Understanding Figs: Anjeer Fruit and Its Many Health Benefits
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Understanding Figs: Anjeer Fruit and Its Many Health Benefits
Published on: 17th Jun,2024
Last Updated on: 18th Jun,2024

Figs, also known as Anjeer fruit, are the fig tree's fruit, which belongs to the mulberry family. Why have people revered figs for centuries? This little fruit contains a nutritional punch that can benefit your health and well-being. It is delicious and a favourite choice for fitness enthusiasts looking for nutrition and taste in a single package.

This comprehensive guide will teach us everything about figs, their origins, and their incredible health benefits. So, sit back, relax, and become an expert with this comprehensive guide.

Figs History and Where They Come From

Figs, or Ficus Carica, are the fig tree's fruit. These unique fruits have been cultivated for thousands of years and are native to the Mediterranean region. However, they are also grown in other parts of the world, including the Middle East, Asia, and many parts of North and South America.

Additionally, there is a lot of variety when it comes to figs. Different shapes, sizes and colours are some key differentiators. Some of the most popular types include: 

  • Black Mission Figs: These figs are very dark purple-black and have a delightful taste, making them ideal for eating fresh and using in recipes.
  • Brown Turkey Figs: These figs are slightly less tart, have lighter brown skin, and can be used in sweet and savoury recipes.
  • Kadota Figs: Pale green; these figs have a honey-like taste and smooth texture, making them ideal for fresh consumption and canning.

The intricate structure of the fruit sets it apart from other fruits. Here's a little-known fact about figs: the "fruit" we eat is an inverted flower with tiny flowers lining the inside. This unique arrangement contributes to the fig's unique texture and flavour, which makes it a great culinary gem.

Are you intrigued to learn more about this fantastic and unique fruit? Let's dive deeper into the nutritional facts of figs.

The Nutritional Prowess of Figs

Figs History and Where They Come From

Although figs are small in size, their nutritional value is mind-blowing. They are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and more, making them a perfect addition to any healthy diet.

Dried figs have 74kcal calories per 100gm, making them an excellent choice for a weight loss diet plan.

Here's a breakdown of the critical nutrients found in figs:

  • Potassium: Another nutrient found in figs is potassium, an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and heart health.
  • Calcium: These fruits are also rich in calcium, essential for developing bones and teeth and functioning muscles.
  • Magnesium: Figs are rich in Magnesium, a mineral that plays a role in energy production, nerve transmission, and metabolism.
  • Vitamin K: This fat-soluble vitamin, represented in figs, is crucial in blood clotting and bone formation.
  • Dietary Fibre: Figs contain both soluble and insoluble fibre, which aids in digestion, helps with weight loss, and maintains blood sugar levels.

You thought that was it? Figs still have much to offer. They are a rich source of antioxidants, including polyphenols and flavonoids. These potent compounds protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can later contribute to chronic diseases.

Now that you know what figs offer to your body and what makes them so nutritious. Let's delve deeper and learn what health benefits you can get by adding figs to your diet.

The Incredible Health Benefits of Figs

the incredible health benefits of figs

  • Heart Health: Figs are also considered very good for the heart because of the potassium and fibre they contain. Potassium is beneficial to the heart because it helps regulate blood pressure. At the same time, fibre also benefits the heart as it helps lower cholesterol and reduce the likelihood of heart disease. Figs' antioxidants may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which are believed to be the main culprits behind cardiovascular diseases.
  • Digestive Support: The fig fibre is a true boon for your stomach. The effects of soluble and insoluble fibre are complementary because they aid in the passage of stools, the prevention of constipation, and the promotion of the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut. Figs are also rich in certain compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract, which is helpful for those suffering from IBS.
  • Weight Management: Figs can be beneficial if one desires to gain and maintain a healthy weight or is dieting. They are rich in fibre, which can help you control your appetite so that you do* not feel hungry most of the time. Furthermore, they are sweet, and this can assist you in fighting your sweet cravings and substitute sweet foods that are not very healthy for you.
  • Bone Health: Figs are also known to contain calcium and vitamin K, essential in the human body, especially in forming bones. The body needs vitamin K for bone mineralisation and the prevention of bone density loss because it is one of the major structural components of bone tissue. Figs are also good for the bones and can be used to treat conditions such as osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases.
  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Figs are sweet, as you would expect from a fruit, but they are not very high on the glycemic index, and therefore, people with diabetes and those who are watching their blood sugar levels can eat them without any harm. Fibre in figs is good for health as it slows down the digestion of sugars in the body, which means that there will not be a spike in blood sugar levels.
  • Skin Health: The antioxidants found in figs, particularly vitamins A, C, and E, can help protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors. These potent compounds also help reduce inflammation and promote collagen production, creating a more youthful, radiant complexion.

Addressing Common Concerns

addressing common concerns

Are figs Suitable for People with Diabetes?

Figs do contain natural sugars, but their low glycemic index and high fibre content make them a perfect option for individuals who are suffering from diabetes. However, you need to monitor portion sizes and include them slowly and in a balanced manner in your diet. Everything in excess is wrong. 

Can Figs help with Weight Loss?

Figs are low in calories, which doesn't mean they can help with weight loss. However, their high fibre content can help with weight management by making you feel full, which will help you reduce your calorie intake. Combining figs with a balanced diet and regular exercise is advised, as they can be a great addition to your weight loss plan. 

How many Figs should I Eat in a Day?

There needs to be Aion, which has no set answer, as it depends on each individual. However, many experts recommend eating at least 2-3 figs per day to take advantage of their health benefits. As we all know, everything in excess is wrong for health. Therefore, listening to your body and adjusting your intake based on your activity levels and overall diet is necessary.

Practical Tips for Incorporating Figs into Your Diet

Now that you've learned the incredible health benefits of figs, it's time to start incorporating them into your daily routine. Here are some practical tips and creative ideas:

  1. Fresh vs. Dried Figs: Both fresh and dried figs have many nutrients; therefore, one can take either depending on the one they prefer or the one easily accessible. Fresh figs are best for snacking or for use in sandwiches, salads, or cakes. You can also place dried figs in a pocket or purse as a snack between meals or add them to trail mix or oatmeal.
  2. Creative Recipe Ideas: Remember to incorporate figs in various ways in the kitchen, sweet dishes, and meat dishes. For example, somebody can blend them into smoothies and add them to yoghurt parfaits, oatmeal, salads, or grain bowls to naturally sweeten and add nutrients to the dish. You can also experiment with the varieties of jams, chutneys or sauces prepared for meat and vegetables from figs.
  3. Storage and Selection: When selecting fresh figs, one should go for those that have a slightly soft feeling but are not overly soft and those without skin damage. They should be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days to retain their flavour and texture. Somebody should keep dried figs in a cool, dry place in a sealed container so they may last for several months.


Figs are a natural superfood that somebody should include in a balanced diet. Due to their excellent nutritional value and great taste, they are a perfect fit that can be incorporated into any diet plan, whether it is a diet plan for weight loss or even a regular balanced diet plan. Thus, whether you care about your weight, heart, digestion or want a good meal, figs are the right choice for you. Well then, what are you still waiting for? You should go to your nearby store and buy this fruit. Make them a part of your daily diet and discover the numerous benefits for your health.

Would you like to consult with a dietitian regarding a weight loss diet plan that somebody will individualise according to your food preferences and needs? FITFEAST can help. Get your nutritionist, who will recommend a diet plan for you according to your requirements and the type of foods you prefer.

Written By
Raghav Kundra
Raghav Kundra
Digital Marketing
I'm Raghav Kundra, a content writer and editor with 4 years of experience. I've worked with a range of companies, helping them tell their stories effectively. I specialize in making complex ideas simple and engaging through my writing. My passion doesn't stop at work; I love exploring ancient texts and sharing insights from them. Writing is more than a job for me—it's how I connect with and inspire others.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many figs should I eat a day?

Consuming 2-3 figs daily is recommended to obtain the fruit's beneficial effects without consuming much sugar or calories.

What are the benefits of eating figs?

Figs provide fibre, vitamins, and minerals that support heart health, aid the digestive system, strengthen bones, and help with weight control.

Are figs high in sugar?

Yes, figs are sweet due to natural sugars; fresh figs contain about 16g of sugars per 100g and dried figs about 74g per 100g.

Are figs hot or cold?

People in traditional Chinese medicine believe that figs have a warming property, but they can use them in warm and cold preparations.

Who should eat figs?

Figs are suitable for the majority of the population, especially for those who have problems with digestion, hypertension or those who want to improve their bone health.

Do figs cause gas?

Figs contain a lot of fibre and, if consumed in large quantities, may lead to gas formation in the stomach.

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