Women's Day Special: Nutrition Tips for Women
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Women's Day Special: Nutrition Tips for Women
Published on: 8th Mar, 2023
Last Updated on: 11th Jul, 2024

Inspirational, inexhaustible and impervious, today’s woman is always on the move and ready to take on any challenge that the world may throw at her. And on this one day of the year, we celebrate her. 

March 8th is earmarked globally as Women’s Day. A day when we tip our hats to the women who make everything they do seem easy, all while donning a smile on their faces. 

With an unending to-do list just waiting to be ticked off, the modern woman goes through her day ensuring she makes the time for everything and everyone. Family, friends, co-workers, work deadlines, household responsibilities, no one and nothing is left behind. And while she’s busy making sure all the work is done, she often forgets to put her health at the top of her priorities. 

So, as you wish the women in your life a Happy Women’s Day, here are a few health tips for women that you can remind her of to ensure she lives a longer, fuller, healthier life.

Health Tips for Women

In a day filled with activity and multi-tasking, staying hydrated ensures that she feels energetic and fresh throughout. Replenishing the body with fluids, helps the body lubricate and cushion joints, protects sensitive areas of the body like the spinal cord, increases energy levels and concentration, prevents headaches and much more. 
And while some have hourly reminders to take a sip of water, others keep track of their water intake with bottles that tell them just how much they’ve hydrated. 

Fruits are the most natural sources of vitamins and minerals providing antioxidants to the body to help it steer clear of heart disease, diabetes and a multitude of other diseases. And while apples might be a common favourite, bananas offer a large number of benefits as well.

Women are subject to an onslaught of comments on their weight. Too heavy or too light, there’s never a just right. Yet, in the process of trying to be the ideal size, there are times when meals are skipped, unhealthy foods are consumed, or food is avoided altogether. And while she can count her calories per day, or look up diet charts and weight loss tips, an ideal diet is a well-balanced one that is consumed at regular intervals and ensures she gets all the nutrients she needs.

While coffee makes one feel awake and ready to face the day, it also leaves one feeling dehydrated and gradually begins to deteriorate the bones. Herbal tea, green tea or masala tea are great replacements for coffee. 

However, making sure her body gets the adequate nutritional value doesn’t stop there. Maintaining a healthy diet is just one of the things she needs to do to stay at her healthiest. 

So what other simple things can we recommend to the women in our lives to optimise their health in the most manageable ways possible?

Indulging in easy-to-do, quick workout regimens on a weekly basis ensure she stays at her fittest. A Yoga class designed specifically for women, a session of aerobics she can take part in, or a walk around her apartment complex, any form of workout will help with weight management and lead to better cardiovascular health. 

The body can adjust to one’s busy schedule and routine seems quite impossible to the always on-the-go woman of today. But maintaining an almost regular routine will help the body cope with the strains of all the things that are demanded of her. A scheduled time to wake up, consume meals and go to bed provide the stability the body needs to keep itself revitalised. 

The body needs just as much rest as it needs activity. 6 – 7 hours of quality sleep will help uplift mood, increase immunity, reduce stress and improve clarity of thought. As the brain stays awake through one’s REM cycle, it helps process all the new information one receives during the day. 

And while you’re recommending a healthy lifestyle to the modern-day woman, remember to recommend modern day solutions like FITPASS membership. One app that gives her access to 5500+ gyms and fitness studios around the country, an AI enabled fitness coach, a personalised dietician and much more. 

All she has to do is download the FITPASS app and answer a few questions about her lifestyle and her goals and she will be prescribed an exact list of things to do to ensure all her targets are met without making it too much of a task in her never-ending list of things to do.

So while she takes care of her work, her family, her friends and everyone around her, FITPASS will take care of her. 

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FITPASS Editorial Team
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The writers, storytellers and day-dreamers - making sure that they pen down their thoughts in the best possible manner. With an expertise in writing for Health & Lifestyle, they used the platform to share their knowledge to the readers.
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