Top Exercises To Reduce Hand Fat & Have Toned Hands
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Top Exercises To Reduce Hand Fat & Have Toned Hands
Published on: 27th Apr,2023
Last Updated on: 26th May,2023

When we consume more calories than what’s required, our body stores these calories as fat reserves. What you notice as flab, whether on your belly, arms, back etc. is layers of fat that’s due to excessive consumption. We’re all different and our body tends to distribute fat across our body a certain way. That’s why you may see certain parts of your body are fattier even after working out.

This phenomenon happens with the hands and arms sometimes. Even if you exercise and attain a toned physique, you may feel your hands or arms still have some excess fat, which may be undesirable. So, here’s how to reduce arm fat and hand fat using a few simple exercises.

Lifting Weights

Lifting any weight can work up your arm muscles and help you lose arm fat. A set of dumbbells are best, but even if you don't have them, you can use any heavy object in your home instead. Pick up one object in each hand and lift both your arms up past your ears, straightening them fully. Lower your hands slowly by bending the elbows and repeat 20 times for 3 sets. 

Hand Gripper Exercises

One of the most effective exercises to reduce hand fat is hand gripper exercises. Hand grippers are small hand-held devices that you can use to strengthen your grip and tone your hands.

To do this exercise, hold the gripper in one hand and squeeze it as tightly as possible. Hold the squeeze for a few seconds, then release and repeat with the other hand. Do this exercise for a few sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Wrist Curl Exercises

Wrist curl exercises are another great way to tone your hands and reduce hand fat. To practice wrist curls, sit on a chair with your forearm resting on a table or bench, with your hand hanging off the edge. Hold a dumbbell in your hand and curl your wrist upwards, then lower it back down.

Repeat this for a few sets of 10-15 repetitions with each hand. This exercise can also be done with any other graspable heavy weight if you do not have a dumbbell. 

Finger Stretching Exercises

Finger stretching exercises are also pretty useful for improving flexibility and reducing hand fat. To perform finger stretching, extend your fingers as far as possible, then make a fist and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise for a few sets of 10-15 repetitions with each hand.


The push-up is a great exercise to reduce arm fat and get toned arms. Push-ups are quite popular and tone the entire body, resulting in a good amount of fat loss. To do a push-up, get into a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Lower your body down towards the ground, then push back up. Repeat this exercise for a few sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance bands can also be used for reducing hand fat and toning the hands. To practice resistance band toning exercises, loop a resistance band around your fingers and stretch it outwards. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, then release and repeat for a few sets of 10-15 repetitions with each hand.

Chair Dips

Chair dips are also excellent arm fat exercises that tone the arms and strengthen them. Find a rigid, adult-chair and sit down on it. Move on to the edge of the chair and place your hands next to your hips.

Slide your butt off the chair and straighten your arms, keeping your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Lower your body down towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping your back close to the chair. Then raise yourself back up. Repeat 30 times for 3 sets.

By doing the above exercises regularly, you can reduce arm and hand fat over time. Some yoga poses are also effective in toning hands and arms. If you want to incorporate hand exercises to your routine, then download the FITPASS app. You can get access to the best yoga classes near you where you can practice the above hand exercises. 

Frequently Asked Questions
How often should I do hand exercises to see results?

You can incorporate hand exercises into your regular 5-day workout routine. If you’re a beginner, aim to perform hand exercises at least 3-4 times a week. Seasoned fitness enthusiasts can sometimes also practise hand exercises daily.

Can hand exercises also improve grip strength?

Yes, hand exercises strengthen the smaller muscles in your hands and fingers. This can significantly improve your grip strength.

Are there any hand exercises I can do at my desk?

You can do hand exercises at home, during travel and even at your office at your desk. You can perform hand grip exercises using a hand gripper, finger stretching, and resistance band exercises when you’re at your desk and your hands are free.

Can't find an answer? Reach out to our team directly at or dial 1800-5714-466.
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