5 Workouts That Burn More Than 500 Calories

If you burn an extra 500 calories a day, you can easily lose a pound a week. Exercise doesn’t have to be monotonous, painful, or unenjoyable. In fact, making sure that it’s not can help you avoid burning out. If spending 60-70 minutes on the gym’s elliptical every day of the week sounds mind-numbingly boring to you, as it should, try pulling from any of these more interesting ways to keep yourself interested.Hop, skip and run to it with these intense exercises that work hard - and very fast.
Step into the arena and try these 5 Workouts that burn more than 500 calories.
- Circuit Training
In Circuit training 520-660 calories per hours deep and feel the bicep burn!
- BootCamp Training
Boot Camp is arguably the best exercise for strengthening your biceps. Incorporate this into your workout routine regularly for better results. boot camp makes sure to incorporate elements of yoga and Pilates into each session as an added bonus to core training. A Boot Camp workout will burn between 550-700 calories per hour.
- Spinning Training
Spinning works on your glutes, calves, thighs, and stomach while burning a ton of calories through the interval training dictated by each instructor — from hill climbs to sprints and more. It’s just like riding a bike but even more beneficial for your body.A vigorous Spinning workout can burn nearly as many, about 520-670 calories per hour.
- Boxing Classes
Boxing brings into play your biceps. A regular Boxing session burns up to 650-770 calories per hour. It helps to increase your endurance, strength, and speed in the growth of your biceps.
- Dance Centric Workouts
Toning your biceps doesn’t mean that you must spend extra hours at the gym or do hundreds of push-ups.Dance Centric Workouts roughly burn around 510-620 calories per hours. Whether you’re doing Zumba or Bollywood a dance workout will keep you moving and sweating by burning your calories for the entire duration of your class.
Do you dread your cardio days? If you're logging more than an hour on a treadmill, elliptical, or any gym machine every week, we don't blame you—unless you don't do anything about it! With these five workout options, you'll torch up to 500 calories in just 60 minutes. Take these 5 workouts through FITPASS and feel the burn!

Engage in high-intensity activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or HIIT workouts for about 45 minutes to an hour.