Stairway to Good Health: A Flight of Stairs can Lead You to Fitness

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The onset of monsoon among other things can bring about lethargy and the feeling of constant fatigue. It can also be an excuse for some to skip workout because making your way to the gym through the deep puddles and muck is not exactly a fun kind of thing to do. But what if we told you that you no longer have to put yourself through that struggle and can turn your staircase into your gym during monsoon. Yes, a stairs workout at home is something that you can do to stay in good shape and help you watch your weight. Just take out 15-30 minutes from your busy schedule and head over to the closest staircase and try these workout regimes. From stair push ups to stair tricep dips there are many staircase workouts that can help you build core strength, boost your stamina and tone the muscles. Let's take a look at these exercises now.
There's no better way to workout than climbing stairs. If you are thinking of trying the staircase workout for weight loss then stair climbing throughout the day can help you shed kilos. Stair climbing can be slow to fast depending on your pace and is a great exercise for your legs.
Pro tip: Don't start with a high speed as it can hurt you and tire you out quickly.
One of the best stairs workout to tone your arms and triceps is stairs tricep dips. For this you need to stand straight with your back towards the staircase and keep your hands shoulder width apart. Now place your ends on the stair and keep your shoulders perpendicular to your wrist and legs stretched in front of you and bend your elbows and arms until they are at a 90 degree angle.
A staircase workout for full body that can help you control your weight gain and be in shape is squat jumps. For this you need to face the stairs and hop up with both feet and land in a squat position. You need to hold it upto a count of two and then jump to the next stair. For this workout make sure your back is angled in the right way.
If you are planning to indulge in a stairs workout then stair hops is another exercise that you should include in your everyday regime. Stair hopping needs you to start at the bottom of the staircase with your feet hip width apart. Now you have to squat down and jump on the first stair and land in a squat position and maintain your balance.
Pro tip: Don't worry about your speed but your balance because that's what is important.
A beginner staircase workout that has multiple benefits for your body, stair push ups don't even need a mat. For this, stand at the base and put your hands up on the third step and lie down in a push up position. Make sure your body is in a straight line and extend your hands and keep your toes tucked in. Keep your back straight and lower your body by bending your elbows.
A staircase cardio workout that help you boost your stamina and get in shape, stair lunges should be a part of your every day workout session. For this, stand at the bottom of the staircase with your feet hip width apart and put your foot on the first step, bending your knees slightly. The knee ahead should be bent at a right angle and the one behind should be at a right angle behind you. Hold for a few seconds and then stand straight and repeat with the other leg.
Another one of stairs workout at home that are really beneficial are stair side Ups. For this you need to stand sideways to the stairs and keep the right side of your body closer to the stairs. Then you need to engage your core and bend your knees to place your right foot on the first stair and follow by the left foot. Then you need to continue moving sideways till you reach the top of the stairs. Repeat with the left foot leading while coming down.