Achieve your fitness goals on your terms just like ‘My Workout My Way’ Fitster

Achieve your fitness goals on your terms just like ‘My Workout My Way’ Fitster

FITPASS Editorial Team02 November, 2023Updated on : 16 Nov 2023

Fitness is no longer a hobby or an activity that’s reserved for professional athletes or bodybuilders. For Fitsters, fitness is as much a part of their daily lives as going to work, spending time with family, eating and resting. With the rise in fitness culture and the motivation to be free from health issues, Fitsters have now integrated fitness and made it an essential part of their lives. It has become a basic requirement and it must be as easily available as food, shelter and water.

For the ‘My Workout My Way’ Fitster, fitness is a way of life and their workout routine is very high on the daily priority list. They will achieve their fitness goals on their own terms, come what may. Any opportunity to work on their fitness has to be lapped up and any day where they don't get to work on their fitness is a day wasted.

With FITPASS, working out in your own way has become readily accessible, convenient and easy. It empowers you to imbibe your fitness goals into your regular life and not allow it to be sidelined.

Work Out Anywhere with FITPASS

The biggest advantage of FITPASS is the ability to work out anywhere and at any time. With more than 7500+ gyms and fitness centres available at their fingertips, ‘My Workout My Way’ Fitsters can head over to the nearest gym wherever they are.

Imagine being out in a new city or locality and getting the sudden urge to work out because you’re yet to engage in your daily routine. There’s no need to wait to go back to your regular gym. You can simply use your FITPASS membership to look for the best gyms nearest to you, book a session and start working out to fix your urge at that very instant.

Work Out Using Any Means

With a FITPASS membership, Fitsters can engage in different types of workouts whenever they please using a single registration. They can practise weightlifting, cardio, Zumba, yoga, Pilates, callisthenics or whatever their nearest FITPASS-affiliated gym offers. This makes it so much easier for them to ensure no workout is skipped even when on a tight schedule. One of these days you may be way short on time. With even 15-20 minutes on hand, you can book your way to a quick, intense and highly effective HIIT workout with a FITPASS membership.

Get Customised Workout Routines

With FITPASS, you also get the opportunity to sign up for the FITCOACH membership. FITCOACH enables you to get customised workout routines from our AI-led fitness assistant called ARIA. ARIA can help you with your regular workout plans and make adjustments according to your needs and preferences.

For a ‘My Workout My Way’ Fitster, this is an excellent way to take control of their fitness and not go down a beaten-down path with a typical workout plan. They can try new workouts and keep their fitness routine evolving and dynamic.

Work Out At Home

The FITPASS app is not just limited to empowering gym workouts. FITPASS-TV enables you to get your fitness fix even at home. With high-quality HD videos showing accurate exercise forms, you can ensure your home workout is effective and safe. For whatever reason you can't make it to a nearby gym, you can now rest assured that your fitness won’t take a hit.

FITPASS is the best thing that can happen to you if you’re a 'My Workout My Way’ Fitster. By taking back control of your fitness, you can achieve your fitness goals on your own terms. Any obstacles that may come in the way of your fitness no longer exist. Whether you’re on a tight schedule, away from your regular gym, at home or at work, you can download the FITPASS app and ensure that you get your daily exercise, no matter what.

Go on a path of essential fitness with our ever-growing Fitster tribe. Find out more about joining the Fitster community.

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