A Comprehensive Shoulder Workout Guide

A Comprehensive Shoulder Workout Guide

FITPASS Editorial Team26 September, 2023Updated on : 14 Dec 2023

A complete body workout should involve sequential exercises that focus on the various parts of the body. Building and strengthening the back, shoulders, chest, abs, arms and legs will result in a proportionate and well-defined physique. Sometimes, in a bid to get attractive abs or a bulked-up chest, we tend to neglect the shoulder muscles, which also require their own specific workout. Strong and well-defined shoulders not only look great but also improve overall upper body strength and functionality.

In this comprehensive guide, let us delve into shoulder workouts, their importance, and the exercises you can practise to develop your shoulder muscles. 

The Importance of Shoulder Workouts

Importance of Shoulder Workout

The shoulder consists of three muscles, the front or anterior deltoids, the side or lateral deltoids, and the back or posterior deltoids. All three muscles play a crucial role in moving your forwards, backwards and from side to side. Here are the benefits of having strong shoulder muscles. 

  1. Improved Posture: Strong shoulders help maintain proper posture by supporting the upper body's weight and alignment.
  2. Better Upper Body Strength: Well-developed shoulders contribute to greater overall upper body strength, allowing you to perform various exercises and activities with ease.
  3. Injury Prevention: A strong shoulder can help prevent common shoulder injuries and discomfort, such as rotator cuff issues.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Sculpted shoulders can greatly enhance your physique, providing a balanced and toned upper body.

The Guide To Shoulder Workouts

Now that we know why developing the shoulders is important, here’s a guide to get you started with shoulder workouts.

Warm-Up Routine

Never start your shoulder workouts directly. Always warm up to prevent injuries and prepare your muscles for the workout. Spend 5-10 minutes doing light cardio or aerobics like jogging, jumping jacks, or cycling, followed by shoulder stretches. Arm circles, shoulder rolls, and arm swings are great options to loosen up your shoulder joints.

Once you’re nicely warmed up, you can begin with the following exercises:

Overhead Shoulder Press

Overhead Shoulder Press

•    Sit or stand with a straight back and feet shoulder-width apart.
•    Grip a barbell or two dumbbells at shoulder height.
•    Lift the weight over your head until arms are fully straight.
•    Lower the weight back to shoulder height.
•    Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Lateral Raises

Lateral Raise

•    Stand with a straight back and dumbbells by your sides.
•    Raise your arms laterally until they are parallel to the ground.
•    Gently lower the dumbbells back to your sides
•    Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Front Raises

•    Stand with a straight back and dumbbells in front of your thighs.
•    Raise your arms in front of you until they are shoulder height.
•    Lower the weights back to your thighs.
•    Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Bent-Over Lateral Raises

•    Bend at the waist with a slight knee bend, keeping your back straight.
•    Hold dumbbells in front of you with your arms extended.
•    Raise your arms laterally until they are parallel to the ground.
•    Lower the weights back.
•    Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Upright Rows

•    Hold a barbell or dumbbells with an overhand grip in front of your thighs.
•    Pull the weight up towards your chin, keeping it close to your body.
•    Lower the weight back to your thighs.
•    Perform 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

Face Pulls

•    Attach a rope handle to a cable machine at head height.
•    Hold the handles with an overhand grip.
•    Pull the rope with both hands up to your face.
•    Slowly return to the starting position.
•    Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

The above exercises are some of the best shoulder workouts that engage all three deltoid muscles and ensure that you develop a strong and well-built shoulder.

If you feel that your workout routine is lacking in shoulder workouts, then get the FITPASS app today. You can not only find excellent gym workouts near you, but with a FITCOACH membership, you can also get highly personalised exercise routines from our AI fitness coach that include targeted exercises for shoulders, back, arms, legs, abs and chest. 

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