AI-Powered Fitness For Workaholic Fitsters: Get Customizable Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

AI-Powered Fitness For Workaholic Fitsters: Get Customizable Workouts Anytime, Anywhere

FITPASS Editorial Team08 September, 2023Updated on : 17 Oct 2023

Keeping your workout routine attuned to your fitness goals is the key to achieving those goals sooner. Fitness today has become much more personalized and flexible owing to the interests, preferences, and different lifestyles of individuals.

A one-size-fits-all style of fitness is no longer relevant, because a workout that’s suitable for one person, may not be equally effective for another. When you sign up for a gym trainer, you may be getting an experienced fitness coach, but it’s likely that your one-on-one time with them may be limited to a few minutes. Most of the time trainers have to handle large groups, making personalized fitness a bit of a challenge.

And what if you prefer working out at home? With no trainer to guide you and structure your workout routine, achieving fitness can be difficult.

What New-Age Fitness Enthusiasts Need

For fitness enthusiasts who want to achieve their goals at any cost, whether it is their busy lifestyle, frequent traveling or responsibilities at home, there needs to be an option to get customizable workout routines whenever and wherever they want.

Such individuals, whom we call Fitsters, want their fitness and their lifestyle to be deeply integrated and seamless. Fitsters do not want their lifestyle barriers to come in the way of achieving their fitness goals.

A Home Workout  Fitster, for example, can be someone who does not venture out often due to homemaking responsibilities or just as a personal preference. Such a Fitster would want ways to achieve disciplined and organized fitness plans right at home. The same may be true for a Frequent Flyer Fitster, who travels so much they probably want to work out in their hotel room. A Workaholic Fitster may be so busy that they too want to work out whenever they get some free time, which can be at the office or at home.

How can Fitsters get trainer-like guidance with the flexibility to customize their own workout plans? There is a solution.

Bring Flexibility to Your Fitness Routine

With the cutting-edge FITPASS app, you have a fully-rounded fitness companion in your pocket. FITPASS is tailor-made for Fitsters who want to remain fit on their own terms, letting go of traditional notions of fitness that require lifestyle compromises. Fitsters are determined to achieve fitness no matter what.

Within the FITPASS app, the feature that a Home Workout Fitster or a Workaholic Fitster may find most useful is FITCOACH. With FITCOACH, Fitsters now have the opportunity to get personalized workout guidance anywhere they want. How does it work? Let’s talk about the revolutionary FITCOACH and find out more.



FITCOACH is an AI-enabled fitness coach named ARIA who is accessible within the FITPASS app. So wherever you go, ARIA will be with you. FITCOACH uses machine learning to devise personalized workout plans based on your body type, preferences, and fitness goals.

Once you enter your details into the AI-initiated form, you can let ARIA do the work for you and come up with the best workout plans suitable for your requirements. These plans are also customizable, making them ideal for Fitsters. In case you don’t agree with the routine devised by ARIA, you can simply ask her to offer alternative circuits. If those do not work for you either, you can curate a workout routine yourself. That’s the level of customization FITCOACH is capable of.

Not only that, FITCOACH is AI-enabled, which means it can effectively track your progress and improvise your workout plan as you go along on your fitness journey.


Here’s a look at the revolutionary features of FITCOACH

Personalized Workout Plans

If you’re a Home Workout Fitster, you want workouts that can be done at home with a specific goal in mind. FITCOACH lets you choose from among challenges like Shortcut to Shred, The Flat Tyres, Power Abs, All Must Go, etc. Once you achieve one goal, you can change your routine to suit another goal. Your routine will also be improvised as your fitness needs keep changing.

Workout From Anywhere    

For Workaholic Fitsters and Frequent Flyer Fitsters, continuing their fitness routine when they’re away from home can be a challenge. FITCOACH allows these Fitsters to carry out their workout plans irrespective of their location. They can be assured that customized workout plans will be available to them in their office, homes, and cities they travel to.

Smart HD Instruction Videos

To make working out at home even easier, FITCOACH gives you access to smart high-definition videos that focus on the correct form and technique of your exercises. With the help of these videos, Fitsters like you can ensure that you’re practicing your workouts safely.

Final Word

There is a need for highly flexible and customizable workout routines for Fitsters. With FITCOACH, you have the ability to carry your fitness with you wherever you go. Your lifestyle, changing interests, preferences for particular workouts, and fitness goals will be taken into account for the best fitness results. Download the FITPASS app today and sign up for FITCOACH to get your customized workout plans.

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