What Happens to Your Body When You Fast for 24 Hours
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What Happens to Your Body When You Fast for 24 Hours
Published on: 18th Jul,2024
Last Updated on: 10th Sep,2024

Fasting has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people exploring its potential health benefits. One form of fasting that's gained significant attention is the 24-hour fast. But what exactly happens to your body when you go a whole day without food? Let's dive deep into the world of 24-hour fasting, exploring its benefits, effects, and how to do it safely.

Understanding 24-Hour Fasting

A 24-hour fast means you will only eat something for part of the day. During this time, you can only have water, herbal teas, and other non-sweet drinks since you need to avoid calories. This is different from intermittent fasting, where you can eat during certain hours of the day.

Fasting isn't a new concept; it's been around for centuries in various cultures and religions. The recent buzz around fasting is due to new studies highlighting its health benefits.

Health Benefits of 24-Hour Fasting

health benefits of 24 hour fasting

The potential benefits of 24-hour fasting are remarkable. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Weight Loss: When you fast, your body uses stored fat for energy, promoting weight loss. This process, called ketosis, starts about 12 hours into fasting and involves burning fat. A 24-hour fast gives your body enough time to use these fat reserves, and doing it regularly can help with weight loss.
  • Improved Brain Function: Studies suggest that fasting may increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein supporting brain health. BDNF plays a role in learning, memory, and maintaining healthy neurons.
  • Better Heart Health: Research has also revealed that fasting helps in reducing blood pressure and the level of bad cholesterol. These effects are especially helpful to the heart and may help decrease the likelihood of heart disease; a major killer that continues to plague the world.
  • Reduced Inflammation: This means that when you embark on a juice fast, you are allowing your digestive system to take a break, and this helps in the healing process and reduces inflammation. This can be beneficial for conditions like arthritis, cancer, and heart disease.
  • Cellular Repair: When you fast, your body undergoes a process called autophagy, where it breaks down and recycles old and damaged proteins within the cells. This cellular "housekeeping" is crucial for maintaining proper cell function and may play a role in preventing diseases, including cancer.

Specific Benefits

specific benefits

Benefits of a 24-hour Fast Once a Week

24-hour fasting can be helpful in changing eating patterns, enhancing the insulin response, and increasing metabolic rates. Some individuals have reported that it is quite beneficial to fast at least once a week as it assists in changing the perception towards food. It can also help as a mental break and make you more aware of your eating habits.

24-Hour Intermittent Fasting Benefits

If done within the framework of intermittent fasting, 24-hour fasts can improve the cell's repair mechanisms, boost the levels of growth hormone, and even protect against certain diseases. Of all the hormones, growth hormone is one of the most important. It is involved in metabolism, muscle mass, and body composition.

Fasting Benefits by Hour

As your fast progresses, different processes occur in your body:

  • At 12 hours: Your body gets into a fasted state. It starts to switch from relying on glucose as the primary source of energy to the fat stored in the body.
  • Around 18 hours: The rate of fat utilisation is also enhanced. Your body is now in complete ketosis and is burning fat as its primary source of energy.
  • At 24 hours: Cellular cleanup or autophagy starts in full swing. It aids in the elimination of dysfunctional cellular structures, which may lower the likelihood of different illnesses.

24-Hour Fasting Benefits for Bodybuilding

For those who are into fitness, 24-hour fasting enhances the release of human growth hormone, which is beneficial in muscle mass retention and post-workout recovery. It is also common for some bodybuilders to practise fasting in order to aid in cutting and definition phases.

Benefits of Fasting for Three Days vs. 24 Hours

Although longer fasts offer more significant benefits, they are more challenging and may be dangerous at times. A 24-hour fast is usually less risky and can be incorporated into one's daily routine more quickly for most individuals. It is possible to achieve even higher levels of autophagy and, therefore, better fat-burning during three-day fasts, but at the same time, you can experience more severe side effects and nutrient deficiencies.

Impact of 24-Hour Fasting

Let's examine some specific areas where 24-hour fasting can have an impact:

24-Hour Fasting Benefits for Weight Loss and Metabolism

The metabolic rate can be increased by 3x when one fasts for 24 hours. 6-14%, assisting you to lose calories even while at rest. This rate of metabolism may continue even after the break of the fast, which may result in higher calorie consumption in the long run. Moreover, it automatically lowers the daily calorie consumption, which means that the body is in a calorie deficit, and thus weight loss is possible.

Calories Burned Fasting for 24 Hours

The number is precise and depends on the age, gender, weight, and activity level of the person. But on average, a man spends about 2500 calories and a woman about 2000 calories in one day, even if they do not eat. This means that a 24-hour fast, therefore, creates an automatic calorie restriction, which, when practised regularly, can lead to weight loss.

24-Hour Fasting Benefits for Testosterone and Hormone Balance

There are some works that indicate that fasting can raise testosterone levels in men, as well as regulate the hormones in both sexes. This means that the muscles become more developed, the bones are more robust, and the body feels alive. In women, fasting can level out estrogen, and this can assist in eliminating some of the symptoms of conditions such as PCOS. However, more studies are required in this field to know the impact of fasting on hormones in detail.

24-Hour Fasting Benefits for Keto and Low-Carb Diets

Fasting can help you get into ketosis faster and therefore it is useful especially if you are on a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is a metabolic process in which your body uses fat instead of carbohydrates as its primary source of energy. A 24-hour fast will reduce your glycogen stores more quickly, which will help you transition into ketosis more quickly.

Benefits of 24-Hour Dry Fast vs. Water Fast

Dry fasting, which means no food or water, is more severe and has more benefits than wet fasting but is also more dangerous. Modern science has established that water fasting is comparatively safer and still has a lot of benefits. Dry fasting is highly risky because it results in rapid dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Water fasting, however, enables you to keep taking water while at the same time observing your calorie intake.

How to Implement 24-Hour Fasting Safely

If you're considering trying a 24-hour fast, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Start slowly: One should start with small fasting periods and then gradually increase the duration to 24 hours. It is possible to begin with a 12-hour fast (when you miss breakfast) and then gradually extend the time.
  • Stay hydrated: It is advisable to take a lot of water, herbal tea or black coffee in between the meals. It is advisable to take a lot of water during the fasting period to avoid instances of headaches and fatigue, among others.
  • Plan your fast: Select a day that is calm and full of many activities. Fasting may be mentally tiring; therefore, it is advisable to begin the practice on a day when you only have a few activities.
  • Break your fast gently: It is recommended that when you begin eating again, start with foods that are light and easy on the digestive system. The best food to take when you are trying to break your fast is a small portion of fruits, vegetables or lean protein.
  • Listen to your body: It is important to remember that if, at any point during the fast, the person feels uncomfortable, then they can stop the fast. It is important to note that your health and well-being should always come first.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

potential side effects and precautions

It's essential to be aware of potential side effects when fasting. Common issues include:

  • Hunger: This is the most apparent side effect and can be severe, particularly at the onset of treatment.
  • Headaches: Sometimes because of thirst or withdrawal if you are a coffee or tea drinker and you eat with the beverage.
  • Fatigue: You may feel tired at times, more so if you are new to fasting.
  • Irritability: Some people, especially when they are hungry, get angry.
  • Difficulty concentrating: There are those who have a difficult time concentrating whenever they are hungry.

To mitigate these effects, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and engage in light activities to keep yourself occupied. If side effects become severe or persist, it's best to break the fast and consult with a healthcare professional.


There are numerous benefits of fasting, including weight loss and better brain and cell function and this can be achieved through 24-hour fasting. But it should be done safely and with a lot of common sense. If you are interested in the possibilities of 24-hour fasting, try it. It is recommended to begin with less intensity and drink water at the same time to pay attention to the signals the body sends.

To remind you, each person is different and has their own health plan. One cannot compare two people and say that what was adequate for one will be effective for the other. Remember always to put your health first and seek medical advice from a doctor before changing your diet or exercising regularly.

Suppose you're looking for more ways to boost your health and fitness, explore FITPASS. Whether you decide to incorporate fasting into your routine or explore other health strategies, the key is finding what works best for you and your body.

Written By
Raghav Kundra
Raghav Kundra
Digital Marketing
I'm Raghav Kundra, a content writer and editor with 4 years of experience. I've worked with a range of companies, helping them tell their stories effectively. I specialize in making complex ideas simple and engaging through my writing. My passion doesn't stop at work; I love exploring ancient texts and sharing insights from them. Writing is more than a job for me—it's how I connect with and inspire others.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should you fast for 24 hours?

For most people, once a week or every other week is a good starting point. Listen to your body and adjust as needed. Some people find that they can comfortably fast more frequently, while others prefer to do it less often.

24-hour fasting every day: Is it safe?

While some people practise daily 24-hour fasts, it's not recommended for most individuals. It can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health issues if not done carefully. Daily fasting can also be socially isolating and difficult to maintain in the long term.

Who should avoid 24-hour fasting?

If you're pregnant, breastfeeding, underweight, have a history of eating disorders or have certain medical conditions like diabetes, fasting might not be appropriate for you. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new diet regimen.

Can't find an answer? Reach out to our team directly at care@fitpass.co.in or dial 1800-5714-466.
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