep breath and hold the position for 30 seconds.  
  • Exhale and release the pose, lowering back down to the ground.

Plank Pose:

phalakasana plank pose

The plank pose is a fantastic yoga exercise for losing weight at home because it engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the core, arms, shoulders, and legs. To perform the plank pose:

  • Beginning with your hands shoulder-width apart, form a straight body from head to heels in the push-up position. 
  • Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine. 
  • Hold this position for as long as possible, aiming for at least 30 seconds to start and gradually increasing your time as you get stronger. 
  • Remember to breathe consistently throughout the activity.

Downward Dog Pose:

downward dog pose

Downward Dog pose, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a fundamental yoga posture that can aid in weight loss when practiced regularly at home. To perform this pose: 

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your wrists aligned under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. 
  • Exhale and lift your hips and back, straightening your arms and legs. 
  • Press your hands firmly into the ground, keeping your fingers spread wide. 
  • Engage your core muscles and lengthen your spine, creating an inverted V shape with your body. 
  • Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, focusing on deepening your breath and lengthening your spine.

Sun Salutation:

sun salutation

Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is a series of yoga poses that somebody can practice at home to aid in weight loss. Here's to do it: 

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall with feet together and arms by your sides. 
  • Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana): Inhale, raise your arms overhead, palms facing each other. 
  • Forward Fold (Uttanasana): Exhale, hinge at the hips, and fold forward, reaching towards the floor. 
  • Halfway Lift (Ardha Uttanasana): Inhale and lengthen your spine, lifting halfway up, hands on shins or thighs. 
  • Plank Pose: Exhale, step or jump back into a plank position. 
  • Chaturanga Dandasana: Lower halfway, elbows bent, close to the body. 
  • Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana): Inhale, lift your chest, roll over your toes, and move your arms straight. 
  • Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Exhale, lift your hips up and back, forming an inverted V shape. 
  • Step or jump forward to Forward Fold. 
  • Inhale, rise to upward Salute. 
  • Exhale, return to mountain Pose.

Calories Burned with Different Exercises

Plenty of practical exercises exist for burning calories at home. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, such as burpees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers, can torch calories quickly while improving cardiovascular health. A 30-minute HIIT session can burn around 300-500 calories, depending on intensity and body weight. 

Strength training exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups build muscle and increase calorie expenditure. A 30-minute session of strength training can burn approximately 200-300 calories.  

Cardio exercises like jumping rope, dancing, or brisk walking can also help burn calories effectively. A 30-minute session of moderate-intensity cardio can burn around 150-250 calories.  

Although less intense, yoga and Pilates still contribute to calorie burning and overall fitness. A 30-minute session of yoga can burn roughly 100-200 calories.

Best Time to Exercise at Home

best time to exercise at home

The best time to exercise at home for weight loss varies depending on individual preferences and schedules. However, morning exercise can boost your metabolism and energize you for the day ahead. It can also help establish a routine and ensure other obligations stay on track later in the day. Additionally, morning exercise can help boost your mood and mental clarity, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day. 

How to Equip Your Home Gym?

how to equip your home gym

To effectively equip your home gym for weight loss, focus on incorporating a few essential equipment for various workouts. Start with dumbbells or kettlebells in a range of weights to provide resistance for strength training exercises.

A resistance band or two can also add versatility to your workouts. Invest in a stability ball for core exercises and balance training and a jump rope for cardiovascular workouts. A yoga mat is essential for floor exercises and stretching routines.

Additionally, if space and budget allow, consider adding a treadmill, stationary bike, or elliptical machine to increase your cardiovascular activity. With these essential items, you can create a well-rounded workout routine to help you achieve your weight loss goals in your home.  

Benefits of Home Workouts

benefits of home workouts

Home workouts offer numerous benefits for weight loss:

  1. They are convenient, allowing you to exercise anytime without traveling to a gym. That saves both time and money.
  2. Home workouts provide privacy, benefiting those who are self-conscious in a public gym setting. You can customize your workouts to suit your preferences and goals, whether you focus on cardio, strength training, or both.
  3. Home workouts can be as effective as gym workouts, resulting in sustainable weight loss.

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