Jogging vs. Skipping Rope: Which is Better for Fitness?
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Jogging vs. Skipping Rope: Which is Better for Fitness?
Published on: 28th Jun,2023
Last Updated on: 21th May,2024

There are so many cardio exercises one can practise that sometimes we may be confused about which one to include in our workout routine. Whether it is running, swimming, cycling, or skipping rope, all cardio activities are beneficial for reducing weight, increasing cardiovascular efficiency and improving overall health. 

Which one you want to practise usually boils down to your personal preference, the muscles you want to target, your fitness levels and prior injuries or bone diseases.  

In this blog, we’ll be comparing two very popular cardio exercises: jogging and skipping rope. Both exercises are excellent for weight loss and enhancing overall fitness, and you can very well practise both if you wish to do so. But if you want to choose one, you can make an informed choice based on this comparison. 

Jogging vs. Skipping Rope: Comparative Factors

Let’s begin the comparison based on a few factors like calories burnt, muscles engaged, impact on joints etc.  

Calories Burnt

Jogging Vs Skipping Rope

Cardiovascular exercises are usually practised by most people as a means to burn excess calories. So it becomes important to understand which one out of jumping rope and running burns more calories. One of the benefits of skipping and running at average speeds is that they both burn a similar amount of calories. 

A study of calories burnt during physical activities suggests that both running and jumping rope for 30 minutes can burn around 400-450 calories in a person of average weight when practised at moderate intensities. At higher intensities, skipping burns slightly more calories. 

Muscles Engaged

Muscles Engaged in Skipping Vs Jogging 

Another important factor to consider when choosing between jumping and skipping rope is the muscles you want to target. Running and skipping rope both use the lower body for propulsion and the core muscles for stability. However, skipping rope has a slight advantage here since your shoulder and arm muscles are also fully engaged when turning the rope. Running engages your butt muscles more whereas skipping involves hip abductors.  

Impact On Joints

Impact on joints Skipping Vs Running 

Since both skipping rope and jogging are done on hard, solid ground, both have a similar amount of impact on the knee joints. In skipping, double-skip rope jumping has a greater impact than single-skip rope jumping. So if you have knee trouble, previous injuries or arthritis, talk to your physician before including skipping or jogging in your routine. Low-impact cardio workouts like cycling and swimming may be a better option for you. 

Fat Burning Capability

Fat Burning Capability Skipping Vs Jogging

At the end of the day, fitness enthusiasts want results in the form of body fat and weight reduction. Multiple studies have shown that running is comparable to jumping rope when it comes to fat burning and reduced risk of heart disease. Both forms of exercise are excellent for weight reduction and improved heart health. Find out how skipping rope is one of the best cardio ever.  

Which One to Choose?

Choose Skipping Vs Jogging

Looking at this comparison, it is clear that jogging and jumping rope are very similar in terms of muscles engaged, calories burnt and overall health benefits. So which one should you choose? It can be a matter of personal preference. 

But it has to be said that skipping rope is known to burn slightly more calories at higher intensities. So if you want a quicker and more efficient exercise you can choose skipping. 

On the other hand, if you like a change in your surroundings, you can go running in the park and enjoy the activity unlike skipping, which is done at a fixed spot. You can also get the best of both worlds by skipping rope in between your running days and enjoy the benefits of both exercises.  

If you’re looking for the best jogging track classes near you, then look no further than FITPASS. Our comprehensive fitness app not only lets you find the best jogging tracks in Delhi, Mumbai and other metro cities but also allows you to single out the best fitness centre near you to help you achieve your fitness goals.   

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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key health benefits of jogging and skipping?

The health benefits of skipping rope and jogging are very similar and include improved cardiovascular health and efficiency, weight loss, better breathing capacity, increased muscle strength and improved overall health and well-being. 

How do the calorie-burning effects of jogging and skipping compare?

Both jogging and skipping have similar calorie-burning effects, with skipping having a slight advantage at higher intensities.  

Which exercise is better for joint health and overall fitness?

Jumping rope and jogging are both high-impact exercises that exert considerable force on the knee joints. Although they’re excellent for overall fitness, people with prior injuries, arthritis or other bone diseases must consult their doctor before engaging in running or jumping rope. Low-impact workouts like swimming and cycling are gentler on the joints and are a better option in such cases.   

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