FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
9th Sep, 2023
FITFEAST Health Expert talks about Obesity
Gain in-depth knowledge on Obesity mentioned by your FITFEAST Nutritionist Shreya Mahajan. Learn more about obesity and its consequences here.
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FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
8th Sep, 2023
Becoming a Foodie Fitster: Finding the Right Diet For your Fitness Goals and Lifestyle
If you love food and you love to be fit, you can now satisfy the Foodie Fitster in you with diet plans that take your lifestyle and fitness goals into consideration.
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FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
26th Aug, 2023
Are Carbs Good For You?
Unveiling the carb conundrum: Learn if carbs are your ally or adversary in the quest for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Get the facts now.
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FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
3rd Jan, 2022
FITPASS 2021 Year In Review
2021, a year when there was a new normal, the year when the world started getting back to what it was before. Take a look at our achievements in 2021 and what you should be expecting in 2022. We believe that evolution is what keeps us going so we never stop innovating and evolving.
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FITPASS Editorial Team
FITPASS Editorial Team
16th Jan, 2020
2019 - Year In Review | FITPASS
We are thrilled to present the last year’s response. Here is how 2019 panned out for FITPASS and members.
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