How to Stay Active and Healthy During the Festival of Colors

How to Stay Active and Healthy During the Festival of Colors

Raghav Kundra22 March, 2024Updated on : 20 Mar 2024

The Festival of Colors, also known as Holi, is a yearly joyful Hindu celebration. During this time, the streets come alive with bright powdered colors, upbeat music, and the laughter of children and adults alike. While Holi is a time for fun, games, and honoring traditions, it's important to remember your health and wellness during the festivities.

One of the biggest challenges during Holi is overindulging in unhealthy snacks and sweets. With so many delicious fried treats, syrupy sweets, and sugar-laden beverages, indulging too much is easy.

All those extra calories and sugary foods can lead to weight gain, sluggishness, and low energy levels. Playing Holi with lots of energy can tire you if you don't eat and rest enough beforehand. Make sure to fuel and prepare your body.

Staying active, making wise dietary choices, and practicing self-care during Holi allow you to fully enjoy and embrace the vibrant festivities without sacrificing your fitness goals or overall well-being. With simple tips and mindful strategies, you can balance honoring beloved traditions and prioritizing your health. FITPASS, a top fitness app, provides valuable guidance to help you navigate Holi and stay on track throughout the year.

Preparing Mind and Body for Holi

preparing mind and body for holi

Before Holi celebrations, preparing your body by eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is essential. You can get lean protein from legumes or poultry, complex carbohydrates from whole grains, and fiber from fruits and vegetables. These foods provide energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and prevent fatigue, headaches, or dizziness. Staying hydrated is vital to maintaining high energy levels.

Work in some light exercise routines before the festival as well. Try gentle exercises like walking, biking, swimming, or yoga to prepare for Holi celebrations. These activities will help you build up your strength for all the running, dancing, and playing you'll do during the festivities.

Get Active with Colorful Games

get active with colorful games

Are you looking for fun ways to celebrate Holi? Well, look no further! Holi is the perfect opportunity to get active and have fun with your loved ones. Traditional Holi games like Rang Phor (throwing vibrant dry powder at each other) and Lathi Maar (playfully swinging bamboo staffs with liquid colors) encourage movement and create joyful connections. 

You can also add a modern twist to these games by using eco-friendly, plant-based colors in water balloons for relay races. Another fun game is a color tag, where you tag your friends with vibrant powdered colors instead of your hand. So, get ready to immerse yourself in the spirit of Holi with these fun and interactive activities!

Regardless of your chosen activities, include modifications for players of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels. Set up color stations at different heights or incorporate seated versions so that everyone can join the fun in a way that feels comfortable for them.

Mindful Snacking for Lasting Energy

mindful snacking for lasting energy

During the Holi festival, it's common to indulge in unhealthy snacks. However, instead of eating processed, sugary sweets or high-calorie, high-fat fried foods, it's better to choose nourishing snacks that provide sustainable energy. That will help you keep enjoying the festivities without compromising on your health. You can enjoy the delicious aromas of savory snacks and sweet treats without compromising your health.

Fresh fruits like mangoes, pineapple, grapes, and berries make excellent hand-held treats that satisfy sweet cravings in a nutritious way. When you're on the go, it's essential to have easy and healthy snacks on hand. Portable options like homemade granola bars, trail mixes with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, or simple snacks like apples with nut butter. You can even prepare batches of crispy baked vegetable sticks or roasted chickpeas to dip in hummus or add to yogurt and fruit parfaits for a refreshing snack.

To stay hydrated, skip sugary sodas and keep a reusable water bottle filled with fresh water nearby. For natural flavor without added sugars, you can add slices of lemon, lime, cucumber, or berries to your water. Another option to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating is to drink homemade salted lassi (a chilled, salted yogurt drink) or Chaos (savory buttermilk).

Remember to listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues before reaching for another snack. If craving salt, choose nutrient-dense salted nuts or seeds rather than fried, processed chips or pretzels. By making mindful choices, you can curb your cravings while nourishing your body from the inside out.

Post-Holi Recovery

post holi recovery

It's essential to take care of your body after the excitement of Holi subsides. While it's a fun festival, it can be physically taxing with all the activities, calorie-rich foods, exposure to dyes and colors, and dehydration. That can strain your body's systems, so it's essential to give yourself some well-deserved rest and care.

To kickstart your body's detoxification process, you can consume plenty of cleansing foods, such as citrus fruits. These fruits are rich in vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and helps flush out toxins from your system. Lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits all fit the bill. 

Load up on fiber-rich leafy greens like spinach, kale, and beet greens, which support the elimination of waste. Fermented foods like yogurt and kefir introduce beneficial probiotics into your gut to restore the balance of healthy bacteria and promote overall digestive functioning.

After celebrating Holi, it is best to limit your intake of processed or fried foods, refined carbohydrates, and foods high in unhealthy fats or added sugars. These foods can strain your body's natural detoxifying abilities. Drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and freshly squeezed juices to rehydrate and replenish fluids.

When you feel ready, ease back into your regular exercise routine. Start with gentle activities like walking, full-body stretching, or gentle yoga. That will help you gradually adjust and avoid putting too much strain on your body. That allows your body to readjust gradually after the physical exertion of Holi. 

You can increase your exercise duration and intensity over the next week. The FITPASS app offers workout class recommendations, fitness challenges, and expert guidance to help you start your fitness routine. It's a great way to get back on track with your fitness goals and start on the right foot.

Consistency and self-compassion are essential after a period of overindulgence. Celebrate your efforts, stay motivated, and let Holi's spirit of joy, renewal, and community inspire you to prioritize your overall wellness all year!



Reflect on what you learned about finding balance, nourishing your body, and prioritizing self-care during Holi. Although it is a vibrant and treasured celebration rooted in cultural traditions, it doesn't have to come at the expense of your health and wellness. Remember to take care of yourself even during festivities.

To enjoy Holi and stay healthy, eat well, drink water, stay active, play games, pick healthy snacks, and get enough rest. Remember to balance celebratory treats with nourishing whole foods to keep your energy levels up. Moderation is key.

Stay calm if you are overindulging or thrown off track with your typical fitness routine. The FITPASS app supports you with helpful resources, workout videos, nutrition guidance, and more to help you gradually develop healthy habits. Keep your mindset focused on progress, not perfection.

Let Holi's spirit of renewal and optimism inspire you to prioritize your overall well-being throughout the year - not just during the festival season. Celebrate the chance to hit the reset button while honoring the health of your mind, body, and soul. Here's to a year ahead filled with an abundance of energy, vitality and joyful living!

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